Hi Christina,
God's forgiveness and grace are a beautiful and irresistible force. Once we catch a glimpse of His forgiveness and grace, we want more of it. It's refreshing, cleansing, peace giving, gives us hope... and so much more than that.
1 John 1:9 says:9 But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.
It simply means that when we tell Him about our sins, admit them in prayer and repent (turn away from them), He forgives us. He says "Go and sin no more". He cleanses us from all wickedness, so He doesn't want us to return to sinful lifestyle choices. When we stop that lifestyle choice, we show obedience. We are obedient to Him because He loves us. He wants the best for us, and HE knows more than us. He has all authority in the heavens and on the earth. It makes sense to be obedient to Him. When we are obedient to Him, it proves we love Him.
Hi Christina,
I have also carried the pain and guilt of abortion and it is a horrible thing. I heard a lady one day on the radio giving her testimony regarding her abortion. She said Jesus showed her her little girl that was in heaven with Him and she was asking about her mother. She said the little girl ask Jesus why her mommy had did this - Jesus looked lovingly at the little girl and said " I don't remember" and turned away. Well, I was sitting in my card and just lost it! I remembered the scripture that said he would remember our sins no more. What a loving Savior we have. Just listening to her testimony caused some healing in me that I had never experienced before.
thank you very much for the comment for it has also relieved my soul and also healed from this pain and guilt i had. Ithank God for the love He has , that He can save a wretch like me, despite my sinful nature but still He remains faithful to me by forgiving my sins. Glory. Thanks to the group members for the help also
I really thankl you for the help. God bless , continue helping me in developing closer relationship with Jesus
I am so glad to respond to this question and hope to do so with compassion. I am in agreement with Carla about the question of forgiveness for the sin of abortion. I joined a group of believers called Life Choices, and learned about the depth of the hurt I caused with my 3 abortions. One was during a divorce from my first husband and 2 were with the same man I fell in love with after that period of my life. He later died at 44 yrs. old. I was devastated and felt awful about aborting his children.The 3x occurred before I became a believer, but I came to understand my guilt as a new believer.
God is always compassionate with His children, and I claim His forgiveness with a humble heart. I have finally found deep peace in myself and a restored relationship with my God. Bless you for expressing such a delicate matter that so many women are reluctant to discuss.I am reminded of RO 8:1"... Yet there is no condemnation in those who love the Lord..."
thank you very much for the comments, Patricia. God bless , there are so much women out there who dont even want to mention or hear about this so called abortion yet they have been in that and are still doing it. some women, like myself felt that its unforgivable sin and it kept on running in my mind like @ why praying, as if am going to be forgiven" but i have realised the grace of God. He is so good.
Greetings Christina,
Any and every sin is forgivable according to the Word of God except the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. What is often lost regarding forgiveness is not one knowing the right words to say or the exact prayer, but rather a broken and contrite heart that agrees with God that one has sinned and needs His forgiveness. When we come to Him with a broken and contrite heart over our sin(s) He is faithful and just to forgive us.
I must add that just because one receives forgiveness from God that does not mean that all sorrow or the memory regarding a sinful act will disappear. In fact the sorrow remains as a reminder and a guide as we move forward helping to guide us in a manner helping us to not repeat the same sin again, though even then we may not always succeed as we live in the fallen flesh that wars against us.
The life of a child of God is not easy, but we are saved and set apart for God with a day coming when we will be changed not only in spirit, but also in flesh fitted for life in His presence for His glory.
Lord Bless,
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