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Is over eating a sin ??? I mean eating  a big meal or snacking some thing often is that called as Gluttony ??

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You will find that gluttony relates to habitual abuse and not simply a meal that one enjoyed a little too much.


Lord Bless,


wow , so all the fat people are glutton ???

Not at all. There are a lot of reasons why people are overweight that has nothing to do with eating too much food. There is also a difference between overeating enough to gain weight over time and gluttony.


Lord Bless,


My brother Kumar -


AAG is world-wide. We have people here from all over the world and in some parts of the world calling people who are voluptuous/overweight, fat, is not taken well and even offensive in parts of the world. Just so you know, ok bro. 


Dan said the words "all the fat people" and words hurt. I remember you saying in a comment to me that "this breaks my heart" based on my words. David is only showing empathy and compassion and I see his point. I'm sure Dan intended no harm. The point is that not all who overeat are gluttons. Eating isn't a sin even when we have food and even though many in the world are starving, and others want to guilt us about it, but Jesus taught us to pray and His prayer includes asking for daily bread.

We pray for those starving and we give to missions and we can't drag guilt around all the time for what is happening in the world to other people, including missionaries, simply because it's not happening to us personally. We admit responsibility where we are responsible, and let Jesus have it. We need a clear conscience to serve Him.

I respect David's admonition, and even those guilty of gluttony can be forgiven, but not all overeating is gluttony, such as at one holiday meal, or even snacking too much and gaining weight over a few months due to stress or starting a new med that has increased appetite as a side effect, or having an illness that increases metabolism, or a number of things.

Why would we want to call anyone a drunk or a glutton anyway or define someone in these ways?

Ephesians 4:29
Peace to you.
Let God be God. It's not our job to convict people of sin and righteousness. Should we all starve ourselves voluntarily out of guilt because there is famine and starvation and drought in the world, affecting whole populations of people?

Jesus was called a glutton and a drunkard and it wasn't true.
Matthew 11:18 For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, ‘He has a demon.’ 19 The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’ But wisdom is proved right by her deeds.”

Why would we want to call anyone these things? If we are going to judge people we must use righteous judgment. 

John 7:24
King James Version (KJV)
24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

Being overweight doesn't imply someone is guilty of the sin of gluttony. If someone drinks a whole bottle of wine now and then, it doesn't mean the person is a drunkard.

Only God knows the heart of someone. I believe we aren't to accuse people.

Using the word fat to describe someone isn't speaking in love. 

I don't believe God wants us to carry around guilt of any kind and especially not false guilt which isn't spiritual but is coming from people who want us to comply with their preferences.

God especially wouldn't call His own children gluttons and drunkards, no more than the Father would call Christ those names. We all have sins and need prayers. We ask forgiveness and let Christ have it. We are justified and no longer guilty. God doesn't want us to carry guilt. Also, we can enjoy the fruits of our labors and be thankful for our blessings. As I said, even when the guilt we feel is true guilt, we accept responsibility for it and then let Jesus have it. We rest in Him. Yes, we should have a burden for our brothers and sisters everywhere in any of their sufferings but not a burden of guilt.

wow , so all the fat people are glutton ???


I am with LT on this..... not all obese people are gluttons.... but then again some are. Just as are a lot of skinny/slender people. I have known people so slim you could see their ribs skinny looking like a skeleton but they could eat more than most and be healthy. Usually if there is a child based movie on.. the theme seems to always show the heavier kid always hungry and always digging a candy bar out of his pocket through out the entire movie, while the skinny kids never seem to care if they eat or not. Its just how people brand overweight people. I have gained weight and I know its not from being a glutton. I think its from metabolism.  

Grace, I think this discussion turned into the subject of both glutton and fat because of Dans' reply to LTs comment.

wow , so all the fat people are glutton ???


This is why I mentioned overweight anyway.  Years ago when I learned about gluttony I was taught it meant to eat even after full.... to over gorge on food. I agree the words glutton and drunk is worded in the bible/

Sorry family I didn't mean anything by my words I just asked forgive me family

im closing this discussion .. sorry again


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