All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

We often see people existing in one extreme or another. There are some who would ignore doctrine for the sake of unity, but can there really be unity in the body if doctrine (teaching found in God's Word) is ignored? There is another group that has taken mere prefernces and elevated them to the level of doctrine, at least in their teaching. An example of this can be the style of worship. Some are more demonstrative than others, but neither is wrong if the heart is right. Style of worship is a preference, not a doctrine.


What do you think about the importance of sound doctrine in one's life and in the church? Have you seen things that are preferences turned into doctrine? If so, give an example, but leave names and organization names out of the comment. How do we stay centered on Christ in the midst of the chaos?


Lord Bless,




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For that, would it be necessary to have a picture of the fall? I think LT has a good idea in that maybe we could put ourselves into the position of a person who has never heard the Gospel. What would he have to know? I think that puts it down of a very basic or simplified level.

Yes, it would be necessary for one to know that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God and Jesus is the Son of God. But maybe we have been guilty of overthinking this. What was Peter's first sermon like? Did everyone in attendance that day, of the 3000 souls that were born again, know the whole story?


I think it is a great question asked  "How do we stay centered on Christ in the midst of the chaos?"  I feel if we, as Christians can't get our beliefs and doctrine right, why would the "world" want to come into that kind of confusion. I haven't been on here long and I've already seen some pretty mean things written, and as a result they have left. I also have seen two non-believers and a hurting believer leave within the past week and a half due to people tag teaming them and twisting words around. I have always been taught that if you are to approach an unbeliever, or someone that is discouraged, you do it in love. I don't think name calling and other things of the sort are appropriate.

Other than you LT, I have seen Joe Boyce, and David Velasquez ,Rita and a few others in conversation speak in love. Course I am not on much, so I haven't met a lot of the people on here yet:) Maybe I am being honest, but correction as far as I have read is to be dealt with, within the church which I am speaking to in love and deep concern right now.  Unbelievers aren't going to take correction because they do not live by the Word. If there are delusional people on here, then leave it at that. Why would anyone want to correct them. In school we have been taught how dangerous that can be, and from experience working with persons with delusions that really can be really dangerous. Please people of God, if you cannot show an example of the fruits of the spirit in your life, then  seek help. Seek a person who does love the lost. Then learn by example. If you aren't a person of God, and you need help, or even just want  a person to talk to. There are people here that will love you and pray with you. The people listed above can help, and if not they will point you to someone who can:) Thanks for listening.

 With Much Love And Prayers,




I appreciate your comment and will add one thing to it for clarity in regards to how AAG leadership is suposed to operate. I say supposed to operate, because we all ere at times. There is a difference in the way we treat those who come here as seekers and those who come here with an agenda and seek to act as teachers. If a person is searching to find Jesus or to find out more about Him we will walk with them through the process. If the person comes here with an agenda to teach a particular doctrine that is in error that will lead people astray we will trreat them as a false teacher. This site is a ministry and not just a social network. There are thousands who read the posts here of which many are seeking or are new to the faith. Thus, we will protect those people by addressing the error or banning the person who is a teaching things contrary to what we believe. How we deal with each one that comes with their agenda varies. Sometimes we make numerous attempts to reach them and other times we ban them pretty quickly.


Lord Bless,



That is great that AAG leadership is operating in love. And yes, I agree that some people may try to hurt other people on here with false teaching. I leave that up to you guys, as you are in leadership:) And yes we all come short. As you said "we all ere at times"... I am glad that I have been welcomed with open arms and only hope to make some good friendships and learn from the Godly examples I have seen. If you ever feel I am not writing the right things or need clarification for something..then please let me know as I would never want to hinder the work here. Many Thanks!


Winter, I know you have already expressed your displeasure with me but I have told you that I am a work in progress and I know we are supposed to treat people the way we would like to be treated but I tend to treat people a lot of time ... not all of the time ... the way they treat me. Do you think all of your comments to everyone have been exactly ... warm and loving? No need to reply--just asking you to do a little self reflection. I do it all the time ... because I need to ... I have  alot of faults.  One of the ways of loving the lost is not allowing them to continue on a wayward path. They could end up dying lost and lift up their eyes in hell and say to you, why didn't you tell me what I needed to hear. Whether someone is delusional or a false teacher, God is the answer but I am not all-knowing or all-seeing as God is, and I have to first find out if it is being delusional or if it is an agenda to teach a false doctrine and cause great harm to God's people. I've already suffered from being influenced by false teachings. It isn't fun. Do you have children? When we have to correct our children, they sometimes get very angry but cannot see that it is for their own good not to ride their bicycle on the interstate, etc... They may even say, I hate you! But later on, after they get a little older and a little wiser, they will come back and thank you for having cared so much.


I am not sure why you are writing to me this way, and only hope that God will bless you richly as you desire to be a witness.



I have hurt your feelings and I apologize. Scripture tells us in many places that there will be false teachers who will try to lead us astray. All of us need to be able to recognize false teachings. The best way to recognize the false is by being very knowledgeable of the genuine. That means study the Word, and not just read it, but pray for understanding and for enlightenment and for God to help you apply it to your life and to the lives of others. If you and I do not know the difference between what is true and false, then we will be deceived. Others can help us see when we are being deceived and others can also help us realize when it is we who are the ones in error. I tend to think that as long as people are around, then they at least have the chance to hear the truth. If they choose to leave on their own, then maybe they don’t want to hear the truth. I think over the last year and a half I have probably told everyone in leadership here that I hate them … because I was in denial and either knew the facts but didn’t want to face them or was in error and did not want to receive correction. I do listen to God and if God wants me to say something I will speak what’s on my heart. Other times I err and speak out of turn … and trust me … I pay for it.

I have hurt your feelings. Please forgive me.


I forgive you.


Thanks. Now that that’s over with and moving on … I hope you can see why I must be true to my calling as a Christian (the Great Commission is for all of us) and why sometimes we must make a choice-- should we spare someone’s feelings or give them truth so that they can begin to have faith and perhaps be born again or if they are already saved then help them get back on the narrow path? “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ” Romans 10:17, ESV.

To spare people’s feeling sometimes is the same as to leave them alone lost in their sin. Tough call. I believe in the Truth and I believe that the ones whom God has drawn to Jesus and has called and has spiritually awakened will not turn away from it . Those who do just aren’t ready yet.

Luke 8:
When he said this, he called out, “Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear.”
9 His disciples asked him what this parable meant. 10 He said, “The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables, so that,
“‘though seeing, they may not see;
though hearing, they may not understand.’[a]
11 “This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is the word of God. 12 Those along the path are the ones who hear, and then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved. 13 Those on the rocky ground are the ones who receive the word with joy when they hear it, but they have no root. They believe for a while, but in the time of testing they fall away. 14 The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature. 15 But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop. (NIV)

So what doctrines do you think are essential for helping someone who has never heard or accepted the Gospel? What does someone need to know in order to be saved?

lolol. You've told people in leadership you hate them? That's funny in a horrible kinda way. Sorry I got my kick out of you pain. Luv u 

Yes, to my shame, I did -- very childish and immature, of course. But it proves my point that we need to tell people what they really need to hear and not what they want to hear-- I have been loved like that.


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