All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Not to sound crazy but since I was little I have been able to feel/sense when someone was there that shouldn't be.  My whole family has.  When I walk in to a house I can sense if there is someone or something there and whether it is good or bad.  Recently my husband and I became caretakers at our church and are being followed around when we are there.  My husband feels it, I feel it and my son can feel it.  My husband always thought I was crazy until after his car accident last year, his father came to our house and stayed there for 8 months.  I think he was watching over Cory.

I have been told be other Christians that there is no such thing, there cant be.  Then what is it?

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It would likely be best to start a group to give this topic justice.. That way, anyone who wants to discuss it freely, can join the group.

That would help to keep peace also.. ;-)
Blessings, Carla
Volunteer Moderator/Administrator
yes i think it would, i went on the forum on the prem site and the way they speak to people is unbelievable, i left the forum very upset
Hi Clare,

What do you mean by prem site? Are you referring to here on AAG?
If so, please send me the link so I may check it out.
Volunteer Admin/Moderator
As David has said, the Bible says, "it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment," in Hebrews 9:27. So, let's also consider what "could" be going on with what people call reincarnation. Someone becomes known and thought to have the same personality as someone who lived some years or generations ago. So, ones believe this person is the reincarnation of the one who lived in the past. Plus, the individual might claim to have memories from one's "past life".

I will offer, that each person who is born has at least one devil assigned to the person, in Satan's kingdom. We all were born in sin. We all started in Satan's kingdom, and there is "the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience," our Apostle Paul says in Ephesians 2:2. So, every one not obeying God is being lived-in and worked-in by Satan's evil spirit . . . of selfishness. And this spirit of disobedience is changing people to have personalities more and more selfish and capable of controlling things to get their own way. Notice how cleverly even young kids can be at getting their own way, using charm combined with more or less nasty acting and methods that I'm considering no human taught them; but Satan's spirit in them does not need to be taught!

Plus, ones have devils assigned to them, who can effect how a human's personality becomes. And that spirit of evil has been moving the human to do different wrong things, and it is that devil who can remember what it has done with someone, so the devil can come back to a later human and cause that person to have the same selfish ambitious controlling personality and the memories that the devil has recycled; that devil can be like a disc taken from one computer that has broken down and then is used to put the whole program into another new computer.

So, yes . . . it is easy for a devil to impersonate a dead human . . . especially if that devil has given its own personality to the poor person before dumping him or her in death! People in sin have gotten their personality from Satan's spirit.

But the good news, then, is if we live in the Holy Spirit, we more and more have the personality of Jesus as our new inner Person (Galatians 4:19, 1 John 4:17-18).

But what about people who were respectable church folks and so nice, etc. and nice unbelievers? Even psychopaths can put on an act that has people liking them. A deeply troubled and spoiled person who is nasty and set in one's own personality ways can put on a show that makes the person seem very nice. There are parents and grandparents who have been deeply about themselves and control, and they have gotten kids to make them idols . . . instead of challenging them to find out how Jesus is loving! There was a devil behind that trickery, able to make the person deeply selfish, while making people think the person was so nice, etc. So, the devil behind that can now come back and seem like that "nice" and "loving" person. But did the person deny oneself and humble oneself and carry one's cross and follow Jesus (Luke 9:23-24, 2 Corinthians 5:14-15)? Did the person show you, from the Bible and example (1 Peter 5:3), how Jesus is and bring you closer to God, or did the person only watch out for you? Jesus says, "if you love those who love you, what reward have you?" (in Matthew 5:46) "'He who loves his life will lose it, but he who hates his life in this world will keep if for eternal life.'" (John 12:25) We have Satanic people who are out to act so humanitarian so then they can say, see what a good person I am, I don't need God, or to show there are "many ways to God". They boast and make a show of how they are so great, instead of being humble, getting attention away from God and to them.

