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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

How do you know that you are truly born again?  Are there any other verses besides John 3:16 that you believe that is helping you to know you are saved? Are there any folks here who had back slidden for years and then returned to feeling repentance and saved? Anyone here who once felt they were saved but then later they knew they were not?

I have heard of people who backed away from God and Christianity for years and then in their testimony say things like ... they sensed the Holy Spirit pulling/tugging at their heart , so they repented and came back to the Lord with even greater compassion and love and belief than before.

This evil world is scaring me and scaring even more because I know that not only me but many many folks aren't ready.  I want to have a desire to come to God because of the verse that talks about (He first loved us.), not because Im petrified.

I know you don't go by feelings..... so, if someone had backslid .....or perhaps wasn't saved in the first place .... can they possibly believe that they are saved without feeling a draw? John 3:16 says whosoever believes in me........  What exactly does 'believe IN Him mean? 

I know I have asked these questions before and I know I had gotten answers from a couple of yall..... but I forgot . Thank you for any reply

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Hi Group,

Jesus says in Luke 9:23," If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and pick up his cross daily, and follow me." (N.A.S.B.).

A simple verse......chock full of meaning. When Jesus talks of denying oneself, He's referring to the primary temptations the devil tempted Him with in Matthew, Chapter 4 - which consisted of Needs and Desires, Power and Possessions, and Pride.

Those are the headings that we all face in our daily lives. So Jesus is talking about curtailing these things as we gain the Kingdom of God. It's a matter of controlling, or turning our backs on these drives of the world. we do this, we are putting these old habits on a cross and crucifying them. Remember, crucifixion is a slow death........and it will take us a while to rid our lives of this old baggage........maybe the rest of one's life for some of these things.

It is my firm belief - The very first thing.......the whole foundation of being saved is REPENTANCE ........otherwise there is no change in the person's life.

There should be some noticeable changes soon in the new convert's life ( Romans 12:1-2).

And yes, we can expect the Lord to allow the rookie Christian to be tested early on. Many are called, but few are chosen.

Grace and Peace.

fThank you Richard...

Jesus says in Luke 9:23," If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and pick up his cross daily, and follow me." (N.A.S.B.).

The denying self is what I need to work on. How does one come after Him?  I am thinking reading bible and communicating with Him through prayer? Does people come after Him even if they aren't called?  I think I have asked the question about picking up your cross, but don't know exactly what it means.  I cant remember the answer I got.

It is my firm belief - The very first thing.......the whole foundation of being saved is REPENTANCE ........otherwise there is no change in the person's life.

I agree and understand there must be repentance. But what happens id you repent and repent and you still feel dirty? When doe's the washed clean as white as snow come in. I know you're not suppose to go by feeling but still why would one still feel dirty after repenting.  Shouldn't that feeling be when you are still unrepented ?

Thanks again yall for taking time so to try to help me.

"How does one come after Him?"

I have been working on a book on this topic for a while. Interestingly, in the Greek there are 5 ways to state "follow" or "come after", each way with various meanings. One way could mean "be a spectator". Jesus did not use that one. Another could mean "be my subservient, walking behind me". Jesus did not use that one either. 

The one Jesus uses in his call to His disciples is the one which indicates he is looking for someone to join him, such as a senior partner would ask a junior partner to join the company. You might say, Jesus is calling us to join his team and play for the same goal. The very coolest part is that this invitation is not based on our ability, but rather on His ability. 

I think it's crucial to understand: in Jesus' call to follow Him, He is not asking perfection. You would never make it. He is asking that we pursue a goal. That goal being that we have a life-giving relationship in which He makes us perfect. If He expected perfection, then Paul the Apostle failed. So did Peter and the rest. 

Do you think for a second that Paul was lost? Can you imagine it? Or, was Paul a fallen man who received the perfection of Christ by faith? If you doubt that Paul was incredibly imperfect, look at his discourse on the sin nature in Romans 7:14-15 ..."14 For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am carnal, sold under sin. 15 For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do."

Now, some would say Paul doesn't mean that he was "backslidden". I dare say Paul knew exactly what he meant and that he struggled daily to overcome his fleshly nature, and that in spite of that he knew how to press on. Well, what kind of struggles did Paul have? We see some of that, in Luke's book of the Acts of the Apostles, where Paul unleashes his fury over Mark's lack of ability to endure the rigors of Paul's ministry. He shamed and dismissed Mark, and went into a damaging dispute with his beloved friend Barnabas. The dispute was so hot that they never saw one another again. Yet, if you read Paul's letters after he learns that Barnabas has died, you see much regret and sorrow expressed. He pleads with people numerous times, not to let divisions and quarrels take place. Yet, all of these seem to come AFTER he learns of Barnabas' death.

