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How does a backslider go back to God> Especially when it seems everytime they try , it seems impossible.  No holy spirit drawing them back... does that mean they arent chosen? When they ask for comfort but instead recieve such evil , does that mean Gid is saying go away? I am in my 50s and i know my questions seem like a dumb hick  but i need to know. Thank you in advance for any replies. I know to read and pray and to repent... I just cant ever believe I am saved. My children needs a praying mom. I need to trust in God... I just have so much fear of Gods rejection.

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This is a spiritual battle.  We need to fight in it with spiritual weapons.  There is a very real enemy who hates God, hates believers, and wants nothing more than to make believers believe they are not saved...  When satan accomplishes that, the person lives in defeat and discouragement rather than in Victory.  I don't believe a child of God can lose his/her salvation.  However, if the enemy gets ahold of a believer, and somehow the believer lets satan 'get into' his/her mind, then even though the person is saved, they will not live victoriously, and they will not 'live' saved because they don't 'feel' saved.


What makes you saved?  Repent and Believe.  You've done that right.  You have repented of your sins to God, and trusted in Jesus to cleanse you and restore you in right relationship with Him. 


That's all it takes. 


Living victoriously takes time.  You have God's Forgiveness from your sins, and Grace for when you fail. 


i want you to have an understanding of His will leave you coming back for more and drinking it in.


Sometimes it is harder for people when they have not known a loving earthly father...  Sometimes people have a hard time believing in a loving Heavenly Father when their earthly father hurt them deeply.  One of the first steps may be learning to separate those two relationships.  Ask God to show you and help you with it.  God's Love for you is Eternal and unending.. It has no limit.


Now the process begins to learn scripture, trust in what God says to be true and apply it to your life.

Beloved, we all need to learn how to resist the enemy, when we do that, he will flee. 


I would like to see your question change to 'How can I learn to resist the enemy?'.  I know that you will get great input for that also.. 

We're here to help you, support you and pray for you.

Love you Janie....

Bless you..  your sister in Christ, Carla


Janie -


I often in my walk beloved ask the Lord to let me feel his love, especially after I messed up somehow. After I messed up yet again. I go to him when the Spirit brings conviction for my sin and ask for forgiveness and ask him not to leave me without his palpable love.


You are not alone in your desire. All of us who have tasted his love also forget how it feels, due to an array of reasons. We all need him to be palpable in our lives. There are times I have gone to him begging for his love, to have him remind me that I never stop having it, but that I must change my ways, that I must surrender an area He has been asking of me to change for years.


By God's grace I am not in habitual sin, but I still fall short and my calling calls me to live a life above reproach and Janie I fail my Lord, my King, my savior at times and it makes me feel like dying, but I do not let those feelings command my life, yet one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus and I encourage you to do the same my friend.


Love and blessings to you beloved.


I agree that it's important that we feel that love.  It's not selfish.

The only time it can become a problem is if we don't work past the 'feelings' and move into the steadfastness of what is truth.  God's Word is truth.  I know you know that.

I just don't want you to believe that it is rotten for you to want to 'feel' love...  It's not.  It's human, and it's something we all need.

I believe that one reason why God gave us fellowship, and He admonishes us to stay in fellowship is because we all need to 'feel' loved.  Unfortunately many times that is abused and neglected in a variety of ways.

God uses people (the church)  (the body of Christ--all believers) to accomplish many things.  Encouragement and feeling loved are amongst those things.  Many times the Church needs to repent for fallling short in this area.


Bless you Beloved in Christ.


Janie, I know that for me, during the past two years, I have often felt numb and empty because of my depression -- it makes me feel as if my emotions have been switched off. So I often don't feel peace and joy. I have not felt God's love or even my family's love or the love of others. But I don't really feel much of anything. For me, distancing myself from my emotions has caused me to be depressed. It means I have chosen depression. Why would anyone choose depression? When it was explained to me recently by a caring Christian counselor what I was doing ... what I am doing ... I finally understood. My depression has been my coping mechanism. It is the way for me not to have to feel. You see, I had been sexually abused since I was a toddler. That's not all. Sexual abuse doesn't seem quite that bad when it is worded that way -- not bad like the word incest and the word rape. Two years ago, I sank into a deep depression. Two years ago. Long time. It was my way of coping. I don't want to feel dirty and used and ashamed and abused -- all the things you have mentioned. Who wants to feel those things? But when I chose to shut off some feelings, I had to shut off all feelings, even the good ones. I can't pick and choose feelings. They just happen. The best way for me to deal with them was to push them all down and bury them all and not feel anything. I needed my depression. I don't know if this is what is going on with you.  But it's what I meant before in my comment to you where I said it is you. I can only share my experience and realize your experience is unique, as we are all unique and different, but I stopped feeling God's love for me, too. I wanted to just die. It is not selfish to want to be loved or to want to feel loved. Even if I don't feel the love, I now know how to give it a different meaning. Not feeling the love does not mean God does not love me. So I have changed the way I think about how God sees me. Jesus died for me. I am forgiven by God. That is love for me from God.

