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does bible consistently show that when people FIRST recieve Holy Spirit they will speak in tongues?

this topic is controversial so lets get what bible says.. many people point out 1 cor 12 and 14 showing that Not all speak in tongues to prove that not everyone will speak in tongues when they recieve the Holy SPIRIT to dwell in them for salvation. the only problem wiht using those scriptures is that is will contradict what happened in acts 8, 10, and 19. because the instructions for USING GIFT OF TONGUES was that 2 at MOST 3 should speak in tongues.. one at a time and there MUST be interpreter.. therefore in those chapters we obviously see that was not the case because THEY ALL spoke in tongues.. and didnt have an interpreter let alone who would he be interpreting it for.. in acts 19 paul was there.. he wouldnt allow them to be out of order and go against his own instruction.. so therefore we must conclude ther are DIFFERENT FUNCTIONS of speaking in tongues.. could one of the functions be to SHOW PROOF one has now recieved the holy spirit? how can we rule this out.. now i spoke in tongues when recieved holy spirit for first time, but i do not have the gift of speaking in tongues in the church to deliver message.. two different functions.. now i have prayed and began to speak in tongues a few times but not all the time.. so how can we disclaim the evidence of speaking in tongues

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If I am understanding your comment correctly that the filling is the natural by product of walking in the Word I would have to say we disagree.



We do agree!

On another note, it would be like someone trying to walk in the Spirit; putting forth all the effort they can, trying to live a Holy, sacrificial life. “In their own strength”

But the Word says; these signs will follow them that believe. To me it should be effortless, it would be like the so called “the Lord’s prayer” This was given to the disciples while Jesus was still here on earth. When He said, “thy kingdom come thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven” The kingdom of God is within us now, and I believe the kingdom to came to man: on the day of Pentecost, and if we are walking in the Spirit; His will be done here on earth as it is in heaven. Because it is being directed from heaven through mankind filled with the Holy Spirit.

Another scripture that tells me that it “as you called it” a by-product; 2Cor.3:18,

But all we with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into that same image, from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. It will be a natural transformation, by aligning ourselves with the Word and being in obedience to the Word, we will automatically become like Him.

We will take on His nature.

Is it not the same in our secular life? We will become identified with the people we associate with?








Sometimes you and I seem to have the same basic understanding on various topics but struggle to say it the same way. For clarity sake, to make sure we are on the same page. The key to all of this is surrender and being filled with the Holy Spirit. Once filled we are then empowered by Him to live out the Christ-life in the Spirit or what is often called the Deeper-Life. This is where I come from, and you?

One of the pastors from my church posted this quote today on facebook...  I think it sums up nicely what you are saying LT.  Here it is:


"Spiritual depth isn't achieved when I feel deep but when I feel normal & my thoughts, priorities, relationships & actions reflect Jesus."


We don’t have the follow button and sometimes we don’t have the reply button, I couldn’t find your post till tonight, because I forgot under what heading it was.

Why do we not have that follow button, and sometimes the reply? Just wondering.

But to answer your question to me, I do believe it takes a surrendered life to walk in the Spirit. But I don’t believe that is walking in the deeper-life. I believe there is more to it than that. There are a lot of people that are born again, and even filled with the Holy Spirit and still do not walk in the fullness of what the Lord has provided for His Children. Just because a person is filled with the Holy Spirit, doesn’t mean he will be speaking in tongues, or laying hands on the sick etc. One reason is; because he has been taught that all the gifts were taken away when the last apostle died, or something along that line.

They just can’t believe beyond what someone has told them. So in believing that,

 they will never understand some of the other aspects of the Christian life. When things like speaking to the mountain, so to speak, it just will not register in their mind that it is possible, because, only God can do that, well they are right, but they forget that we are the temple of God and that same God dwells in us, it is the Spirit that does the work, not us. 2Cor.4:7. Though God is sovereign, He has given to man the authority to use His name, and there is nothing impossible to them that believe.

Faith is a conviction or persuasion of the heart, and where does that conviction or persuasion come from? Only by the Holy Spirit. We have no faith to do anything outside of Christ. So you can have the filling of the Holy Spirit, but unless you can believe you can use the name of Jesus to do what He says we can do, they will never do it. in His name ye shall ……Mark 16:17. Our natural man can never comprehend the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him, neither can he know them, for they are spiritually discerned. 1Cor.2:14. This is the reason I said before in another post, it takes the Spirit of God to reveal the deeper things of God. We know we have to be born again to see the kingdom of God, but that is about as far as some Christians care to go, they are not aware of the deeper things of God. As it was in Acts.19:2, they were ignorant of the Holy Ghost, I guess they thought that was all there was to being born again.




So, yes I guess  for the most part we are in agreement.

If I didn’t make myself clear, please let me know, or give me scripture where I might be in error. Okay?



















Regarding the "Follow" button. We have limited control as users of the Ning network. There used to be two "Follow" or "Stop Following" buttons on each page. There is now only one. It is located under the initial reply box that is located just under the original posters comments.


Regarding our differences on this subject. I see that there are some, but nothing I wish to get into.


LT. thanks, for the info.

Could you, or would you explain privately; The differences?

I would be very interested.

Thanks again.


According to 2Pet.1:2-3, everything that pertains unto life and godliness was given to us at the new birth, but they will be manifested as we grow in the knowledge of Him “God” Like healing or even being born again; He doesn’t have to go again to the cross to make provision for us. Our spirit was the only thing that was born again, the mind, will and emotions; the “soul” is being renewed, which when finished, we will be transformed into His image. And I don’t believe these gifts are given just to be used in the church, they were given to evangelize the world, it was God in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself, so where is Christ now? It is Christ in us, our hope of glory.Col.1:27; Who shall ascend into heaven to bring Christ down from above, Rom10:6-11.

 When He said it was finished, it was a fulfillment of the old covenant, “the Law”, and to destroy the works of the enemy. He finished the work that God sent Him here to do. I believe that being born again, “a recreated spirit”, and the renewing of the mind; makes up the New Creation. This body; “the prized possession, will be changed at the resurrection.” We will have a new body. IMO.


Christine, if it's a gift from God, it wouldn't matter what church you attended. Personally, I don't think faith has anything to do with it either. In reality, we can all be prophets. Since no more is to be written, we can read & study the Word & each of us can prophesy.


 Faith has everything to do with it. Without faith you cannot be born again. Christ might dwell in our hearts by faith.Eph.3:17, so how does God dwell in our hearts?


It's a gift. If faith had anything to do with, I'd be babbling right now & you wouldn't understand a word Joe. 


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