All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

To interpret scripture correctly one must:

·         Study the context of the passage and the theme of the book.

·         Look up the actual meaning of each word in the original languages. (Not really necessary, but extremely helpful for those with a desire to go beyond the surface. I would say look up key words in the verses.)

·         Note the verb tenses, the cases, and other grammatical determinants.

·         Learn the cultural setting of the passage.

·         Determine what the original readers understood it to mean.

·         Check out cross-references to see how the words are used in other contexts.

·         See how the first mention of the word or topic is presented in the Bible.

·         Confirm an interpretation with two or three similar passages.


I got the above list from: the article is well done and I highly recommend everyone reads it.


I will share a bit more to get your taste buds wet:


These are all proven study methods. However, it has always puzzled me how Bible scholars who claim to follow all of them arrive at totally opposite interpretations of the same passage. For example, in a seminary in the Northwest, two professors wrote on the topic of divorce and remarriage. Each one assured his readers that he was following sound rules of Biblical interpretation. Yet, each one arrived at a view that was opposite of the other. One day, I called up my former Greek professor at Wheaton Graduate School. He had written on the subject of hermeneutics, and I asked him if he could summarize the rules of hermeneutics in a concise list. His answer startled me. He said, “Bill, there is no such list.” I asked how we would know if we are breaking hermeneutical rules if there are no rules. He explained that there are certainly guidelines of interpretation. However, they cannot be confined to one set of rules.

So, what are the additional factors of correct Biblical hermeneutics?


1. Spiritual Perception Over Intellectual Understanding

2. God’s Revelation Over Human Reasoning

3. Genuine Love Rather Than Justification of Selfishness

4. Christ’s Commands Over Man’s Theology

5. One Interpretation and Many Applications

6. Correct Divisions of Truth Versus Truth Out of Balance


The writer goes on to give detail information about each of the above – enjoy! Proper hermeneutics requires diligent use of all the above factors under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The writer of the article concludes with the preceding statement and I say a big – Amen. 


Is Hermeneutics  necessary? or it is just a bunch of munbo jumbo by people who think they are intellectual and who complicate matters?

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Bill Gothard is a well-respected theologian for many very conservative Christians. I have attended two of his seminars. While I don't agree with all of his teaching, I am convinced he is dedicated to Christ and strongly teaches a message of salvation by grace through faith. One of the main emphasis of his teaching is in the area of submission even though it is more invovled than that. He primarily teaches in converative independent Baptist churches. I am not an independent Baptist but I can tell you this: if I ever got into trouble and needed some help, they are the ones I would call on. They would die for one another. He has remained unmarried (the last I heard) and felt that God had a higher calling on his life. He did say that if the right person came around he would get married but I don't think that ever happened. This is the first I have heard his name in many years.

Bill Gothard is mostly known for his seminars that he conducted all across America in large auditoriums. Crowd attendance in most cases would be in the thousands. His strong conservative Bible-believing teaching was widely accepted by conservative Christians in the late 70's, 80's and early 90's. I don't think his crowds are as large now and I'm not even sure if he is still going. I am thinking he is probably in his 70's now. Anyway, you will find many, many Bible-believing Christians who strongly believe and adhere to his teachings. I remember him having a very soft-mannered disposition and speaking delivery but being extremely intelligent, interesting, funny, and informing.

I never attended his advanced seminar. I was surprised to read what Amanda wrote. I would have thought he would have strongly discouraged married women from working away from the home. I would be very surprised to hear him say that working mothers are blaspheming God. However, I guess I could imagine it since he is very, very conservative. He also opposes divorce for virtually any reason.

Because of his strong emphasis on the person of Christ and the power of God's grace, one could not consider his teaching as cultic. He opposes any type of rock music including Christian rock. This was an area where I knew we were in disagreement on. He believes in very strong disciplines living. I don't think I could personally measure up to his standards. Thankfully, his standards are not the measure for our salvation.




