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What comparisons can we make between a right relationship with God,

and a marriage between husband and wife?

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Let me share one -

We should tell our spouses that we LOVE THEM.....on a regular basis...right?

When's the last time you told God that you LOVE HIM???

Matthew 22:37-40,  Jesus answering what the greatest commandment is: " You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.(38) This is the first and great commandment. (39) And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. (40) On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets."


With these two directives in mind, we should show......and tell(!) God and our neighbors that we love them.

Isn't that what we show and tell(!) our spouses? Do they expect it??


Don't be like the old guy and his wife celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary...... She was telling him,"Honey Lamb, you've been a good husband all these years.......but you haven't told me that you love me since our wedding day 60 years ago......."

He replied, " I told you I loved you that day, and.....if anything changed, I'd let you know."

When's the last time you told God that you LOVE HIM???

I've often questioned "do I? Truly?"  I spoke with a friend a couple of nights ago and some things she pointed out shed light on it that I do.  I've told Him, but then questioned myself if I really did deep inside as love for me has been so skewed for so many years.  But through this friend and through my time with God both, I realize that I do.  And I told Him so this morning.


Very good, Ms. Taminator........Submission.

And that's a difficult thing for some people to do - both in their marriages, and coming to God through Christ Jesus.


What's included in the First Commandment?

Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. No idols, no substitute attention, no squandering money, no ditching, no ignoring........etc.

He said "For I am a jealous God............"

Has anybody seen or heard about their sweetie being jealous?? Submission is involved.


Thanks Tammy. Grace and Peace.



Open and honest communication.  No secrets or holding back.  I know it is impossible to do that with The Father, yet at times we may try.  To treat your wife with Respect, to tell her she looks beautiful, hold her hand, massage her feet, etc..  To treat The Father with Respect and Honor.  To thank Him for all He has done.  To spend time with Him, listen to what He has to say.  Seek the quite places and allow Him to Hold You in His Arms. I guess to lose self, for God and your wife.  When she comes first, when He comes first, how can you lose?

Truth be told I have been married twice.  First times for 15 yrs, now 16 yrs + 3.  I have few regrets, yet I know my heart.  I treat The Father with complete honesty, He knows anyway.  Still I believe He appreciates us not try to get away with anything.  

I guess if only in a few words, allow His Love to Guide both relationships, to Him and our spouse.   

You guys are so great!

How about one big,  joint , long-range, cyber space Christian Hug?


Amen Char. I always appreciate your open sharing. Just keep telling Him............

And Chris...........Bless your heart for your truth and honesty.


Alright, here's another similarity between God and marriage: cleaving.

Gen. 2:24, "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife, and they shall become one flesh."

No, Tammy, I don't know who Adam's parents were.

Then, to God: Josh. 23:8, "but you shall cleave to the Lord your God, as you have done to this day." (KJV).

Cleaving - what a neat word.


Grace and Peace.


I must agree completely "cleaving" is a wonderful word.  When I look up the word I see, 1. to adhere closely 2. to remain faithful.  When I read before looking the word up, I thought also of "grappling."  When looking up that definition I saw, 1. to hold make fast to something..  My thought was a grappling hook, when securely set, holds our weight and more as we climb.

When I think about marriage, I have been blessed to see the Wisdom in thinking about my wife before myself.  Which we know Christ Jesus gave us the Supreme Example.  As in obedience to The Father, He chose Him before Himself.  And, of course we know both were thinking about us, through Grace and Sacrifice we have and will have Forever our Most True and Lasting Relationship.   

Awww man!  And here I thought cleaving was done on my cutting board. 

I'm confused Rich about the statement u made here to me about Adam's parents. Adam's parent is the Father; no human people. 

How about dying for one another. Jesus has done his part for us so now we must do our part and die to the world and crucify the self and our flesh. 

The same with the husband that the bible commands we the husbands should die for our wives as christ died for the church. 

The circle of life within every marriage is simply put in "Love and Respect." Husbands love their wives and wives will naturally (Hopefully) respect their husbands. 

Hi Group,

Thank you for your discussion.

Chris, my Bro, excellent breakdown on the word and thought of cleaving.

I can always count on you to really get into the "meat of the matter".


Moses, excellent word about dying......that's the ultimate, isn't it? And, excellent first name, Bro.


Char, I'm still LOL.....yes, LOL.

Here's another comparison  of a right relationship with God and marriage =



Usually the husband provides for his wife (family). That could be modified for various reasons, of course.   Somebody provides.

Then, God provides for His children. ie: Leading the Israelites out of the bondage of Egypt, no one feeble, God provided miracle after miracle for 40 years. Even their sandals did not wear out.

He still provides for His saints today. Amen.


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