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The one question most asked to ministers, will probably have to do with knowing the will of God for a specific situation.

I know that a huge indication that I have not been in the word as I should have, is the fact that I start to wonder what God’s will for my life is. The servants of the Lord have access to His will, no doubt. We can know His will. God wants us to know His will.

Of course I am not saying that we never have questions about His will, even if we abide in the word in a daily basis.

We want to ask the Lord for confirmation and guidance in our decision making, so I am not saying that there will not be times where we seek Him to confirm His will.

If you asked me who you should marry or what job you should take, I cannot answer those questions and I am of the persuasion that as ministers of the Gospel we should answer any and all questions, but I can't answer that one.

We can read God’s mind througout His word and make those decisions according to the parameter He has set already. Read the word and He will guide you through the guidelines set.

If you really want to know the will of God for your life, again, read the Word.

The most important instructio/command about the will of God for our lives is found in the word. listen to what the scriptures says.

The scripture says:
What does that mean, well what Jesus said:
“If you seek first the kingdom of God and all His righteousness, everything else will be added to you.”
The Will of God
by R. C. Sproul

Doris Day sang a popular song entitled "Que Sera, Sera," "What will be, will be." At first glance this theme communicates a kind of fatalism that is depressing. Islamic theology frequently says of specific events, "It is the will of Allah."

The Bible is deeply concerned about the will of God---His sovereign authority over His creation and everything in it. When we speak about God's will we do so in at least three different ways. The broader concept is known as God's decretive, sovereign, or hidden will. By this, theologians refer to the will of God by which He sovereignly ordains everything that comes to pass. Because God is sovereign and His will can never be frustrated, we can be sure that nothing happens over which He is not in control. He at least must "permit" whatever happens to happen. Yet even when God passively permits things to happen, He chooses to permit them in that He always has the power and right to intervene and prevent the actions and events of this world. Insofar as He lets things happen, He has "willed" them in this certain sense.

Though God's sovereign will is often hidden from us until after it comes to pass, there is one aspect of His will that is plain to us---His preceptive will. Here God reveals His will through His holy law. For example, it is the will of God that we do not steal; that we love our enemies; that we repent; that we be holy. This aspect of God's will is revealed in His Word as well as in our conscience, by which God has written His moral law upon our heart.
His laws, whether they be found in the Scripture or in the heart, are binding. We have no authority to violate this will. We have the power or ability to thwart the preceptive will of God, though never the right to do so. Nor can we excuse ourselves for sinning by saying, "Que sera, sera." It may be God's sovereign or hidden will that we be "permitted" to sin, as he brings His sovereign will to pass even through and by means of the sinful acts of people. God ordained that Jesus be betrayed by the instrument of Judas's treachery. Yet this makes Judas's sin no less evil or treacherous. When God "permits" us to break His preceptive will, it is not to be understood as permission in the moral sense of His granting us a moral right. His permission gives us the power, but not the right to sin.

The third way the Bible speaks of the will of God is with respect to God's will of disposition. This will describes God's attitude. It defines what is pleasing to Him. For example, God takes no delight in the death of the wicked, yet He most surely wills or decrees the death of the wicked. God's ultimate delight is in His own holiness and righteousness. When He judges the world, He delights in the vindication of His own righteousness and justice, yet He is not gleeful in a vindictive sense toward those who receive His judgment. God is pleased when we find our pleasure in obedience. He is sorely displeased when we are disobedient.

Many Christians become preoccupied or even obsessed with finding the "will" of God for their lives. If the will we are seeking is His secret, hidden, or decretive will, then our quest is a fool's errand. The secret counsel of God is His secret. He has not been pleased to make it known to us. Far from being a mark of spirituality,the quest for God's secret will is an unwarranted invasion of God's privacy. God's secret counsel is none of our business. This is partly why the Bible takes such a negative view of fortune-telling, necromancy, and other forms of prohibited practices.

We would be wise to follow the counsel of John Calvin when he said, "When God closes His holy mouth, I will desist from inquiry." The true mark of spirituality is seen in those seeking to know the will of God that is revealed in His preceptive will. It is the godly person who meditates on God's law day and night. While we seek to be "led" by the Holy Spirit, it is vital to remember that the Holy Spirit is primarily leading us into righteousness. We are called to live our lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. It is His revealed will that is our business, indeed, the chief business of our lives.
I think that God's Will is for each of us to come to the knowledge of the truth and be saved, to grow continually in the knowledge of Him, and help others to obtain what we ourselves have obtained.

That being said, everyday that we make decisions as Christians, based on the Father's Will for us. Sometimes we consider His will in decision making, and sometimes we do not. Sometimes there are illnesses involved. Our trip through our illness is, most times, a trip we can learn from, IF we try to learn from it. I think of it as a tapestry that God is stitching, with many stiches overlapping another, just as our lives overlap. We, each of us, are the threads of that tapestry. God is placing each stitch where it needs to go. Only His fingers can place the stitch in the proper place. The hardships may be required to fit a thread just so. God knows what the picture will look like on completion. We do not. There are trials that each of us go through, and we will fair better if we can see that our hardship is required that another stitch can be placed. Faith in God, that He knows what he is doing, helps us to go through these trials. Trusting in Him, that we are placed in the proper position, makes the placement easier.

