I read this article today:
Researchers from the Bay Area Environmental Research Institute and the Nasa Ames Research Center have discovered that comets had carried essential life ingredients like amino acids, water and energy when they crashed into earth billions of years ago. They believe that could have been the main reason behind the existence of life on planet earth.
Researchers discovered this when they conducted experiments using powerful laboratory “guns” and computer models which clearly showed the existence of amino acids and water in the comets. Researchers believe that the comets that crashed could have also carried such essential ingredients.
Billions of years ago swarms of comets and asteroids bombarded earth with the remnants still visible as craters on the moon. Scientific evidence suggests that life on earth began at the end of a period 3.8 billion years ago called the “late heavy bombardment” that involved both comets and asteroids. Before that, earth was too hot for living things to survive.
Researchers believe that comets could have been the ideal packages for delivering key ingredients for life like amino acids, water and energy on earth.
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Comets are chunks of frozen gases, water, ice, dust and rock that astronomers have termed “dirty snowballs.” These snowballs, however, may be 10 miles or more in diameter. Comets orbit the sun in a belt located far beyond the most distant planets in the solar system. Periodically, comets break loose and hurtle inward, where they may become visible in the sky.
“Our research shows that the building blocks of life could, indeed, have remained intact despite the tremendous shock wave and other violent conditions in a comet impact,” said Jennifer G Blank, Ph D, researcher at the Bay Area Environmental Research Institute, in a statement.
The research was presented at a meeting of the American Chemical Society recently.
Have you ever wondered how they come up with their conclusions on the age of things? Ice Age? Other Ages?
Hi Tammy,
I have wondered where these conclusions have come from. I believe that scripture teaches that they came from their own personal desire to 'supress the truth in unrighteousness' denying the One True God
(Romans 1:18-25 ---sounds like evolutionists).
The book of Romans (Romans 1:20) tells us that people have no excuse for not knowing God.
If anyone will respond to the revelation he/she has....even that which is given through Creation, God will provide some means for that person to hear the gospel and be saved.
I have no problem with their being an ice age. I believe that it was likely the result of the flood.
i have read that there is no possible way that amino acids could have delivered the key ingredients for life. Even if the amino acids did survive a magnificient crash---which is a long shot, because there is no evidence for that.
In their research, the amino acids could not successfully be separated in water to create proteins which would be necessary for life to begin.
Anyway.. I already regret responding to this discussion, because I really dislike talking about this sort of thing...it always leaves me frustrated.. So I'm signing off... :-)
Blessings, Carla
The Bible is not a science book, but it does talk about` scientific matters.
He spreads out the northern [skies] over empty space; he suspends the earth over nothing. (Job 26:7)
Another translation I heard is that He suspends the earth in space. The whole chapter Job 26 is awesome.
"It is He who sits above the circle of the earth... (Isaiah 40:22)
The 1st law of thermodynamics -- matter can be neither created nor destroyed, and that the amount of matter in the universe remains constant. If this is correct, which every scientific measurement ever made has confirmed, then the universe could not have created itself, it must have been created in the past, no further creating must be going on, and no loss of creation is occurring. According to Hebrews 1:3 God is..."upholding all things by the word of his power.
The 2nd law of thermodynamics says that all systems degenerate from order to disorder. Einstein thought this to be the premier law in science. The Bible is the only religious book to accurately describe this Law: "For the heavens will vanish away like smoke, the earth will grow old like a garment...(Isaiah 51:6)
also..."You, Lord, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of Your hands. They will perish, but You remain; and they will all grow old like a garment; (Heb. 1:10-11)
Love and God bless,
One site I always refer to when it comes to God's Creation is Answers In Genesis with Ken Hamm http://www.answersingenesis.org/
I also wanted to add that all of this is like Greek to me. Folk like me who are just average educated can be so fooled by their high-tech talk. However, I can always come back with the Word like some of the verses Mary posted. I'm thankful for people like Ken Ham who knows the high-tech jargon & can always come back at them with the same tests they themselves say they use.
I understand completely Tammy...and i agree.
There is a great series called 'The Creatures the Defy Evolution' by Dr Henry Morris.
I have a very simple view on this. God created a mature universe ready to support life with everything in place and at the right stage of maturity. Thus, the earth was a mature planet at creation, not an infant planet. Adam was created as a full grown man, not as an infant. Etc, etc, etc ...
Lord Bless,
I agree... and, simple is best! :-D
This is a very refreshing view LT. Thanks for sharing it.
Sometimes we try to make things way too difficult ...
Lord Bless,
There is a very interesting scripture that ( in my opinion anyhow ) addresses this issue quite well.
In 1 T im. 6 ; 20 - 21 the apostle Paul is givng his final admonitions to Timothy when he tells him ,
O Timothy ,keep that which is committed to thy trust , avoiding profane babblings , and oppositions of
SCIENCE FALSELY SO CALLED ,( capitals mine )
Which some professing have errer concerning the faith. Grace be unto thee. Amen.
It doesn't take a great intellect to see that the arguments for evolution are more philosophy than science. True
science ( that which can be proven by experimentation and observation ) speaks out clearly against evolution .
The law of enthropy ( the 2nd law of thermodynamics) and irreducible complexity are among the many things that " scientists " simply chose to ignore. As well as many other FACTS .
Many scientists concede that there is 'intelligent design' to things but stop way short of attributing this ' intelligent design' to God.
It is so well stated in Romans 1 : 18 - 22
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all unrighteousness of men, who old the truth in unrighteousness;
Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them.
For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
Because that when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God , neither were they thankful ; BUT BECAME VAIN IN THEIR IMAGINATIONS , AND THEIR FOOLISH HEART WAS DARKENED . ( CAPITALS MINE)
Even a cursory examination of their ( unsubstatiated ) 'facts' reveals that there 'facts' are based on more wishful thinking than emperical ( that which can be established by observation ) evidence. As several scientists 's have stated in their findings " evolution " is a philosophy rather than a scientific endeavour.
There are many other things that I will not go into at this time because , as Carla has so well stated , it only aggrevates to to hear people so forcefully expounding on thing that they are unable to substantiate.
I must also agree with LT that the ' simple ' explanation that the bible gives is also the most logical. My faith is not increaced by scientific research , but I feel that anyone who is questioning evolution is on very safe grounds.
I must apologize for my ramblings and will go back to my ' hibernation'. It's just that I get wound up and have to release sometimes.
Gog bless , my friend
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