Here is my poem. It reminds me of you, too.

I hung in there,

I, unwanted child,

Who built a kingdom of the mind

... an empty shell

to hide behind,

myself, a tomb, proving

that living is only wanting

to be loved

and to go on loving.

hi, here is a wonderful sermon on assurance of salvation and i pray it blesses you.

one of the greatest tools I have in my walk is a group of men I meet with for breakfast.  We have no formal study we talk about our lives. About everyday experiences. I find it amazingly strengthening to hear how God works in our lives. I find myself seeing places wheree God has moved in my life I wasn.t aware of.  In my case I find the formal study very good yet very often leaving me with more questions and yes questions about my belief faith relationship with The Father. Whereas our breakfast group allows me to see those everyday occurances The Father walked through with me.

          And yes prayer scripture and open heart very important.


May the Peace of our Lord be with you

I like the scriptures in Luke which says when he came to his senses .

A backslider must first realize he drifted from God and confess his sin has did the prodigal son  but when he chooses to return their is always a welcome in fathers house.

And there should always be a welcome from the body of believers also.

Luk 15:17

  "When he came to his senses, he said, 'How many of my father's hired men have food to spare, and here I am starving to death!

Luk 15:18

  I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you.

How does a Backslider come back to GOD? 

You have read some suggestions and some peoples ideas of backsliding. But Sir maybe if you will permit me to explain all this just mentioned by a lot of different people in their own unique way and bundle it up in this explanation. All this will remain aligned with GOD’s spiritual laws. You see brother what I think would help is an explanation of the spiritual laws that will or are at work in a backsliders life. These laws will confirm GOD’s justice, they will confirm GOD’s mercy, they will reveal GOD and his glory. These laws will gradually bear upon the backslider heavier and heavier the longer he/she remains backslidden. They will also manifest themselves clearer and clearer the longer the believer remains backslidden. 

So here we go. The spiritual laws of GOD are squarely based on what thus saith the LORD. Only the ones that pertain to a backslider so we can keep this simple. 

Number 1: GOD is not mocked, Whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap. 

Number 2: To every man is given a measure of faith

Number 3: He that is given much shall much be required 

Number 4: The spiritual law of Judas and Peter. The doctrine of rejection! 

Spiritual law number 1 at work in a backslider:

A backslider will begin to bury himself in his own ways. The longer he/she remains backslidden the more he/she falls deeper and deeper into sin on his way to the inevitable bottom. Sin is not static. It will grow. They will continue in their backslidden sin until they reach their bottom according to the measure of faith given to them. Its there when the backslider returns home just like the prodigal son. 

Spiritual law number 2 at work in a backslider:

Remember that every man has a measure of faith. That no one is ever tested beyond their threshold of faith. That everyman has a breaking point. That every man has a bottom and the only place where a backslider returns to GOD is when that man (that backslider) has reached their own unique depth of bottom but remember every backslider has a different depth of where their bottom is at. This is based on the fact that everyone has a measure of faith. This is easily seen when one person backslides and don't remain backslidden very long vs those who remain backslidden for years. This can also be seen when a backslider engages in sins of the flesh and those that engage in sins of the spirit. 

Spiritual law number 3 at work in a backslider:

You see the more faith that was given the more was required but when that saint of GOD did not return to GOD what was required he will go proportionately the inverse opposite way (The backslidden way). Simply put, the more that was given the more he would lose, the more he would fall, the deeper he would go. This is easily backed up by the parable of the talents.  

Have you ever heard of the truth that “no man shall fall further than where GOD can reach him.” This begs the question? Is there a point of no return? Yes and no. Lets begin with the yes. Yes there is a depth of sin where the backslider can fall where the backsliders faith alone cannot pull him out. 

