The only false prophets I had ever seen or heard were either on TV or radio. But I got a taste of a real live face to face encounter on Sunday morning after the service.
Here is what happened:
In church on Sunday morning, I requested prayer for a situation (you will see this in a Praise Report to the LORD in my next blog), a man who had never been to our church before came up to me and told me he was a prophet of the Most High God and grabbed my hands to give me what he said was a message from the LORD. Immediately upon looking into his eyes, I recognized there was no love or compassion in what he was telling me. I also felt in my spirit this man was a false prophet sent by Satan. You see Satan had been attacking me all day Saturday and when I went to church Sunday, he came after me there. The closer we get to the LORD, the more Satan will come after us.
Michelle I am very sorry. The false desire attention due to Our Lord, they also are looking for a paycheck. Our attention must also be on The Lord. I Praise The Lord He has given you the Wisdom, to know when false is around you. Praise God, let all the Glory go to Our True Lord.
Yes. I had a man come to the church I pastor at the end of the service one Sunday and call me aside. He told me that God had sent him there to condemn me and the Word I preach, and if I did not change what I preach that I was destined to hell. I simply told Him that I know to Whom I belong and reject his word in the name of Jesus.
I have also received many emails during my tenure as TheNET Coordinator that, well, I just want repeat what I have been called and accused of, including proclamations about my future ....
Lord Bless,
It is really interesting the way God is misinterpreted as a punisher of wrongdoing instead of Forgiver,Giver,Provider Comforter, Advisor,all Good.
l am happy the way the devil really exposes himself,because any time someone talks of condemnation,l
start praying for their salvation because that message is definately not from GOD.My best way of
handling these situations is not to focus too much on the devil and his ways,but give my time to the Lord and bringing others to salvation.many blessings to the children of Christ today.
false prophets esp these prosperity preachers and esp joel osteen who entertains orpah in his church.. they make me sick
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