My dad,mom and Uncle Hubert are similar in this.
Dad and Hubert,if you tell them something is in the Bible they don't agree with they'll just say the Bible has been corrupted by man. And they'll refuse to listen to anything you say,they'll just argue. Thing is they're not atheists. They believe that God exists,they believe Jesus exists. And they both believe only 144,000 are going to Heaven. I'm confused though because how can they trust their misinterpretation of the Bible on the 144,000 if they think the Bible has been corrupted in the first place?
Mom has said the Bible is God's Word yet it's manmade. She said it's manmade because "God didn't come down and write it." She doesn't understand the Holy Spirit inspired them to write what we now have as the Bible.
A long time ago mom heard on t.v. about Jesus being God. She was upset. I told her "It's in the Bible". She said "The Bible's wrong than." I told her it's in the JW Bible [thankfully they didn't mess up Heb. chapter 1. Even though that Bible has been modified they somehow missed that chapter]. She said that's wrong,too.
So,even if I tell her it's in the JW Bible she won't believe me. I'm confused though because one time she said it's God's Word yet when it comes to something she doesn't believe in [the Deity of Christ]. Instead of atleast attempting to "prove" with the Bible that Jesus isn't God she just said that the Bible is wrong with nothing to back her up.
And if she hears someone say Jesus is God she's very likely to get very arguative.
How do you explain something to someone when she refuses to listen and will only argue and get upset? Also,she has no foundation. She doesn't even have the JW's as a foundation because she denied their Bible translation. No matter what "foundation" I use, whether it's a regular Bible or the JW Bible,she'll just say the Bible is wrong.
Also,how can I even attempt to say anything to mom? If I tell her "Jesus died for your sins" she'll think I'm telling her Michael the Archangel died for her sins. Whenever she hears someone talk about Jesus she thinks of Michael the Archangel.
I know I've asked about some of these problems before but I don't think I've asked about all of them. I have to group them together so I don't get confused.
You have to prepare your mind to deal with their doubts, one at a time, and just be prepared for when the Spirit leads.
You said "...they'll just say the Bible has been corrupted by man..." to which you can simply reply "When?" Because Bible scholars are adamant that there is abundant evidence to show otherwise. There are resources right here that can help you defend against that incorrect assertion.
But, I would warn you not to try to "prove" your position. It is up to them to prove their claim. If you challenge it, give evidence to the contrary, then let them think... they may actually decide to try to prove their claim. Which, they cannot.
There are abundant examples of people who have tried to prove that scripture is wrong; only to become Christians when they find out it is valid.
Your job is not to "prove", your job is to challenge, pray and live out the Gospel. You cannot change their mind, you can only challenge their unbelief.
I go through similar situations with my family since I became a Christian. Before I accepted Christ, they hardly say any negative words about Christianity, but since I accepted Christ as my personal saviour, they question me about me saying Jesus is God.
My family are unbelievers the question that they ask me is if Jesus is God that who are we praying too? I have been challenged not to say that they are praying to the enemy but I decided not to as it would tarnish my relationship with my family. These are struggles I endure daily. At times they even said...if Jesus is the son of God than who is Mary? Why shouldn't you pray to Mary since she gave birth to Jesus...?
Scribe's message is what I struggle to do daily...I avoid proving to them and just said it is written in the Bible and as Christians we accept every word in the Bible as God's word but yet I am informed by my unbelieving family that the bible was just written by men so how can it be God's word and his promise...the list of disagreements goes on and on and I am so sad that a mere descent conversation with them is becoming so strained these days.
It is a challenge to live with unbelievers and I pray daily for God to open their eyes and to accept the love he wants to give willingly.
Thank you Feet trees for the email and Scribe..thanks for your reminder.
God Bless
Shanthi, Here’s a little testimony I experienced when I started working for another excavator after selling out my business. When I first started working for him, the subject came up about Christianity, or religion, his whole family were Catholics, I still don’t know for sure what started it, but the subject of the bible came up, I think it was someone he did business with that claimed to be a Christian, and he said he had been cheated “expletives” by more so-called Christians than anyone else, so he wasn’t taking that claim as proof of being honest, or trustworthy. He knew I was a Christian and made some remark about it, so I told him, “we will call him John”, that if he doesn’t see in my actions and lifestyle, what is usually associated with being a Christian, then don’t believe what I say concerning it. If I can’t live it before the world, then how can I ever be a witness for Christ? To make a long story short, sometime after I quit working for him, he told my son, “who also worked for him at that time” to tell me that he and his wife got saved the other night. So, whether or not my living testimony before him had any influence, or was instrumental in him coming to know the Lord, only God knows. But rather than trying to prove anything to others by our words, I find it better to let them see it in the way I live my life, or my actions. 1Pet.2:12 says,” having your conversation honest among the gentiles; that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation.” So I believe it is only our responsibility “after witnessing to them about Christ”; is to live the life of a Christian before them, and let the Holy Spirit do the proving, as it says in that vs. “they will glorify God in the day of visitation.” Sometime after they may have forgotten all about you, there will come a time or a situation that will give the Holy Spirit the opportunity to bring back to their remembrance what you may have said or done, and their hearts will be convicted by the Spirit, and they will at least know that you were right in your testimony. But it must be the work of the Holy Spirit. Jo.6:44, “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him; and I will raise him up at the last day” There was also another business deal I had with a business man in KC. Whose family was part of the Mafia, he himself said he had been out on hits before; but it worked the same way. He said to me one time, after we had a falling out, or separation of business, that he wished he had in him the same thing he saw in me. He invited me over to his house to talk about it, I gave him a bible and told him about Jesus, but, “to my knowledge” he never did show that he had accepted Christ before he died. I always thought he may have.
