All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

To interpret scripture correctly one must:

·         Study the context of the passage and the theme of the book.

·         Look up the actual meaning of each word in the original languages. (Not really necessary, but extremely helpful for those with a desire to go beyond the surface. I would say look up key words in the verses.)

·         Note the verb tenses, the cases, and other grammatical determinants.

·         Learn the cultural setting of the passage.

·         Determine what the original readers understood it to mean.

·         Check out cross-references to see how the words are used in other contexts.

·         See how the first mention of the word or topic is presented in the Bible.

·         Confirm an interpretation with two or three similar passages.


I got the above list from: the article is well done and I highly recommend everyone reads it.


I will share a bit more to get your taste buds wet:


These are all proven study methods. However, it has always puzzled me how Bible scholars who claim to follow all of them arrive at totally opposite interpretations of the same passage. For example, in a seminary in the Northwest, two professors wrote on the topic of divorce and remarriage. Each one assured his readers that he was following sound rules of Biblical interpretation. Yet, each one arrived at a view that was opposite of the other. One day, I called up my former Greek professor at Wheaton Graduate School. He had written on the subject of hermeneutics, and I asked him if he could summarize the rules of hermeneutics in a concise list. His answer startled me. He said, “Bill, there is no such list.” I asked how we would know if we are breaking hermeneutical rules if there are no rules. He explained that there are certainly guidelines of interpretation. However, they cannot be confined to one set of rules.

So, what are the additional factors of correct Biblical hermeneutics?


1. Spiritual Perception Over Intellectual Understanding

2. God’s Revelation Over Human Reasoning

3. Genuine Love Rather Than Justification of Selfishness

4. Christ’s Commands Over Man’s Theology

5. One Interpretation and Many Applications

6. Correct Divisions of Truth Versus Truth Out of Balance


The writer goes on to give detail information about each of the above – enjoy! Proper hermeneutics requires diligent use of all the above factors under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The writer of the article concludes with the preceding statement and I say a big – Amen. 


Is Hermeneutics  necessary? or it is just a bunch of munbo jumbo by people who think they are intellectual and who complicate matters?

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I believe this must be servanthood..  To be a leader one must first be a servant.

...Applied to the marriage..  it looks like the husband and wife serving one another.. The husband doing his part, and the wife doing hers. i on track? :-)



Yes. There is an authorative structure, but Jesus demonstrated His leadership by serving the needs and welfare of the church, His bride. His love was demonstrated through sacrifice and care. He provides protection and even in the sending of the Holy Spirit provides empowerment, guidance and comfort. Even now He intercedes for us and is preaparing a place for us and is preparing to come back for us. Following Jesus is a joy for the born-agan and when the family structure is in alignment with God a wife is blessed to have a husband that treats her in the heavenly designed manner. She will be willing to follow the servant leader, because he always has her best interest at heart.


I would sidetrack this a little. The same is true of church leadership. They are to lead by the example of Christ.


Lord Bless,


Dear Robbin,


hahaha your comment cracked me up. Although there is nothing wrong with having plan B it is obvious through reading scripture and the history of the church who God wants as Leaders both at home and His church. God does not have plan B for He knows the end from the begining, He does not need plan B. However God has established His perfect will for us in the word, but He permits or allows certain things according to circumstances, which obviously He has already perceived.


Woman are not second class citizens, woman Rock in many levels and are just as intelligent as any man can be. Note that Jesus and the word gave women a status they did not enjoy previously and Jesus did not care who liked it or not He did what was right regardless of the pressure those around him to abide by traditions etc would apply on Him. Woman did not choose a woman as a disciple. Men are called to serve as Pastors and Elders scripturally, should there be lack of men willing, able etc I see God having no problem raising up woman who are equal to men is dignity, but not in responsibilities. Women have a huge and precious task to do, to raise the next generation. We (men) are not wired to do such work. 


The Lord said: Luke 19:40 (New International Version, ©2010)

   40 “I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.” 


