hi clare
to begin when i went to Albania, God told me not to say that i was a christian, but to say i was a follower of Jesus, this was good , because the muslims said we follow Mohammed, and you follow Jesus, ok we can talk, if i had said i was a christian the battle would have been on, because they would think i was a catholic, from the crusades, there to cut there head off, next , you say you don't want an argument, lets take a closer look, the Muslim, will tell you what they believe, very emphatically many of them are quite willing to get right in your face and yell at you, you think what did i do to cause this argument and back down, wrong response, you need to get right back in his or her face with the truth, ( use the same intensity that he/she uses but don't back down), ( note, this is not for the purpose of winning an argument, that is, to say, i am right and you are wrong, but the purpose is to bring the person to the knowledge of jesus,) paul said put forth a defense for the gospel, now the muslin is prepared to die for his religion, are you willing to die for Jesus, the muslim needs to see you have something better than what he has, you are going to be arguing Jesus vs Mohammed, the God of the bible vs Allah, and the bible vs the koran, ask your friend who is Jesus? he will tell you he is a prophet, you say can a prophet lie? he will say no! he must say that because, Mohammed claims to be gods (Allahs) prophet, now the fun begins, say can we look at the bible and see who jesus claims to be, more than likely they will say yes, altho i have had them say to me no you tell me, i say well Jesus claimed he was God, example Jesus said before Abraham was born "I Am" do a study in the names of God this will help you tremendously, one point i should interject here, what you need to do is pray and ask the Holy Spirit what to say to the person, He may have you use some of the things i share with you or maybe not for i or you do not know hat that person needs, heres an example a muslim friend we'll call A, A and i spent many hours arguing in various coffee shops etc. these were loud and in each others face, something canadians might find difficult, in these establishments all eyes and ears were focused on us, for a period of about a year, one day, A came to me and said roy you got to help me, my life is so bad i don't even want to tell you how bad it is, he was to ashamed, (now we were friends i knew his sister, his mother, and his father, i had been in their home many times, shared meals etc.) i said to A, i cannot help you, your going to hell, you reject Jesus and except Mohammed, there's nothing i can do for you, i left him like that, the next time i seen him, aprox. 2 weeks, there to my surprise, he was coming out of the church i was attending, he had gotten radically saved, he said to me you remember all those arguments we had, i said o ya, he said, i am using them on all my friends, praise God the battle and the glorybelong only to God, we are just the vessels, it's usually a difficult thing for a muslim to come to Jesus, because being a muslim is a religion and a culture, in a muslim nation, if a muslim comes to Jesus that might be tolerated by the family, but when he gets baptized, the family is duty bound to kill them, another fellow i spoke with for about 2 years, we had become friends, a month before God was to bring us back from Albania, he said to me by the time school is out, (referring to the university he attended) he would be a christian, or i would be a muslim, you see he was told he was to murder me, why? because i was an infidel and if i wouldn't convert to islam i must die, i said to him well i aint going to become a muslim, by the end of my time in Albania the muslims called me a christian, they now knew the difference i did tell a catholic if you hold on to your religion and don't come into a relationship with Jesus where he takes away your sins, you end up in hell not heaven, i know this from personal experience, i was raised catholic did every thing i was supposed to being an alter boy, telling the priest my sins, but he could not remove the guilt of my sin, the guilt was taken away when i came to Jesus, because he never sinned, he's the only one, for all (men) have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God, i hope this is a help to you, feel free to ask me any particular questions perhaps i can answer them.
roy ruser
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