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If someone says Jesus can't be God because Jesus prayed to God like


2 And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.


If I get told "See Jesus didn't pray to himself he prayed to his Heavenly Father". I know Jesus didn't pray to Himself but I'm not sure what to tell them.


And if someone says

17 Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.


If someone says Jesus can't be God because he has a God what do I say?

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You can't make anyone believe the Truth. All you can do is share it, pray for them, keep sharing it and leave the rest up to God. It doesn't matter what their definitions are and there's no need to repeat them here. They may continue believing the lies. It's in God's hands. People can choose darkness over light. 1 Corinthians 3:6. God gives the increase. We can only sow and water.

Sister, I know God has a fits together in some crazy way. I know that I could have died in many different ways in the past. From even before I was born until whenever the last time death tried another failed attempt to get me. But, for some reason God decided that it wasn't my time to die. I'm still here despite so much...


And, there's the Jehovah's Witnesses. Usually, I wouldn't have been out front. But, that day I was. It was like I was meant to meet them...Mormen missionaries have been here but they didn't stay long. They stopped coming. That was years ago.


I wonder if He will use me to help them see the truth some how...


Sister, I see you have great faith. God is going to use you in ways you can't even imagine. Your faith is much bigger than a musterd seed, He will take you far with that. :)


I want to tell of His salvation...I don't have very strong faith though. Could you please pray for their souls and for me?



Dear Little Sister                                                                                                                                                                                         Please do not say things like," for even caring enough to reach out to someone like me...I'm sorry if I sounded like I was in an emotional upheaval last night. Forgive me..." I rarely speak for others  yet, in this case I believe it to be OK.  " for even caring enough to reach out to someone like me"  NEVER allow the enemy this type of foothold in your life.  Jesus Died and was raised up for us all.  You have Value.  Amanda,   and I both have experienced feelings that have left scars. So I believe she would agree with me, in that you have Value.   You are worth reaching out to.  I was Blessed to see Amanda and Tammy knew the langue you spoke.  They were able to see and know how your words pointed to a certain belief.  

Just wanted you to know, you have Value, and you are Valuable.  Worth looking out for.

Lord Bless feetbreeze

I have to be honest...I have extreamly low self esteem. I don't know how to complelty look at myself in a positive way. There can be some instances where it happens but for the most part...


It delivers a shock to me when people say caring words such as I have value. I don't know how to respond, I'm mentally in shock. It's a real privledge to know people who actually care. There's so much that has caused a hardend heart and for me not to care for myself. Hopefully, God forgives them...


It'd be wonderful to not be so negative. It's just been so long since my heart wasn't hardened...I used not to be so negative. But, that was a long time ago. I remember...One thing hasn't caused this. It's a number of things escalated over the years. I couldn't take it much more so I basicly just closed myself off from society mentally. As a child (between my cats posioned, my hatefulness/bitterness and the bullies) Satan planted some very bad seeds. As a teen the results reaped into a bitter, hardened heart. Now as an adult I'm in a daze of confusion because...well, it's like a breath of fresh air. I'm out of school (bullies are over, praise Jesus) and people's being nice.


So much has happened. And, now people are being nice. Mentally I don't know how to respond. Thank all of you for caring. Thank you brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you for treating me like a human's better than getting stuff thrown in your hair and getting laughed at that's for sure!


People actually are suppose to....I know they're supposed to treat others nicely (although Jesus did mention about persecution for His children) but it comes as a shock if I'm treated nice...thank you. It's like a light shining through one of those old church glass windows. Hearing nice things from all of you, it's like light has shown on my life. I've known darkness for so long and it's a relief to see such light! Thank you.


By the way, what language are you talking about?


Lord bless you as well.

Honey, this discussion has gotten so many replies since the last time I posted that I have 2 pages to catch up on. I didn't see any comment you made about shoes but I can guarantee you that I won't get offended when I do. It takes quite a bit to offend me. Luv u

Tammy, I know this has got a lot of replies so I have to restart my thoughts on this discussion (it helps to restart my thinking).

Sister, I now realize something like the Trinity or Jesus being God....well such truth can only be revealed by the Holy Spirit. That's why I was so hostile in thought so many years back when I didn't believe it, I was carnal...

:sighs: It's just sad when to see such blind people. This whole situation is confusing.

I've heard that the people in such and such religion believe the Trinity is three gods. What can be said since they believe Jesus and the Father both can't be God...when I 1st met them as JW I heard the one person say it doesn't make sence since 1+1+1 doesn't equal up to 1. I think I heard a comment how those who believe it must not know how to count.

Yet, I know the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one God yet three persons. Read 1 John 5:7 That's the problem, they're comparing God to mathimatics (and the problem is their carnalness as well).

Look at water. It is H2O. Water can be seen as liquid, ice or steam. In each case when you examine it you have H2O, nothing more and nothing less. When we look at Jesus we see God. When we look at the Holy Spirit we see God. When we look at the Father we see God ... all one God, not three. You cannot convince the blind about spiritual turths, that is God's job. You can only lay the truth before them. They will not accept anything you have to say until God opens their eyes and they are willing to see it.


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