Women who are created in God's image are certainly of an immense worth in comparison to creation and able to bring God praise primarily through the God given responsibilities God has appointed for her.  Now the text above has nothing to do with women in leadership roles, I understand that and I don't really like to take scripture out of context, but I think I can make my case indirectly with such a verse.


I believe many women are not called to those positions, but is their passion for the Lord mixed with much zeal and sometimes the natural desire women has to Lord over men that drives them to seek those positions. Some are called and some of them do a great job. But in a perfect church world, where men are responsible to do what God has called them to do, women would not have the need to lead at church and I really think women would have no problem with that.


I have studied both views in-depth and using scripture like the Galatians 3:28 is to take scripture out of context to back up something that has no scriptural grounds, kind of like what I did with Luke up above.hahaha Galatians 3 is talking about salvation, not church leadership. 


Blessings beloved

Dear Robbin - Hereeeeeee's Johny,


Or I should say here is Calvin doing it very well for us.


26. For ye are all the children of God. It would be unjust, and in the highest degree unreasonable, that the law should hold believers in perpetual slavery. This is proved by the additional argument, that they are the children of God. It would not be enough to say that we are no longer children, unless it were added that we are freemen; for in slaves age makes no alteration. The fact of their being the children of God proves their freedom. How? By faith in Christ Jesus; for


"as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name."
(John 1:12.)


Since, then, by faith we have obtained adoption, by faith likewise we have obtained our freedom.


28. There is neither Jew nor Greek. The meaning is, that there is no distinction of persons here, and therefore it is of no consequence to what nation or condition any one may belong: nor is circumcision any more regarded than sex or civil rank. And why? Because Christ makes them all one. Whatever may have been their former differences, Christ alone is able to unite them all. Ye are one: the distinction is now removed. The apostle's object is to shew that the grace of adoption, and the hope of salvation, do not depend on the law, but are contained in Christ alone, who therefore is all. Greek is here put, as usual, for Gentile, and one department for the whole class.


29. Then are ye Abraham's seed. This is not intended to convey the idea, that to be a child of Abraham is better than to be a member of Christ, -- but to repress the pride of the Jews, who gloried in their privilege, as if they alone were the people of God. They reckoned no distinction higher than to belong to the race of Abraham; and this very distinction he makes to be common to all who believe in Christ. The conclusion rests on this argument, that Christ is the blessed seed, in whom, as we have said, all the children of Abraham are united. He proves this by the universal offer of the inheritance to them all, from which it follows, that the promise includes them among the children. It deserves notice, that, wherever faith is mentioned, it is always his relation to the promise. End of Calvin's notes


The fact that we are children/sons of God does not negate in any way or form the fact that God has given different responsibilities to each gender.


In Proverbs 31, the woman was primarily concerned with domestic duties. She does help the poor, makes and sells garments, buys and plants a vineyard. She doesn't sit in the gate with her husband v.23. Unfortunately woman now these days, mainly to help the home to have a bunch of commodities, think that they can have a rewarding career, be a good wife, excellent mother, and have lots of satisfying me-time. Child care or grandparents etc are not suppose to raise our children even if that means we can’t have plasma TV’s on every room or the latest model vehicle or the biggest house we can have. I understand my sisters that there are circumstance that call for both parents to be employ just to eat and have a roof over their head, but whenever possible woman should attend to home duties, which is a very high calling and no woman should feel she can get a greater satisfaction from stuff or work or ministry. One of the biggest pains for Pastors is that they weren't able to balance their ministry responsibilities and their home responsibilities and hence the family structure suffered, if the children are out the house or they have no children then is perfectly fine, God is able to make adjustments to His perfect will when extreme need is raised. When the tribe that came to Christ after Killing Elizabeth Elliot's husband and she carry on the work he had been so eager to begin, she remained among the tribe though they had taken her husband's life within a couple of interactions with them. Missionaries would have probably opted out of going there until much later, but she felt God calling her to do the work of an evangelist/missionary, but her circumstances falls under extreme and rare cases.  Being a good wife and raising Godly children I believe and so does God who is perfect, is better than having a ‘ministry' or a career that fulfills her. Sure woman can have a career, they should, but when God blesses them with children, the priority then should be home and not Ministry or a career.  Our society/humanity has suffered greatly due to that biblical pattern not being followed.