If we are in rebellion of the placement, the stitching becomes more difficult but NOT IMPOSSIBLE to place. The stress isn't with the person sewing the stitch, but rather on the stitch itself.

I have a son who is a Christian, but it wasn't always so. He has had a difficult time in his life, but he chose that way. He has other options, but he chose the option he is on. God reached him anyway. Life isn't easy for him, but he's stubborn. I often speak to him about his ability to go into another line of work that he is well trained for and yet he refuses. We still support him in his decision, just as the Father will also suppport him. Maybe the Father wants him there for the people who are receiving strength and blessings from him. I continue to support him because I don't know if I'm trying to urge my will or God's will on him by asking him to change professions. I can't help but think, by the growth in the Lord he displays, that he is where the Lord wants him.

That is an example of sorting out God's will vs our own will. So my prayer for my son and that the rest of my children is that the will of God be done in their lives in Jesus' Name...
Hi Trebia,

God's Will is that we will bring Him Glory in all that we that other's will know Him and be saved!

My son said to me 'Why does God get all the Glory'? :) (he's 10)

My son's innocent niave comment gives us a clear picture of the human heart... selfish, wanting the glory for ourselves and naturally (in the flesh) in rebellion against God. (my son doesn't understand! he loves Jesus...and he has given his heart to Jesus, but now he is learning and growing as we all must do!...he's maturing in his faith as we all are---a lifelong journey).

God's Will is that we will continue to trust in Him regardless of the trials and tribulations we are going through. God is Sovereign.
God's Will is that we Love and serve others in Love-in the midst of our own sufferings (with God's strength and power)...
God's Will is that we never judge, knowing that God is the only judge.
God's Will is that we always think of others as better than ourselves.
God's Will is that we will live a life of service according to the circumstances we are in.
God's Will is that we die to ourselves and live for Christ and His purposes.

God's Will can be summed up as this:
1Pe 1:14 As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lusts {which were yours} in your ignorance,
1Pe 1:15 but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all {your} behavior;
1Pe 1:16 because it is written, "YOU SHALL BE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY."

God is Sovereign.. He is in control! When we know this and walk by the Spirit....serving, loving others and living a life of compassion, I believe we are in God's Will.

Rom 12:1 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, {which is} your spiritual service of worship.
Rom 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.

Trebia, if you are referring to God's Will as in 'What job should you take'...or ..'Where should you live'... I believe that God leaves those things up to us.

It's all about Jesus...
Blessings, Carla

Now I really like that reply....Roman12:1. This is what God wants you, Trebia, to do, and also it shows you what true worship really is.

In fact I agree with all that Carla has written....
Colossians 1:27 comes to mind..
To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

....that's the hope of God's glory, by the way, not your own.....sorry
Below is an outline of a sermon I preached a few year's ago entitled "Understanding the Not So Mysterious Will of God."

• God’s will for man is not projected in the future, but exists in the present.

I. God’s will for man is present tense.
..A. We are linear beings that exist only in the present, the moment.
....1. You cannot go back and change one action or one thought that occurred in your past.
....2. You cannot will the outcome of a future event.
......a. You can only act in the present.
........i) You may say that you are preparing for the future therefore your will affected the future.
..........1) No, your training in the present directed by your will can be called on the future to affect the present moment at that time.
..B. God’s expectations for man do not exceed the present.
....1. He expects us to live for Him in the present moment. John 15:10
....2. God listens to those who live for Him in the present moment. John 9:31

II. Understanding the difference in God’s plan and God’s will.
..A. Future vs. Present:
....1. God’s plan projects into the future
....2. God’s will is active in the present.
..B. His plan conforms to His will.
....1. As the future becomes the present it bends to His will.
......a. Some examples of how the plan changed in the present.
........i) Moses and Israel – Numbers 14:10-20
........ii) Hezekiah – 2 Kings 20:4-6
..C. You can only affect your present, not your future or the past.

