Examine how you pray. That might be hindering you. Always ask for forgiveness and praise him in your prayers.
Hi Daniel,
My name is Tony, and I experience the same weakness as do you and probably more. For forgiveness I recite the Lords prayer. Our Father who art in Heaven hollowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and Forgive us our Trespasses as WE Forgive those who Trespasses against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver from evil for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory is yours mow and forever Amen Always remembering that God forgives us as we forgive others. I have always found that forgiveness is easy but forgetting is hard. For me hurt leads to anger which is my self defense against being hurt.
I'm teaching myself to say you didn't hurt me I hurt myself for allowing the hurt to enter my soul. There are three people you can always trust to be there for you God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
Patience is another tough one but easier. If you have ever watched the first mummy movie to which I forget everyone's names, but when I become impatient I repeat what she said to her husband " Patience is a Virtue" in a high pitch soothing voice it has helped me.
Lust is another tough one it comes from the lustful world we live in. Every where we look we see sex. Its on TV,billboards, fashion. I have come to believe that it is the devil infiltrating the flesh. You like me need to learn to fight and separate the flesh from the spirit from all sins and beg Jesus for forgiveness every time evil thoughts cross the mind. The mind is the flesh the heart is the spirit. My favorite prayer for this is
Oh my God I am Hearty sorry for having offended thee and I detest all of my sins for I fear the loss of heaven and the pains of hell, but mostly Father because I have offended thee, I have dishonored Thee and I ask with the help of your Grace to sin no more and to avoid sin Amen
I am an adulteress not in the physical but in the mind and thru prayer and reading the bible the thoughts are leaving me slowly.
The only way I know how to fight the flesh is thru prayer to the father, excepting that Jesus died on the cross for me and everyone so that sins maybe forgiven. Reading the bible daily and keeping the mind constantly occupied on doing Gods work or deeds. I find the story of Joseph son of Jacob to be very inspirational. His devotion belief and dedication to God no matter what was enduring.
Believe,Trust, and learn the word of God
I hope this helps.
God Loves you and wants the best for you. Satan wants to take that from you and you from God
May the Holy Spirit fill your heart
Well written..I didn't notice any errors. But of course I haven't had my coffee!
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