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i have a question. I have a son who is in college studying physics, science etc. He has now become Agnostic.... His question is 2 fold... He is good natured and does not lead a bad life. he basically follows the 10 caommandments in life. he feels he should not be punished if he is good. How can a person who has committed crimes his whole life and accept god in his life while in prison go to heaven and my son who has been good be banished to hell??

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Hello Jayne. First let me say that God is a God of Love. It is not his desire to send anyone to hell. That is why God sent his only son to us so that we might be reunited with God in eternal life. If a person accepts Jesus Christ as his savior, repents of his/her sins. Believes that through Jesus dying on the cross for our sins and ressurection into heaven we are forgiven of our sins. That Jesus is the messiah,the lord giver of life they will be forgiven. Here is a quote from All about God .com on this question.
"I am the way, the truth, and the life -- no one can come to the Father except through Me." This verse makes it clear that the Lord Jesus Christ is Himself the way to heaven. He doesn't merely show the way; He is the way. Salvation is given by a Person, the Person of Jesus Christ. Accepting Jesus as your savior gives you salvation. The Lord Jesus is not one of many ways -- He is the only way. The way to God isn't by the Ten Commandments, living a "good" life, religious activities, church membership, etc. -- it's through Christ and Christ alone."It is important to know that honest repentance is important for forgiveness. To say" I'll stop sinning is not realistic". To say "Father forgive me and guide me in your ways so that I may never repeat these horrible sins. May my life reflect your love for us always". Then go out and live a life guided by our Lord.
We have all been given the gift of free will. The ability to choose to love and follow God or not. has some very helpful information for any of your questions. I have come to rely on them as a resource for my study. We are all on a journey Jayne. If I can help in any way please just let me know. I pray my words have been helpful.
Thank you. I am having a battle with him and it is hard. He was raised as a Christian and since his studies in physics and science he is fact based. I find it hard to argue my point. However it has pushed me to get back to the bible, church etc. My other son is in a Christian group for hope and recovery and Jesus has saved him. He is so full of the spirit and happy. My other son says it is brainwashing, but I know better. I guess I will continue to pray for him. He is now reading books written by Athiests and he is breaking my heart.
Hi Jayne,

God Bless you! Your story touches my heart. I have 2 young boys (5 and 9). I just want to recommend some DVD's to you. They are fantastic and based on true science...not assumption. I have bought many videos from these guys and I love them...I show them to my kids now. They will be prepared when they enter they evolution studies (which are fully based on assumptions rather then fact).. Anyhow ...this is an example of what they teach.


A woodpecker opens and closes its eyes in between each rapid-fire peck! The little bird opens its eyes, focuses, aims its beak, closes its eyes and then hits the tree with its pointed beak. Not only does the woodpecker close its eyes to keep the wood chips out, but also for another very important reason. Scientists have measured the force of the impact of the bird’s head against the hardwood tree. The force is so powerful that if the bird did not close its eyes when it struck the tree, its eyeballs would pop out! Have you ever seen a blind woodpecker? They never forget to close their eyes.

The woodpecker’s rat-a-tat hunt for tree grubs should send it home each night with a mighty migraine. Instead, it is studied by surgeons who want to learn more about head trauma in humans. The woodpecker has not only an industrial-strength beak, but it also has a piece of cartilage between its head and beak that acts as a shock absorber from the continuous drumming. How did it know that it needed to develop that?

In addition to an extra long, spearheaded tongue with barbs that can reach into the tree to pluck out its meal, it also has a mini glue factory that makes the bug stick until it is in the woodpecker's throat. Then it produces another secretion to dissolve the glue upon swallowing! What a fascinating creation!

Dr. Jobe Martin, a former evolutionist who is now a committed Christian, asserts that the academic world knows the big and difficult questions the woodpecker asks of evolution, but conveniently ignores them. In the rarefied scientific circles, most lay people don't follow or understand, he says more and more people are admitting that, like an attractive jar with a hole in the bottom, Darwin's theory just doesn't hold water.


But if you’d like to know more about the woodpecker, check out the DVD Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution I and the BOOK The Evolution of a Creationist, log on to today!

©MMVIII Exploration Films. All Rights Reserved.

Here is another one...


A bird in Australia uses heat from the sun, fermentation, and volcanic action to prepare its eggs for hatching. If there are any creatures that could not possibly evolve, the incubator bird is just such a creature.

With nests 15 feet high and up to 50 feet across, these birds break every rule of bird-dom. The female lays 20 to 35 eggs at the rate of one egg every three days for up to seven months, a tremendous amount of work for a three to four pound hen. Upon completion of her laying task she leaves the nest, never to return.

At this point, the male begins his God-given task of managing the incubation of the deeply buried eggs. For the chicks to survive, the nest must maintain a precise temperature of exactly 91 degrees Fahrenheit. And it can’t vary even 2 degrees or the chicks will die. Some think the bird’s thermometer is in its beak, while others believe the tongue can distinguish 91 degrees within a few tenths of a percent above or below it.