But the bible says,” That where sin abounds grace abounds much more.” Praise GOD almighty! This is the grace and the mercy of GOD. When a backslider reaches and surpasses that point when his faith is no longer enough to get him home. GOD sends an intercessor to pray for the the backslider with a message saying, “LORD the one you love is sick.” Then GOD comes to rescue the backslider in a very painful way. 

Spiritual law number 4 at work in a backslider: 

Then GOD comes to rescue the backslider in a very painful way. Painful because this is the law that will corner every backslider to choose once and for all life or death. Just like Judas who chose death or Peter who chose life. These two did the same thing. They denied and rejected GOD. Judas knew of repentance, he knew of mercy, he knew of forgiveness, he knew that GOD would have accepted him back but he chose death because he rejected the free love GOD had for him because of his ego. Judas would not accept any thing free. Some times were so full of pride and arrogance we willfully and stubbornly want to earn our way so we can belike the devil and say it was me instead of GOD. 

So gradually the backslider will experience constant rejection from everyone in the world. I mean everyone. In the job, at school, then at home, your children until the backslider finds himself all by himself just him and GOD. And its right there where he chooses. He choses to return to GOD because GOD will be the only one who wants him. If that backslider still refuses to  return and rejects GOD then the only place left for them is hung by a tree. Rejected of the earth underneath him because of his own rejection of heaven above him. Thats the only place left for a backslider hung on a tree. Isn't that awesome. Even to the bitter end GOD still with his out hand stretched to that rebellious backslidden man.  

There are many points here I could argue about with you scripturally, but the biggest point I will make is that only the saved can backslide. The lost are lost and aren't backsliding. A backslider is a saved person who falls into sin and rebellion. While it is true that many think they are saved when they aren't saved, it is also still true that such a person isn't backsliding but is lost. As far as one who has more faith backsliding farther into sin based on their great amount of faith, I don't see that as a biblical truth and am having difficulty understanding where you're coming from. Just the opposite should be true, and the more faith one has, the closer to God one stays. IMO

Interesting thoughts by both you and Mr. Holquin . Lets look scripturally  The only place the word backslider appears in the King James is Proverbs 14;14 . The meaning in the original language is as follows




A primitive root; properly to flinch, that is, (by implication) to go back, literally (to retreat) or figuratively (to apostatize): - backslider, drive, go back, turn (away, back).

Both Proverbs and the meaning suggest the person had something to turn back from. Could that be their belief. Their belief in Christ. Thus their salvation. 


I truly believe we must take heed of the many warns including the warns to spirit filled believers. Warnings which imply the possibility of turning away turning back.

One very definite thing I have learned about The Grace of our heavenly Father is we must be careful how we label those around us. HE is the Creator of all thus in essence we are all backslidden. Thus the need of His Shepherding and guidance.

Dean, it's good hearing from you. Belief doesn't necessarily mean born again but being born again does mean one is truly saved. I understand that not everyone holds to the doctrine of eternal security but even for those who believe salvation can be lost, one can't backslide from a place where one has never been. You have to progress before you can regress, or slide back. 

None are born saved and then sin and become lost. We are all born in a lost condition and some become truly saved and then backslide. But the lost can't backslide from their lost condition. The lost can become deeper and deeper in their lostness and their darkness and probably even to the point of no return, as Judas did, but we know, scripturally, that Judas was not a backslider. We know he was never a believer. He was lost. 
In John 6:64-71 we read:

John 6:64-71
New International Version (NIV)
64 Yet there are some of you who do not believe.” For Jesus had known from the beginning which of them did not believe and who would betray him. 65 He went on to say, “This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father has enabled them.”

66 From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.

67 “You do not want to leave too, do you?” Jesus asked the Twelve.

68 Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. 69 We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.”

70 Then Jesus replied, “Have I not chosen you, the Twelve? Yet one of you is a devil!” 71 (He meant Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot, who, though one of the Twelve, was later to betray him.

It is plain to see that Judas did not believe in Christ as Lord and Savior, and also plain to see, scripturally, that Peter was a true believer who had openly confessed his belief in Christ. 

Simon Peter answered, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God." Matthew 16:16, NIV. Peter called Jesus Lord many times. 

Simon Peter answered him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." John 6:68, NIV

We never read anything like that from Judas. There is no parallel to be made Scripturally between Judas and Peter. Peter backslid and was restored; Judas was lost and remained lost. 

All who are truly saved and in a backslidden condition will be restored. 

"I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand" (John 10:28, NIV).


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