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The Bible says we need to forgive others and forget their Sins what if you can truly forgive a person, but not want to associate with them anymore ??? Does it work ??

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I think you're spot on. She forgave him but she didn't have him over for dinner.

I have a past friend who I knew for 30 yrs. She did a lot of bad things against me.I forgave her each time. And each time it was harder and harder to do.  When it got harder for me to forgive her , I began to hate her, and I allowed my mind to justify this hate. I knew we are to love and pray for the enemy... but I was obcessing with her her her her being such a bad person. And then it dawned on me . I knew I had to end our friendship as it was. We parted ways..... I no longer ALLOWED her to do anything at all against me. And then I began healing and stopped hating her and forgave her from a distance. It worked for me. But she wasn't family.

Didn't u just share this recently Janie? It was absolutely for the best from what you've shared that you should no longer associate with this girl. Forgive - yes, Call her tomorrow & ask her over so she can steal your stuff - naw. Luv u

Tammy, Thanks my friend.... =D for reminding me that I may be a bit senile.  Yes I now think I did share my above comment recently.   Wait, is senile the word that I should say? I hear that word a lot when my kids visit.... and I am thinking it is forgetfulness.   I hope so... ........ I am going to look it up

Thanks family for pouring out your thoughts , I feel so happy now I know what to do , I thank the holy spirit for his guidance and love , thanks a lot Family , God Bless You All :)

Awesome Dan. Luv u brother

It may not mention staying distance from the ones who harm us but somewhere it mentions if something causes you to sin ,then cut it off. This is what I did with the friend who continued to sin against me for years. I had started to sin against her by in her face calling her the biggest hypocritical thieving witch I had evr known. Watching her day in and day out shout ,praise Jesus , halleelouu  praise the Lord while at the same time robbing me among other things. Yes I know I sin ...... but I still believe it was better for both her and me if I walked away..

Awesome reply Janie.

First off hon, I wanna know who's messing with my baby boy.  Lemme at em!  Aside from that, God also tells us:

1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.”

Proverbs 13:20 Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.

Matthew 18:15 "If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. 16 But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that 'every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.' 17 If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector.

Now God also tells us to forgive 70 x 7.  Many have said that if someone repeatedly sins against you, that means you repeatedly forgive them.  Well we're all entitled to our opinions and so here's mine.  I believe that verse is saying this:

When we forgive, we CAN'T forget.  We're not wired that way.  We're not God.  Although, I must say, I tended to have wiped some memories out of my own databank.  Sometimes wish I had them back and yet I guess that's how I dealt with things.  But no, I think Jesus was telling us, when it comes back to mind, forgive again, and keep forgiving, until that forgiveness gets down into our heart.  And then in part, yes, if someone sins against us more than once, forgive them again.  BUT...taken in conjunction with the above scripture, we don't keep going back to the lion's den just to test our powers of forgiveness. 

Thanks char I better stick to this verse , 1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.” that's the best solution

 don't know to whom you are suggesting being "biting mad" but I don't see anyone being that way here on this forum. I also don't see anyone saying or even suggesting not to forgive.  I don't know scripture as everybody else here does but I do know well enough not to keep oneself in a bad place. What I am "thinking" you are saying is people should stay in places that could hurt or ruin them because God says to forgive.  I know someone whose mother was beat and verbally abused and when the mother was gone working the little girl was viciously abused.  Even though the mother didn't have a clue about the childs abuse.... the child begged and begged the mother to leave him. The mother wasn't a church goer BUT she believed the bible said "for better or for worse" so she stayed.  Now, the child being a grown woman.... is still trying to heal. I think if the mother had picked up her child and left the abuser.. the child may have had a half way normal life. Maybe she/he could have forgave a a lot sooner and healed. I would never think God would say stay and be abused , because you are not being forgiving.

What I am saying is IF a child is being molested and or raped  by anybody much less a flesh and blood and verbably abused to sheer fear of thinking getting your throat slashed anytime is best to distance yourself. When I distant myself from this past friend it was because after 30 years of like I said before "forgiving" her over and over again.. I just could not stay period.  I was starting to hate her... I had already talked and talked to her over and over about how she shouldn't be stealing. I did talk to her about how she shouldn't be doing these things and I did talk lovingly. Im not going to go into more detail but this woman wronged me in other ways. I don't have the godly love that you apparently have. But I do still think you can forgive from a distance .  I believe this is harm.


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