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Does God bless those that claim to believe in Him but yet, they are deliberately living sinful lives and doing wrong all the time? Does He bless those that dont believe in Him and wont turn to Him? Or does He just bless those that seek Him, and live for Him?

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The sun comes up for the just and the unjust.

God blesses those that are His and are in disobedience with correction. He does blessed them, but with His correction. God will also blessed them in multiple ways to remind them how good He is and that He loves them, but there comes a time as the son does not get it nor repents, that God starts to deal with them in a much more disciplinary way. He will break us down if we are very rebellious.

Does He bless the Unbelievers, Yes, with general grace. It rains upon the crops of the save and the unsaved. Also many unsaved folks are blessed because they have family members who are faithful Christians. There are unbelievers that practice biblical principals as sowing and reaping. They may call it, "What comes around, goes around" but the principal is biblical and such actions brings blessings to some of them.

God blessed you, your hubby and child my sister.
So either way, it sounds like God will bless anyone which i understand because He loves us, after all, He did create us and bring us into this world! right?!
You got it. But being in Christ does not compare with not being in Christ as you know. The joy, peace, blessings and inheritance we have, the unbeliever does not have nor longs for them for they are blind and lost.

They do long for peace, joy and a prosperous life, but seek to fill the void with all the worldly things.

Ephesians 3:16 (New International Version)
16I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being,

We have the God given ability through the Holy Spirit that gives us Power to live Awesome lives. There is no comparison between being blessed by God as children of God and just being blessed by God as creations of God. Unbelievers are not children of God, they are His creation, but to be a child of God, one must be born again.

i guess my question is, whats the difference of children of God being blessed and being blessed as a creation of God? i never thought of it that way. And yes, i have been at that point where i tried to fill that void with worldly things..and this past week i had that empty feeling because of my relationship with my husband and i knew i needed the Lords presense some how some way, so i went to church, one that i have been praying about and it gave me more of a feeling that i was looking for. It was truly amazing, i didnt want to leave church and for an hour and a half, it seemed like it took 30 min. I was sad i had to leave lol
Thank you for taking the time to share this. Its hard to love those that hate us and those that use us, but it helps knowing that God loves everyone no matter what, and that we should do the same..God bless!
Hi, Sandra . . . I would say you have already gotten some good comments. And, since you are married, you can ask your husband about this. I'll offer what has personally helped me, about this: "For to this end we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of those who believe." (1 Timothy 4:10) So, I see, through this, that God is doing some kind of saving good for each and every person, but ones who believe can benefit the most because we obey how God desires to to take care of us and bless us.

Even the most evil people of all are blessed, somehow. I believe an example of how God is blessing even the worst of people is, "God resists the proud," as Peter and James say in James 4:6 and in 1 Peter 5:5. God's resistance keeps us from getting into even more trouble than we do while we are acting in pride. So, God's resistance is caring, not really a curse, I consider. And when God has things messing with what He knows I am doing in ego, then is when I can get nasty reacting, downcast, upset, unforgiving, etc. as warning proof that I am not obeying God in His love and leading; so I can benefit very much from His resistance, if I take heed to how I am getting negative about not getting my own way. And I do well to stop whatever I'm doing in negativity, and wait for God to correct me. Then I can obey Him in His peace (Colossians 3:15).

But there are people who keep on and on in frustration and hurts and lusts and worrying, etc., instead of seeing these things as warning signs that we are not submitting to how God rules us in His peace. So, we all have the blessing of His resistance, but we do not all take advantage of it (c:


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