God is said to be sovereign in all things. Easton's Bible Dictionary offers this definition: "Of God, his absolute right to do all things according to his own good pleasure." God's sovereignty: What does that mean to you, in your own words?
For God to be God, he needs to be sovereign or supreme, in control, in and over all things at all times. If he's not sovereign, he's not God. However, this raises a host of questions.
In your own words, God's sovereignty implies what to YOU?
Keith Ward is using human arguments to try and explain God and in so doing has put God in a box (IMO) by assuming God is limited in what He can and cannot do (going beyond the basic understanding that God cannot sin, etc) and limited in what He can and cannot know (believing God does not fully know every detail of the future). I hardily disagree with his assumptions and conclusions as given in the above statement. These assumptions are easy to make when one does not accept the Bible as an inerrant work of God, which he does not.
Don't much wrong with his logic. Aren't we putting God in a box by saying he can't change his mind?
I had my own analogy written down somewhere, I'll see if I can dig it out. It won't change your mind but it might help explain where I am at the moment and how I view this currently
Num_23:19 God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?
1Sa_15:29 He who is the Glory of Israel does not lie or change his mind; for he is not a man, that he should change his mind."
Mal_3:6 "I the LORD do not change. So you, O descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed.
Isa 46:10-11 I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please. (11) From the east I summon a bird of prey; from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose. What I have said, that will I bring about; what I have planned, that will I do.
Just between me and you (the one and only title - really?)
>>In order to for love to be fully expressed, it must be done so completely freely otherwise it is meaningless. God wants us to love him so he gave us free will. Free will means (among other things) we can choose what we do; this is not just restricted to loving God.
Free will means that your "Will," what is will would have to be studied, is free from exterior and interior influences. It's neutral at the time of making a decision. Our will has never been free. Our will is driven and slaved to an array of will drivers. Our will is definitely not free before we are born again, we are slaves of sin and All we do is sinful. Yes, we can do moral good, but no good before the Lord, who knows our heart. Our motives are not associated with the Glory of God when we are blind and lost.
Once we are born again, we are freed from sin and can bring God glory with our actions. We do not have free will either at this stage; we have the God given ability to make choices within the liberties granted to us by God. Free will is fiction. We belong to God, we are not free agents that can do whatever we want, we can only do what we want as long as God lets us and God has every right to stepped into our lives at any time whether we are born again or not, we are at both stages of our lives his creation.
We will one day be in a glorify body able to bring God glory with both body and Spirit, and we will not be able to sin, the sin component will be taken away, yet we will have liberties. God is sovereign, we are not, and we are in dominion of only what he gives us dominion of. God is God and not us. We need a savior and thank God we have one. Our Lord Jesus Christ. We can love God and be capture by His Love and really that is what makes our will able to do eternal good, the fact that we are captivated by his Love.
I don't have the time to deal with the knuckle head you are reading, it is good reading so you can know how to debunk his _____ haha...
Does God say anywhere in the bible that He will not force someone?
Typically derisory response to a point you disagree with there David. What's the point of throwing names/insults around? Very Christ like!!
I chose God, I can choose to walk away if I want. I don't want to but that's not the point. If God forces someone, how is that love? That's like putting a gun to someones head and asking them if they love you. They'll say yes, they'll say anything you want but its meaningless
Dude relax - I am kidding man... I thought if there was someone i could kid with, it was you, since when are you so sensitive?
Christ like? Let's see - I think my God has a sense of humor, after all He made me. :) hahaha
Ok you chose God and you can walk away you say, that is true, if you chose God and He did not choose you, but if He chose you, good luck with the walking away thingy.
Show me where it says that is not love, to save someone from themselves is not love, what in the world?
Grazer - I kid around a bit, a bit too much for some, but from day one - I have nothing but love for you my brother.
I hope you get some rest. Love and blessings to you
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