As I reconsider my thoughts about Bill, I would like to read the exact post he said about working mothers. Can you give that to us word for word? The part that would surprise me would be that they are blaspheming Scripture for working. I am not at all surprised that he would tell mothers to not work outside of the home. I would like to read what he says in context if that would be possible. I don't have the book. This is your quote:

"Reject the concept of a working mother. She blasphemes Scripture; she brings reproach to God; she fails the test of virtue; she endangers her marriage." 

I am not doubting you. I would like to read the context of that quote. Bill Gothard was and I guess still is very conservative. He would not be understood by many who have not grown up in a very conservative environment or became a part of that. The quote to you is very offensive. However, it is his view that working mothers can get into all kinds of problems. He is cautioning mothers away from that. I looked it up. Bill Gothard never did get married. I believe he was dedicating himself the best he possibly could to total surrender to God. It could be that he was too idealistic and could only see things from one point of view. I do believe he was trying to surrender to Scripture completely.

I tried to read the command 44 you game a link for. I signed up for the e-mail but I did not receive the link yet. I did receive an e-mail from them but no link to continue for a password. Anyway, I am not as conservative as Bill is in some ways. I know he strongly teaches against much of the music we all listen to here on AAG. I enjoy that music and believe God is inspiring much of it. I do think some of it is too commercialized but that is just my opinion.

Because he teaches salvation by grace through faith I accept him as a brother in Christ. I do not reject him simply because of his very conservative values. He strongly teaches mothers to stay home and homeschool their children. Who knows - maybe we would all be better off if we had more of that. I don't know that he is completely wrong just because I don't agree with his view. My views have been changed over the years. AAG changes some of my views. Are you making me a better Christian? I pray that is your goal and I pray that is mine as well. Maybe we should listen a little more to what this man has to say. Maybe I'm too liberal. I do love my sports on television. I'm a Jayhawk fan. Is your husband a sports fan? I doubt very seriously if Bill would recommend that. I've been questioning my loyalty to the Jayhawks. I'm also a KS City Chiefs fan but not as much. I'll try to get a picture of myself in my Jayhawk hat and post it. What do you think? Do you think we men are too much of a sports fan? I've signed up for Gothard's e-mails. I hope he doesn't tell me that I can't be a Jayhawk fan.

I guess I don't want us to be too critical of this man who has devoted his life to God. We don't have to agree with everything he says. I know David is very busy but I'm interested in getting his take on Bill Gothard. I would consider David to be pretty conservative with some liberal ways. His theology is very conservative. However, I know he is a Lakers fan (I strongly dislike the Lakers - I like the Spurs), but that makes me a little more comfortable around him. David is a very devoted person. He reminds me a little of Bill. I'll be interested to see what he has to say about him.

Anyway, thanks for the link from Gothard. I hope it starts to work but so far it hasn't.

Amanda, I beleive we all have to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. You are responsible to God and not to Bill Gothard. God will lead you. However, I wouldn't throw out everything Bill has to say. He has some good things to say to us.




That teaching makes a lot of sense. Do you disagree with it? I think it is a good illustration of eternal salvation for those who do not walk as they should. They are not lost but they will suffer dur to their disobedience. However, where Bill would not be able to comment would be to determine if a working mother was walking in disobedience. I guess I wouldn't see how he could determine that without knowing all the details.

I just can't imagine him saying that universally. What if the husband were disabled? I was not able to access his teaching on his website concerning working mothers. I am wondering if he is using this verse:

Titus 2:3-5

3 Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. 4 Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, 5 to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God. NIV

Perhaps he is using this verse to indicate that the Bible teaches the mothers to run the home and allow the husband to work outside the home. I'm not sure. I cannot remember his teaching on this area. It has been close to thirty years since I attended his seminar and I never did attend the advanced seminar. Verse 5 in the KJV reads:

Titus 2:5 To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. KJV

It could be that when he says working mothers are blaspheming the Word of God, he is using this verse as a reference. If this is his reference I may not totally agree with his interpretation but I certainly wouldn't throw out everything he had to say. It appears he is attempting to interpret Scripture literally. He is encouraging absolute complete obedience to God's Word. I hesitate to say a whole lot here since I have been guilty of supporting women pastors to the disdain of many on this site. I'm not sure if you were one that corrected me on that issue or not. That was on another forum. I continue to support women in the ministry but understand I might be incorrect on the issue. I would not agree with Gothard on this issue either but realize I might be wrong with my feeling that sometimes cultures do make a difference. I really don't want to get into that discussion again. I noticed it came up in this forum but I refrained from commenting on it.