We need to be careful not to allow Satan's spirits to control our *attention*.
Ghosts do not exist BUT demons do and one can definitely feel their presence. My grandmother was superstious and talked of seeing apparitions, communicating with dead relatives, seeing the future, etc. Until I came to salvation at age 23 being in certain parts of her house and especially the upstairs at night I could feel the presence of grandmother claimed to be Christian & I am of the firm belief that due to her lack of knowledge she didn't see a conflict. Can I still sense their presence at times? Oh, yes. And if I wasn't well grounded in the Word and absolutely secure in my relationship with Christ it would frighten me out of my wits and used to do just that, but now it doesn't even rate a yawn. ALSO, don't be deceived by "friendly spirits". There are no friendly demons...."for Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light." 2 Cor, 11-14.
There are people who feel that departed ones who are good have come back to appear and help them.

Our Apostle Paul wrote, "For I am hard-pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better. Nevertheless to remain in the flesh is more needful for you." (Philippians 1:23-24) To me, this can mean Paul knew his time for being with and helping us was while he was "in the flesh". He didn't say he hoped to die so he could stay and become a spiritual being who could help people. He understood that staying "in the flesh" was "more needful", it seems, than departing.

What I get is that, whether or not Christians can come back to help and encourage people, somehow, Paul knew he needed to be "in the flesh" because this was "more needful". I can see this means God uses us while we are "in the flesh", to do His good to people, here. For example, "Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." (James 5:16) So - - - we are ordained and have God's own commitment and power so we are able to confess "to one another" and to effectively pray "for one another" to get "healed" of whatever makes us able to sin and suffer, and get "healed" together with God in His own love, instead. This is quite a lot for us who are "in the flesh" to be able to minister "to one another"!!!

So, if we are worried or preoccupied with "ghosts" etc., this can be decoying our *attention* away from all God has for us and how He can use us to do such good to "one another". One way Satan keeps people weak is he has all sorts of things to keep our attention elsewhere.

"And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful." (Colossians 3:15)
Joseph i agree with you about ghosts do not exist and demons do. i think "ghosts" are demons, i dont believe in the stories you hear such as the headless horseman etc...any haunting is a manifestation caused by evil spirits/demons

Hi Crajfort, It's very real. There's usually a veil, and most people can't see into the spiritual realm or feel it. They never feel or sense a single spiritual thing. Some people can see or sense beyond the physical realm. I have glimpses into the spiritual realm, but it's not limited to sight. Sometimes I can smell it. There are certain spirits whose presence feels very heavy or oppressive.

It makes perfect sense to me. Don't we need people like this in the believers? Do we all have the same talents and duties in the body?
Love and God bless,
Ok this is a topic that is near and dear to my heart. I was raised in a demonmination (which shall remain nameless) That taught that ghost did not exist because all deceased people go to heaven or hell. If you experiance a ghost then it is a demon sent to decieve you.
I like others here have had personal experiances that counterdicted what I had been taught but how could I ever discuss them with anyone when the answer was DEMON. Now dont get me wrong I believe that sometimes what appears to be our dead loved one or some other dead person is a demon but to say that God doesnt allow anyone to slip the veil is limiting God and not scriptural. I have done a whole sermon on this very topic and let me just say I can offer scriptural proof of Ghost interaction on planet earth if you want just let me know. I wont do it here and now because it is long but if you want I will post the sermon notes a little at a time and gladly discuss them with anyone who wants.
Great Topic by the way
Pastor George
Jesus says, "if you love those who love you, what reward have you?" in Matthew 5:46. So, He doesn't want us to be loving only a few favorite people, like a best friend or a family member who has given us what we want and maybe has watched out for us. But first we need to depend on God, "casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7) And in God's love we are in the best love there is, and this love is not limited: God's love has us in beautiful and intimate sharing with various other brothers and sisters of Jesus who are submitting to God in this love. We are not limited to having "love" with only some one or two people whom we ourselves judge to be good enough for us. If we are in judgmental and favoritistic loving, we are missing out. In God's love, we grow into more and more close and Family relating with others who are also obeying how Jesus has us learning how to love. "'Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.'" (Matthew 11:29) "So, when one of us dies, we have not put all our eggs in one basket; we have all the others to share in love with, even better and better as we grow in this love so we have the best of love life with God and each other, in our old age."