No big deal though, right? Just a quarrel, right? Apparently not. Paul warns Titus that he should choose men for leadership who are "...not overbearing, not quick-tempered..." and he later warns about quarreling. Did Paul sin, in his dispute about Mark? It would seem that he thinks he made a mistake about how he treated Mark, because he specifically asked Timothy to bring Mark along to visit him in prison (2 Tim 4:11), at the end of his life. 

Many times we struggle to live out the Christian life because we have the wrong view of God. Do you see Him as a mean and hasty father, ready to mete out punishment? Do you want to run and hide from Him, as Adam did? Or, do you see God as the loving Savior who has given everything to bring you to Himself, even suffering the shameful death of the Cross? Is God wanting to punish you? Or, is He eager to save you from suffering damnation? Does He want you to live a joy filled life?

How you answer that will determine how you deal with everything, in your Christian walk. When you can see your Heavenly Father as a loving Abba (Daddy) who wants to save you from your own carnal desires which will cause you nothing but misery, rather than as a mean hasty father ready to paddle you; then you will eagerly run TO His arms rather than AWAY. 

The only solution for a sinful life is the Grace of God. That Grace of God is not merely pardon for past sins, but POWER for living a Godly life. You cannot find it, if you are running from it. I don't care how many sermons you hear on holiness, I can promise you that no one can live this life in our own strength. It is specifically for the purpose that you need Him, that God convicts us rather than condemns us.

Remember what Jesus said "...neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more." The first part of the statement must be received, for you to have the power to live out the second. Now, we all know that the woman caught in adultery left her life of sin. She repented. Did she live perfectly after that? Certainly not. But she had the power to turn to Jesus and begin walking with him because she knew He had no condemnation for her. He had pardoned her sin and left her with no shame. We don't even honestly know her name. Why? Because God is not counting her sins against her and He doesn't want us to either. 

Your entire (original) question speaks of severe doubt, based on your performance. Stop looking at that and start looking at Jesus. When you do, the things that once lured you will no longer hold any interest. You will see that Jesus has fulfilled all righteousness for you. That will compel you to live on His team, working for His goals, making your life His possession. You will see the chains that once held you fall off like dried up old rubber-bands. Will you be perfect? No. None of us are. But that's the point, isn't it? His grace will empower you to make His goals your top priority, when you no longer have to look at your own performance. 

The simple fact is, that if you are not born again, you can remedy that right now. Decide right now to confess that you will never live righteous enough for God's standard. Accept that Jesus suffering, death and resurrection are sufficient payment for your sins and that it is enough for your life - confess out loud that you accept this from God and that you will never once again try to impress God for a second with your performance.

Stop thinking and living based on your performance and start trusting God, based on what Jesus did. Take a moment to confess that, and trust that God will give you the Spirit to comfort you and empower you. Then accept that, like anyone learning a new way of doing anything, it will take time to practice the Christian life. 

When Jesus said "take up your cross and follow me"... do you think he considered that He himself would stumble while carrying His cross? Do you think He considered that in the end it required someone else to carry it for Him? Of course He did! That's the point! His walk to Calvary is a picture of the Christian life! You cannot carry that cross on your own! Jesus carries it for you, with you. 

I promise you, there are no saints who have carried their own cross in this life. NONE. Anyone who says they do, is not being honest with themself. Let Jesus carry that cross, so you can come after Him. He will give you the strength to live this Christian life. 


The call to come to Christ is an on-going invitation to the world to come to God through His only begotten Son, Jesus the Christ. Many are called, few are chosen, probably because most folks don't want to change the way they are living their lives.

My thoughts on "pick up your cross daily" would be the idea of crucifying the parts of  one's sinful, loving the sinful ways of the world in one's daily life.

Janie, be careful of your "feelings". Don't let your feelings dictate your life, because it sounds like one's feelings are controlled by the world........and who's that?.......the devil.

Yes, start reading the Bible....a little each day. How about the Book of John.....then Romans.......then James.....then Galatians.......etc.

Grace and Peace.


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