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Does anyone know what a Familiar Spirit is or what the term FAMILIARS means? Are familiars the same as demons that possess your body?

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Thanks Mary :)
Familiars are demons that find somone through whom they can speak. The channeling person opens herself to the familiar by putting herself into an altered state of conciousness through meditation, self-hypnosis, or drugs. Sometimes the demons/familiars masquerade as dead relatives, the spirits of famous deceased people, angels or deities. If the demon is masquerading as a dead person, then the channeling is called necromancy.
So does a familiar has to be heard in real time? a priest told me I have a familiar, but I only hear it SPEAK in my dreams and in nightmares. Maybe he was wrong.... not sure.
Thank you for the information, I appreciate it.
Our dreams can be unholy without coming directly from demons. Regardless of the source, you can resist them in the same way that Jesus resisted Satan: by the Word of God. Fill your mind with the Bible as much as possible and answer Satan with the Words of God. Pray whenever you have the chance. As you fill your mind with Scripture and prayer, your mind will be renewed and these dreams will stop. Until they stop, keep remembering that we will never completely be free from the assaults and harassment of Satan in this world, but we are promised that when we resist him, he will flee from us, at least for a while. Avoid the unholy things of the world as much as possible. Do not be discouraged; God loves you and He will never leave you. Thank Him out loud for the ability He has given you to discern evil and for the strength He has given you to go on. If you can sing, sing songs or Psalms of thanksgiving as often as possible- satan cannot tolerate that!


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