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We often see people existing in one extreme or another. There are some who would ignore doctrine for the sake of unity, but can there really be unity in the body if doctrine (teaching found in God's Word) is ignored? There is another group that has taken mere prefernces and elevated them to the level of doctrine, at least in their teaching. An example of this can be the style of worship. Some are more demonstrative than others, but neither is wrong if the heart is right. Style of worship is a preference, not a doctrine.


What do you think about the importance of sound doctrine in one's life and in the church? Have you seen things that are preferences turned into doctrine? If so, give an example, but leave names and organization names out of the comment. How do we stay centered on Christ in the midst of the chaos?


Lord Bless,




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God has a sense of humor. To see it, one only has to read the account of the Ark of the Covenant in the temple of dagon in 1 Samuel 5. Pretty funny. Dagon had to submit. Lol

Yep, that is a good one. The choices of the plagues in Egypt were good ones as well.

It's funny? I don't ever read 1 Samuel (it's one of the "lost" books in the bible for me,I'm on the book of Psalms,read chapter 6 today and Luke, almost finished dispite some difficulties) but I've got to read that.


Thanks sister for saying that, I want to check it out soon.

Why is 1 Samuel "lost"?

Rita, what I meant by "lost" is out of the 66 books in the bible 1 Samuel would get lost in all those books for me. For, it's one of the ones I haven't got to and I don't think of it as much as say the book of Psalms. In fact I barely, if ever think about that book. I'm not too furmilar. I know more so of books like Job or Eccestilies (sp). Of course I think even less of ones like Hosea or Obadiah. I tend to think of certain ones and forget the others. Actually, I don't even know who Obadiah is. I just looked of the name for the Old Testament because I knew I guy with the name starting with "O" was one I barely thought about.


No disrespect for God or the bible I just have a habbit of thinking about familar ones and not thinking of ones that aren't as well known for me.


Sorry for any confusion.

The Philistines had stolen the ark of the covenant. Then then placed it into the house of Dagon which was one of their gods. The next day Dagon had fallen on its face before the ark. They replaced him & the next day, it had done the same thing. Long story, short. 

I'm with you, Amanda! Christine, I often wonder the same thing about God scratching His head!

Love you guys!



The church must do both. They must huddle together and go forth. We could discuss the depth of what "huddle" means, but the church must gather together and it must go forth too.


I don't get what you mean by God dismissing Himself after the worship when the sermon comes. First of all the whole service, including the message is an act of worship.


Lord BLess,

LT, I can't speak for Christine but I took her comment to mean that sometimes she just has trouble understanding what the sermon is about and she wonders if God could be thinking the same thing ... that maybe God dismisses Himself from the service ... the Spirit leaves ... not all of the time but sometimes ... and maybe that particular message was not anointed or something ... That's how I took what she said but I will let her clarify her true intent. I do agree with your comment very much:

The church must do both. They must huddle together and go forth. We could discuss the depth of what "huddle" means, but the church must gather together and it must go forth too.

Hello   love the discussion. Especially love the idea of getting back to a simpler Christianity.  Have to agree most of what I have seen in churches today being expressed as doctrine is preferences. 

           For myself I have learned to live by a doctrine that I believe to be essential. And I believe is expressed throughout the entire scripture. That simply is the doctrine of LOVE.   This being something to my shame I realize at a time in my life I did not know. 

           As put in scripture" he who does not know love  does not know God for God is love".

           Thus if we do not know LOVE ultimately not knowing God we do not know anything of what is taught regardless of translation or version.

           In LOVE I find differencs in belief  to be a great tool in learning. It is interesting the references to all the parts of the body and the unique importance of each of their understandings, abilities and/or gifts. More interesting is the call for them to be united.

            Yes lets get back to the roots and spread The Love.      Praise The Lord.

When sound doctrine is replaced or compromised with no short of ear tickling.  The youngest which must be most protected, will get hurt the most.  A watered down version of Truth these youngest in the Lord, fail to be feed correctly.  Then the enemy attacks, and so many fall so quickly.  It is upon the older and more mature to protect them.  The leadership holds a heavy responsibility.  

I have also seen so many times, the leadership afraid of allowing the Holy Spirit freedom.  Free to operate in all the offices.  There must be order in that there is no question.  I am not speaking of a type of Worship.  But, a time when through order the Holy Spirit is not even given a chance to speak.  I have seen many times that part of the service, is well not part of the service.  On what do we base doctrine?  Is it by denomination?  Or, the early Church?   To allow the Spirit Freedom, there must also be those in leadership who are strong enough, to stop if a word is given from the flesh.  Or, a false interpretation.  I have seen many who it seems "easier" to just not allow such things at all.  What these in leadership who do this fail to understand, they can become "weak" by not being confident, to stand and take action.  We hear of those times when Men and Women of God, not only taught sound doctrine from the Word, but also operated in the Spirit with great Authority.  Yet, God is in Control, and He is able to fulfill His Will.  And for that we can shout Hallelujah!!! 


Do think that someone's understanding that God wants to heal all of us every time should be a doctrine of the church? Also, how do you tell if someone is in the flesh when he prophecies?


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