Titus 3 Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. 4Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, 5to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.


1 Timothy 5:14 So I counsel younger widows to marry, to have children, to manage their homes and to give the enemy no opportunity for slander.


I know we all have differences. There are some areas that do lead us in different areas. However, I have noticed that virtually every Bible-believing Christian believe pretty much the same. Most of the Bible is simply written. It doesn't take a Bible scholar to read it and understand what it is saying. Of course, those who understand the history, customs and language of that time can bring His Word to life for us. I think part of our problem (at least mine) is focusing on our differences rather than on those doctrines that we are in complete agreement with. Is there anyone here that doesn't believe in salvation by grace alone? How about the virgin birth, do we all agree on that teaching? On and on we could go and find much more in common with our fellow believer than we could find difference.

I am one that tries to interpret His Word literally when it can be done so. For instance, Jesus said that man was there at the beginning of creation (Mark 10:6). I take that literally. Another person might be tempted to interpret Scripture based on what some consider to be common knowledge that creation was around billions of years before Adam and that man came at the end of creation rather than at the beginning. How shoud I consider that man? Is that a big enough issue for me to leave a fellowship over? That is a good question. In this instance I think hermeneutics can become important to me. Certainly when it comes to the doctrine of Who Jesus is it becomes very, very important. I would break fellowship with those who contended that Jesus was not God. There are some other areas that would be important enough for me to break fellowship. I don't think the issue of how old the earth was would be one of those issues for me. I am a strong young earth believer but I could worship with someone who saw things differently.

Have you noticed that the more we study His Word, the closer we come together on it? I think the essentials of the faith are pretty well described in many churches and denominations. Most of them are very similar to the point it seems that the same person is writing most of them or they are copying from each other. This is good. There is so much agreement on Scripture that our only conclusion must be that it is saying the same thing to all who will put their trust in it for their lives.



Amen Rick well said,


I will use one of my old favorite R n B songs here because it describes very closely how I feel about knowing the woman I marry in all areas of the human experience and to make a biblical point (I am currently in the process of getting to know someone to see if we are compatible to build  a Godly relationship (God willing) with a Godly woman, so I am not doing this as a cheap advertisement of my thoughts for a relationship for the single sisters here or with any ill intentions that might be conjured up by any. 

 Here is the song:


I Want To Know

It's amazing how you knock me off my feet, hmm
Every time you come around me I get weak, oh yeah (don’t like his choice of words [weak] here but…)
Nobody ever made me feel this way, oh
You kiss my lips and then you take my breath away
So I wanna know
I wanna know what turns you on
So I can be all that and more
I'd like to know what makes you cry
So I can be the one who always makes you smile

Baby I'm the kind of man who shows concern, yes I do, oh
Anyway that I can please you let me learn
So I wanna know
Tell me what I gotta do to please you
Baby anything you say I'll do
Cause I only wanna make you happy
From the bottom of my heart, it's true
I wish that I could take a journey through your mind, (love this line) alright
And find emotions that you always try to hide babe, oh
I do believe that there's a love you wanna share, oh, oh
I'll take good care of you lady, have no fear, oh
So I wanna know. [Chorus:]


When I am discipling men who are married, in the process of getting to know them, I ask them what their wife’s favorite food is, color, favorite flower etc and I specify that I do not want to know those basic and superficial things for anything improper, but to make a point. when I encounter those who don’t know and have been married at times for many years, that is really beyond me, but I try to help in that department.


