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I have a question, I was reminded of it when I was reading a reply to another discussion about tongues.  But that's not what my question is about.  My question is regarding vs. 9 of 1 Cor. 12.  

What is this Faith that is spoken about?

The reason I ask, is because isn't faith something that everyone needs to have?

For instance:

Hebrews 11:6 says - But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Hebrews 11:1 says - Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen

My question this a different type of faith, or a "special kind of faith?

In 1 Cor. 12:7-11 it says:

7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.

8 For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit;

9 To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;

10 To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:

11 But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.

Any help understanding this is greatly appreciated.

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Yes. It is in man's attempt to categorize and rationalize that he will tend to label sins. This attempt is often a way of attempting to lessen the offense and thus excuse the action ... at least to a degree, when in this context sin is sin. The ramifications may very, but we ought never forget the real problem is not the ramifications, but the fact that we sinned against a holy God.

I was not going to get into this, but can't help myself and will make another comment. You said:
"That's fine, but it isn't always a comforting thing when someone is telling you that you are fine in Christ Jesus' eyes and you know it not to be true." 
two points:

1) I really don't want to trust man to tell me I am fine with God ... I want Holy Spirit to confirm it and have His assurance.

2) Slight shift of view ... I am fine in the Father's eyes because of what Jesus Christ has done for me and in me and this assurance is given by the regenerating work done in us at new birth accompanied by the indwelling Holy Spirit.

Food for thought.

Lord Bless,


Very True, but isn't that what's happening in the world today....?  There are many trusted Preachers, Godly mentors, etc. saying this to many many in our world today.  There are those that trust in these people, I believe that this is what Jeremiah spoke....I think in chap. 23.  And then again in Ezekiel about those leading thousands into deception about their eternity.  

I totally and completely agree with #1 & #2, but I sure don't want to give someone a false assurance if they are living in sin.

I will not give a false hope. A person's life marked with sinful behavior must give them pause to question if they are saved. I believe many ... most think they are saved, but are not. It is tragic that many think they are saved because they said a prayer at VBS or at the church altar ... some one then patted them on the back and said now you are saved ... really? Did you see the transformation? Did the person experience the transformation? If someone ever tells me they question their salvation I tell them they need to search the Lord and their heart to be sure. I can present what the word says, but only they, through Holy Spirit, and God can be "sure" of their salvation.

Yes. It is in man's attempt to categorize and rationalize that he will tend to label sins. This attempt is often a way of attempting to lessen the offense and thus excuse the action ... at least to a degree, when in this context sin is sin. The ramifications may very, but we ought never forget the real problem is not the ramifications, but the fact that we sinned against a holy God.

There was no reply button, thus the copy and paste so that you knew what I was replying to. 

And all I wanted to say was AMEN.  

Thank You LT

Great question sis.

There are multiple ways the word faith is use in the word. Some ways that come to mind are the following:

 2 Cor 5:7 We walk by faith not sight... Faith in this sense is to stand/walk firmly in trust and assurance even though we do not physically see, we do see with our spiritual eyes. 

James  2:14-26 We show our faith by our works. Faith in this sense can be seen. 

By faith we are told  Abraham obeyed: Hebrews 11

Faith is also use to describe the whole of the biblical doctrines. Jude 3 contend earnestly for the faith. 1 Ti 6:10 wandered away from the faith...

There is also saving faith, for it is by GRACE through faith, it is God's grace, but we are given faith to believe and hence it is known as saving faith. 

But there is also a special faith which is given by God to some, to service the body. I believe that is what Paul is talking about in 1 Cor 12. We see that in the context. A special faith gift to believe in the impossible, for self, but mainly for others in the body and outside the body. 


Thank You David.  

So is this faith like something separate from regular faith...i.e. meaning it heals, whereas some peoples faith is not strengthened enough to heal?  I ask this, because many health and wealth Gospels will say that our faith isn't strong enough to heal, etc.  So I'm wondering are they right in some aspect?  And I'm sure you know, I'm not a health and wealth gospel follower.  :):):)  

I also saw a verse in Revelation 14:12 -  

Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

What is the faith of Jesus? 


So is this faith like something separate from regular faith...i.e. meaning it heals, whereas some peoples faith is not strengthened enough to heal?

It is difficult to say that "this faith, 1 Cor 12" is different for you need all the aforementioned for this faith to be active, though God can always make exceptions according to his good pleasure and purposes. We don't appreciate Him doing as he wills at times and want to box him up all the time, but being that He is sovereign, He does exactly what He wants to do. The reason why I say it is difficult to say that is different than regular faith, which I believe it is in some ways, not in the measure of our ability for it is a gift, it's because we generally need to be walking with a clear conscious before God for our gifts to be "active" per say. 

If we are waking in disobedience than our actions condemn us and we know we have no testimony of our love for him to act upon the gifts He has given us. Hence all the other "types" of faith are needed for this faith to function. However God can work through believers and unbelievers as He wills, whenever He wills to do so,  for all is his. The earth and it's fullness belongs to him. 

I don't know if what I wrote will make much sense to anyone else, but that's my biblical opinion of the subject. 

Not only those with the gift of Healing can pray to be heal themselves or for others and experience healing. All of God's children have access to God's goodness. God is pleased with our faith and calls us to grow in faith. 

The faith of Jesus, what is the faith of Jesus? That is a big topic dealing with the question whether Jesus had faith on needed faith. To some that is rediculous for Jesus is God, so on whom would God have faith or what need does the God man have to have faith? But the problem is that we believe that Jesus was fully human and the righteous scripture tells us live by faith. Jesus of course after all is JESUS, the one and only. 

I will leave it at that for now and meditate on God 's word to see if there is something more to share in reference to your questions.


Thank You LT & David.  I appreciate your patience, kindness, and helping me to understand.

I would say it's the mountain-moving kinda faith. 

Everyone is given a measure of faith.  Some increase their faith by remaining in the Word.  Others may need a greater dose of faith...Say those facing execution for their faith, or those to perform miracles of healing.  Not everyone needs this great faith as we may be called to do other things that do not require such.  And so we are given gifts more suited to our calling.

Thanks Tammy & Seek.  :)


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