Anyway, that would be my take on the devotion you have posted here from Gothard. I am sure he would disagree with me about the cultures making a difference and I will continue to seek the Lord for greater understanding. Thanks for not thinking I'm a nut.



The Wildcats have more basketball wins than any other program in America. However, the Jayhawks from Kansas are number 2 with North Carolina close behind. I am looking forward to the day when the Jayhawks will pass the Wildcats for most wins in the NCAA. I think they will do it in my lifetime but I can't be assured of that. I know they would have passed them if Calipari had not come to Kentucky. I will also be cheering for the Packers. I do not like the Steelers. I like the Spurs and really don't like the Heat now with their new realingment. I used to like them and cheered for them. I also like Boston. Baseball is too boring for me so I don't have a favorite there and we don't have hockey around here.

You can hang tobacco and I can slop pigs. That is what I grew up doing.

I really do think God wants us to enjoy life and I think sports as long as they don't dominate us are okay.

I will try to do better on my responses. My wife tells me exactly the same thing you told me. There must be some truth in it. I will have to work on that. I can't believe you told me that. I am not going to tell her you said that as she will just say, "See, I told you so."

See, and I responded to you last time thanking you that you didn't think I was a nut. haha


I am guessing that the jurors will push hard enough to be finished by the Super Bowl. What are you deliberating? I might have a tendency to feel a little sorry for the defendant if people are rushing to finish before the game. Poor guy!
No contest on that one - chili cheese dip all the way!


For the most part, Colossians sounds as if it written to a 21st century church in America with the exception of having slaves. Here, we have employers and employees who should take the advice given in this letter. I don't think it matters to which group Paul is writing to. He tells the Colossians to deliver this letter to the Laodiceans and in turn read the letter that had been sent to them. The message is applicable to all. That would be my take.

you're pretty cool Amanda..  :-)

Enduring is absolutely necessary. It speaks of your faith. There are many that say they have faith but it is not real faith. Jesus spoke of this in the parable of the sower. Some seed brought forth a great crop while other seed sprouted and died. You want to be the good seed and I believe you are. All of us must face trials, and all kinds of tribulations. The true ones will endure. That seed sown on rocky soil will die. This is called the trial of your faith. Is your faith real? Do you really believe in Him as Your Savior? Your faith will be put on trial and I believe it already has been. We shall come forth as gold. He will never let us go beyond that which we can endure. It is more than just a fad which will only last for a short time. This is a lifetime decision and commitment. You shall come forth as gold. Your faith will endure. But endure, it must. There is a condition. The condition is real faith - not just some fad or becoming a part of that which might be popular or politically correct at the time. Not everyone who calls Him Lord will be saved. I think you are probably getting the picture.

It is called rightfully dividing the Word of God. You know in your heart if your faith is real or you are just pretending. He is Lord. Is He your Lord? That is the kind of thing I am talking about. The fake must be set aside and burned.


Thanks for the info brother Roy. It is a beautiful thing to be among the saints of the Lord. Wonder how I missed him, since it sounds like he has been very active in the body.


I have been running in 100 directions these past two weeks, so bear with me you all. :)

When I open my computer and see that I have fifty or more e-mails to open and most of them are from AAG, my most favorite comment of all is:


Reply Deleted - have a nice day!



Hahaha ... ROFL ... hahaha.


You helped brighten my day :-)


Lord Bless,


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