My point is this, If I have a deep desire to get to KNOW every aspect of an imperfect human being who loves me to the best of her ability can you imagine how much more that would intensify when it comes to a perfect being who loves me perfectly. Wow! You got it – when I tasted the love of God which leaves us speechless I like Paul and many others set out to learn ALL I could about our King. He is amazing, incredible, perfect, lovely, the Lover of our soul etc…


New International Version (©1984)
What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish that I may gain Christ

John 17:3 Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.

Romans 8:39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Ephesians 4:13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

Philippians 3:10 I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death,


The Holy Spirit will lead us to all truth and makeS the simple wise, but to ignore the tools and the beauty of Hermeneutics for the task of KNOWING HIM, is neither wise nor recommended.

Family use all God has blessed us with to get to know the BEAUTIFUL ONE.


My wife's favorite color is yellow. She loves Italian (that is my least favorite but we did eat at an Italian restaurant this last week). She loves tulips and roses. Her favorite show is probably Law and Order. She loves romance movies even though I would rather go to an action movie. I really liked Inception which she did not care much for. She enjoys movies like Australia, etc.

Anway, I pray this works out for you. I think our hermeneutics kind of went south.


I am not talking to you Roy - so please don't address me until you give me a formal apology. How dare you hate the Lakers hahahaaha hahaha oh man, I am so silly. haha


Oh my friend I would not ask you such questions after seeing you and your wife together. You are a smooth operator my brother. You guys make such a great couple. Hope to meet you guys in the future.


Blessings my brother


I have a question; If a husband and wife disagree and having done everything possible to come to an agreement still disagree, what then? Example: The husband is a pastor and feels God's leading them to move to another location where he believes God has some ministry for him. The wife disagrees - this is their home, their roots. They have lived in this location for many years and it would be harmful to the children to uproot them from their school, church, family, etc. They seek God's direction and help together but still cannot come to an agreement. What do they do? Does the wife submit to the husband's sensing of the Holy Spirit's call or do they agree that it would be God's responsibility to convince both of them that they must move? What do they do?

Then, reverse the role. Let us assume that it is the wife who is pastor and feels God's call to move and it is the husband that believes that God wants them to stay in their present location. What do they do? Our doctrines must have practicality and must be able to work. What does God mean when He says to the wife to submit to her husband? Would that apply in these situations?

By the way, you are doing a good job.


Great answser. I pray God answers your prayer. I believe He will. However, that is close to the perfect man. Not too many get one like that.



Nice response!!! I too pray God will answer your prayer.


Lord Bless,


Great question Amanda,


When I found the article I did a very superficial review of his page and went to the tab that most Christian’s web pages have and read the statement of faith. I got a tug and gut feeling that I should research him more and I ignored it and twicked the article a bit. Due to lack of time I did not do the proper research on him and thank you for looking into it and bringing this up. I had never heard of him until that article, so I am not familiar with him. I don't have the time to do the research at this time and is not like me to place articles from unhealthy sites or to believe any allegations until I confirmed them about anyone who calls themselves Christian. I don't know anything about the gentlemen and again thank you for making us aware of a possible danger in his teachings, but I would have to confirm it. Right now I got too much on my plate and don't have the time to do such research and once again thank you. I will do the research later to check out the context in which those statements were made.


>>Exegete that for me.


hahahaha Love you girl. Is not funny how you got hurt by me not doing the proper research and ignoring the tug of the Holy Spirit in this one case. My sincere apologies for that Amanda and family. I love how we can learn and turn it all around for His glory, so let this be a lesson for me not to be lazy on research and not to ignore the leading of the Spirit as well as for the community. Our sister Carla recently suggested the very same thing I failed to do in this one instance, how timing is that. I do assure you that that is not the case with 99.9% of the sites I might use or vids I might place here. I myself have warned the family of such things in the past. Your statement above this paragraph, which I bolded, did cracked me up in a good way cause that is quite a way to make me aware of the apparent discrepancies on Bill Gothard's teachings.


I will look into it when I have a bit more time my sis. Thank you again. One more reason we need the body of Christ you all, we edify one another. Praise God.


I am glad you are among us.


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