How could a bird evolve the ability to precisely measure temperatures with its beak or tongue? Evolution has no credible answer. How would the incubator bird know it needed to keep its eggs at 91 degrees? The chicks would get too hot or too cold and die before he figured it out. And dead creatures do not evolve into higher forms.

Once the chicks dig out of the nest, they are on their own. They are not fed or cared for by either parent. When they are mature, the male will build a huge nest as an incubator for his mate’s eggs, and will build this huge, precise mound without any instruction from his parents. This is not a learned behavior! The Australian Incubator bird is a wonder of design.


Here is a video...

Young adults are labelled as unintelligent in University by their peers and profs if they do not agree to Evolution. This video may encourage him to ask questions...and to question things rather then just accept the teachings in the text books....which are pure assumption.
Hope this helps.
Blessings, Carla
Thank you so much. I will look into those dvd's. Your reply was very interesting. What a wonderful website it is. I fell better already.

You are so welcome Jayne.

True learning occurs only when we follow the evidence wherever it may lead... I pray that you will all be blessed with wisdom and discernment, and that he will learn to question the asumptions that are being taught to him.

The profs are rather blinded, and therefore at a disadvantage ...they are simply teaching what they have been taught, and they themselves have not been taught to question evolution, but rather to accept it in blind faith. As a contrast, belief in the God of Christianity is not based on blind faith, but rather a Loving relationship, with our Loving creator who desires to know us intimately and be involved in each part of our lives.
Romans 15:13 comes to my heart for you and your family.

God Bless you dear sister,
In Christ, Carla

His premise is backwards. Who is good? Jesus spoke regarding this in the following verses:

MT 19:16 Now a man came up to Jesus and asked, "Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?"

MT 19:17 "Why do you ask me about what is good?" Jesus replied. "There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, obey the commandments."

MT 19:18 "Which ones?" the man inquired.
Jesus replied, " `Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, 19 honor your father and mother,' and `love your neighbor as yourself.' "

MT 19:20 "All these I have kept," the young man said. "What do I still lack?"

MT 19:21 Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

MT 19:22 When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth.

MT 19:23 Then Jesus said to his disciples, "I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

MT 19:25 When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, "Who then can be saved?"

MT 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

None of us can stand on our own righteousness for God says the following in Isaiah:

ISA 64:5 You come to the help of those who gladly do right,
who remember your ways.
But when we continued to sin against them,
you were angry.
How then can we be saved?

ISA 64:6 All of us have become like one who is unclean,
and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags;
we all shrivel up like a leaf,
and like the wind our sins sweep us away.

ISA 64:7 No one calls on your name
or strives to lay hold of you;
for you have hidden your face from us
and made us waste away because of our sins.

The Bible tells us that we must not be just good, but perfect as stated in Matthew 5;48. The Bible also tells us that "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Rom. 3:23) We all come to the cross unworthy of salvation and there we find grace and mercy when we surrender our lives to Jesus and receive Him as Savior.

Being "good enough" is a lie of the enemy. None deserve heaven, but any who come to the cross regardless of their sins can find forgiveness. That is grace and mercy that is established in John 3:16.

As long as he thinks he is good enough he will struggle to embrace the forgiveness that is found in Christ that comes by the grace, mercy and love of God.

The key point of your illustration in your comment is that the person in prison accepts Jesus and is saved because of the work of Jesus on the cross. The other person does not see their need for Jesus and tries to stand on their own goodness and remain lost in their sins. The offer of salvation was open to both, but only one accepts the free gift.

May God open the eyes, ears and heart of your son to the truth that He may see his great need for Jesus.

Lord Bless,
Thank you. Even I understand it better. I will continue to pray for him. He is a wonderful son.

Praying with you today for him.

Lord Bless,
thank you Your reply was very good. I did not think you were rambling. We have put the discussions on the back burner for now ( Thank God) and we throw each other zingers here and there. I will continue to pray. The ironic thing is my other son had gotten addicted to pills and is in a Christian recovery home and has found the Lord. he is doing awesome. I see how the Lord works. I will continue to pray for both. God answers in his time. Thanks again
hi jane, when i was in college, i was called atheist, agnostic, non-believer. but i did not care. i was exploring things, life and non-life. i think this is the stage where your son is now. you know there are times when young men want to be different, to stand out from the crowd.

just keep praying for your son that he will be always in God's fold everytime. sooner or later, he will find that all things he's learning in physics and science are all amazing works and wonders of God. then he will believe. don't worry too much! you're lucky to have sons, i don't have. GBU.

I guess when you study these things you look at things differently. He was raised a Chrisitan. He told me most of his friends think this way from college. Kind of sad but I think as they go through their lives things may change.

Thanks for your response

wow thanks I will get the book. He is open to discussion I just have a hard time with his fact based answers.
I appreciate any help I can get...


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