III. Marks of His will.
..A. It is recognizable in the present. Eph. 1:9
....1. So many people are looking for the will of God for their future.
......a. His will is for the moment. His plan is for the future.
......b. As you follow His will for your life daily the future will come to pass.
....2. The Bible says “Do not worry about tomorrow, for today has enough troubles of its own. Matthew 6:34
....3. Where will you be next year? James 4:13-15
......a. If it is the Lord’s will and it is for today.
........i) Today will affect tomorrow, but not until this day is done. If you do God’s will for today your tomorrow will align with Him as well.
......b. Take note:
........i) I lost a brother when he was 46.
..........1) He went from no apparent problem to passing away in less than 2 weeks.
............1. What was he planning that never came to pass?
........ii) Anita, my wife, lost her sister when her sister was 34.
..........1) She passed away in an auto accident.
............1. What was she planning that never came to pass?
..........2) Both were able to affect the present, but had no control over the future.
............1. Neither do you or me.
........iii) How about 1929 or Oct. 1988 (Black Monday)
..........1) How many people lost their life savings?
..........2) Enron Scandal?
........iv) How about if you lived in Russia at the time of the revolution or in Cuba when Castro took over.
..........1) What were they doing a year before great change came?
........v) How many people have lost everything due to theft or fire?
..B. His will is knowable through spiritual wisdom and knowledge. Col. 1:19
....1. Spiritual wisdom: Application of godly knowledge to daily situations.
....2. Spiritual understanding: Biblical knowledge that enables us to apply spiritual wisdom.
......a. Spiritual wisdom is handicapped when spiritual knowledge is limited.
..C. He will equip you to do His will in the present Heb. 13:21
....1. His gifts are given to each as needed according to His will for your life at that time. Heb. 2:4
......a. He gives you gifts to accomplish your task of living for Him.
......b. He gave you talents.
......c. Gifts vs. Talents
........i) Supernatural empowerment vs. built in ability.
......d. He will supply for all of your needs. Philippians 4:19
........i) Needs are present felt.
..........1) I have no needs in the future, only in the present.
..D. God will give whatever we ask for to align us with His will. 1 John 5:14
....1. God is not bending to our will, but bending us to His.
......a. It is easier to be aligned with God tomorrow when we finish this day aligned with Him.

IV. Conclusion:
..A. We must learn to live in the present.
....1. Not the past and not the future.
..B. We must learn to live for God simply day by day yielded to Him.
....1. You are not looking for lightning, but steady righteous living.
..C. We must seek to enhance our spiritual knowledge so that we may apply it to daily living, spiritual wisdom.
..D. This message does not discount the value of planning for the future.
....1. What it does is state that your plans must be willing to in a moments notice conform to the will of God in the present.
....2. Change is a part of life. We all experience it and are rarely ready for it.

Lord Bless,
Reply by mArYjAnE, mAcDoWeLL on February 18, 2010 at 12:39am

Perhaps the key words were "His disciples" ....meaning the eleven?
Hi Trebia,

I know something to be God's will for me because I get no conviction otherwise by the Holy Spirit and there is a peace in my soul about the situation.

I would not make my statement the hall mark for knowing God's will for my life, but it is good to have the peace that comes when we are in God's will. A peace that helps us to be content with much or little as Long as we Have God and we are in His will -is all good.

Blessings beloved sista! :)
Thanks everyone for your comments, they are very helpful, but now it brings out a question ive been hiding for years since 2004. Jesus spoke to me, He said tell people about me, i said how, he said by teaching the word, i said to teach the word i have to know the word ,and to know the word i have to study the word,Jesus said just lead people to me and ill do the rest. My question is how do i lead people to christ? And could someone define "teach the word". Also why is the King James version so important? what is the difference from the other bibles?
How do you lead people to Christ?
I don't believe anyone can....God is the One who draws people to Himself.

why is the King James version so important
It's not. It's no more accurate than any other version, and some of it is incomprehensible to us in the 21st century
You lead people to Christ by Preaching the Gospel sista. :) Share with them the need for us to repent because we have sin against a HOLY God, who we all will face one day. Tell them that if they Repent, believe in their hearts and confess with their mouths that Jesus is Lord, then they will be born again.

Now we know that God has to be the one to work in that person's heart, but we are called to share the gospel with the lost.
We can lead people to Christ thru the way we live. He said, If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me. We lift him up, thru our words, deeds and actions.It is imperative that we know his word, once we put it in, (into our minds) he can and will bring it to our attention, when it is needed, and he can and will speak it to us and thru us, but, we must know it.

It is possible to lead people to Christ, without having a solid knowledge of his word, by simply asking them if they have invited Christ into their hearts, saying to them, that he can and will help them in all situations, and in the end will save them, so that they can live with him.

That is a very simple version, and anyone without the knowledge of the bible, can share that, then the Holy Spirit has something to work with. He will cause them to rethink what you have said, because he also says that his word does not return to him void.

When I first came to him in June of 1985, he put an intense hunger in me to know him thru his word, as I read thru it, with his help, I found answers to questions that I did not know that I had. It has been a solid basis for me to stand on, and I do not have to doubt what I am hearing, I will automatically know if what is being said is truth, or not, because of my knowledge of the word.

Also, the King James version is viewed by millions of Christians the world over, as the most accurate version of the bible. I cut my teeth on it, so to speak, and I read other versions, but, it is still my favorite. One way that is helpful is to get a bible with 2-3 versions in it, along with the KJV, and compare them scripture by scripture. and you can also do this online, at Bible


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