There is a little song that says, “This little light of mine; I’m going to let it shine..” So just let your light so shine that they may see your good works, and glorify God. Amen?
Blessings to you,
Thank you brother for your testimony. I spoke to my husband yesterday about your testimony and told him how true it is to live the life of a Christian before our family and to let the Holy spirit do the proving. In that way we do not get upset or stressed, basically we just play a very subtle role to them instead of disagreeing their views.
Each day is a learning process to me. There are days, I forget I am a Christian by the way I react to situation...but I guess Jesus reminds me through all of you.
Take care.
We who are TRULY Born again by the INFINITE Power of the Holy Spirit are called LIGHT and SALT. We are NOT told TO BE light and salt. This truth from the mouth of Jesus Christ is extremely important to remember.
Eph. 2: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
10 For we are His WORKMANSHIP created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
Jesus Christ the very founder of our Christian Faith told His disciples the words in Mark ch. 6?
I simply follow the instructions Jesus gave when I witness.
When a person turns to the truths of the Holy Bible for living in Jesus Christ, as one Born Again by the Holy Spirit, Jesus said these words: Luke 21:16,17:
16 And ye shall be betrayed both by parents, and brethren, and kinsfolks, and friends; and some of you shall they cause to be put to death.
17 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake.
Jesus knew the repercussions of being truly Born Again. Therfore He preached those words.
When Muslims become born again by the Infinite Power of the Holy Spirit, they get killed by thier own family members. IO know personally of Pakistani Muslims who turned to Christ for salvation. They had to flee to other countries to save their lives. This reaction should be expected. After the true born again believers are RAPTURED one of these days, hell will break-out on those who will turn to Christ for salvation during the TRIBULATION period of seven years. This is the time period in which SIX-SIX-SIX will start its SATANIC operation.
Hi Feet,
One thing I've noticed about that you've matured in God's Word quite a bit since you first came on-site. Amen.
Also, I want to say that you've received some right-on godly advice from Scribe D, Shanthi, and Joe B here.
The only thing I might add to this discussion, is that we can witness to folks both in word and deed.
Sometimes our actions speak louder than words, ie: don't do negative things, like showing un-necessary anger.......complaining (murmuring).... or coveting.......
.......but show positive things, like love.....patience......peace......hope.
And you can bet, Feet, you're being watched.....more than you realize.
Let the Holy Spirit do His thing, and you do yours.
Don't be defensive.
Grace and Peace.
Thank you all for your advice.
I know this isn't the prayer thread...But could you guys please pray the Lord teaches me to "challenge" and not prove things? That's one area that would bring complications.
Shanthi,I'll pray for your family. :)
And Richard,I did ask a long time ago about how to witness and I think the Lord was wanting me to know that I should do it by showing them love. I got a confirmation from a post by Tammy a long time ago and some others. :)
I have to trust the Holy Spirit. I remember one time last Summer mom brought up the subject and said Jesus and Satan are brothers. I wanted to "flee" but the Holy Spirit calmed me real quick. I didn't argue I just asked where it was in the Bible. She said she doesn't know but it's in there.
One of the major issues though is...What do I do if they start talking to me and end up yelling/talking loud [I can't tell the difference]? You see I have a problem with my hearing. I've got very sensitive hearing and if someone yells/talks loud I can't think. I withdraw. This problem is so bad... I still remember when the next door neighbor in the big yellow dress yelled out us out her door when I was 2. I can't help but withdraw when that happens. That and I also can't hear the Holy Spirit and end up trying to do things on my own. This is a major problem...
Thank you Feet Bees. God Bless you and I will pray for you as well.
Feet, thanks for sharing this. You mention a couple of things that bear consideration. Anyone who has loved their family and has also come to a knowledge of the truth will be passionate. And that passion often comes out as frustration, which leads to anger and hostility. But, we have to remember this is not what God wants.
As it says: Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is peace. So, make sure that you are praying and walking in the spirit when you have these opportunities. I don't think anyone has ever been argued into the Kingdom. The demons love to get us arguing and angry.
Your life and your testimony are irrefutable evidence for God, if the Spirit of God dwells in you. So, walk in the spirit. When someone tries to argue with you, remember that the demons would love to get you angry. But God wants to bring his spirit to the middle and bring peace. When we become followers of Jesus, we become ambassadors for the Kingdom. Be a good ambassador.
You know, my wife and I have each had struggles to lead people to Jesus in our family. We were successful with some, and others just refuse to hear it. But, as it says the effective fervent prayers of the righteous accomplish much. This is a spiritual battle, fought with spiritual weapons. If you try fighting a spiritual battle with shouting, you might as well trying winning a modern battle with sticks and stones.
Be at peace. You have the Spirit with you and Jesus loves you. This is a powerful tool to overcome the works of the dark spiritual forces which blind the minds of the unbeliever.
But what do I do if it's the person who is talking to me that is shouting? I don't want to just seems like 99% of the time when any of my family members start up a discussion on beliefs yelling follows.
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