But in favoritistic loving we can make idols of some one person who gives us what we want and seems to be watching out for us. So, then, when that person dies, we can be very wishful that a "ghost" of him or her is really that person come back. However, a "ghost" can be used by Satan to keep our attention so hung up with that person whom we have been so depending on; instead, we need to first depend on God and discover all the loving we can have with our Jesus Family people, and not allow Satan to decoy our attention elsewhere.

When our Apostle Paul knew he was going to die and not see his brothers and sisters any more, he told them they would not be seeing him, again (Acts 20:17-38)! He did not say, I will appear to you and watch out for you. He challenged them to be prepared, he commended them to the grace of God. And he had leaders appointed to take care of God's people. God is not limited; He is able to have people in this life whom He has made able to take care of us (Hebrews 13:17); if God Himself trusts the leaders whom He has approved, I would say He expects us to also trust these people. So, I offer He does not want us depending on trying to get in touch with people who are departed. His grace is ministered through people here (1 Peter 4:9-10), and His grace is sufficient (2 Corinthians 12:7-15).

And I understand that Jesus has us loving one another as equals, humbling ourselves and not making too much of a big deal out of anyone (including our own spouses and children), but humbling all. But God's love has us equal as His children, and not being impressed about death (Hebrews 2:14-15, 1 John 4:17-18).
Good morning Pastor George, thank you for commenting. I would love to read some of your sermon on this.

My Grandmother came to the hospital when my second son was born to meet him. She touched his cheek gently and went away. I know in my heart it wasnt a "Demon".


Hello Stephen,

Welcome to AAG friend. We are glad you found us and to have you here. This community is different than other social networks in that not everything goes here. We have a MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT, which can be found at:

We also have a statement of faith; you can link to it from the page I posted above, which we recommend new members become acquainted with so they can determine if this is a place they can enjoy fellowship at.

The first article on the Statement of Faith is the following:

The Bible is the inerrant, inspired Word of God - a supernaturally integrated set of 66 books, written by 40 authors, over nearly 2,000 years.

So you see my friend scripture alone is authoritative for our faith and practices. The Bible is complete, authoritative, and true. “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16).

Understanding and agreeing with the preceding 2 paragraphs we can safely state that there are no such thing as "REAL GHOST."


Philippians 1:18-22
21 For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. 22 But if I live on in the flesh, this will mean fruit from my labor; yet what I shall choose I cannot tell.

WHY is it gain to die? BECAUSE:

2 Corinthians 5:6
So we are always confident, knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord. 8 We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord.

THERE are no Real Ghosts. It is appointed for us to live and then to die and then the judgment.

No room in scripture for roaming spirits.

So how do we explain the humongous paranormal activity that has been recorded throughout the ages? Extremely simple:

The priority of demons is to get our focus off the truth, as long as we are preoccupied with fables, tales, superstitions etc. they are succeeding in their job. They keep humanity entertain in anything other than God.

What about all the reports around the world, the reports of people seeing relatives etc. Well demons are familiar with our lives. A third of the angelic host felled along with Satan. We don't really know if that is millions or billions or a greater number but there must be a huge amount of them on the earth.


Having said all that and in view of the lack of scripture to back up the existence of Ghost. I dare say that ghosts are demons impersonating humans to keep humanity enslaved to a lie.

Remember:... for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11:14

Stephen if you can show with the bible that ghosts are not demons I would be willing to change my biblical view. I do understand that God can do anything. And allowing a relative of a person who is in paradise/Abraham's bosom to come to earth to help a living person is not a big deal for God to do. Of course the suppose Ghost/person would have to be in heaven and not hell. Do you believe in Hell friend?

Blessings -

David V.
Volunteer NET Moderator


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