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Family, how do I deal with distractions during prayer?
When I pray, I sometimes loose focus and my mind would run in 7 different directions...

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I'll get a "do not disturb" door handle sign, right away...:) just kidding, but that is a great way of letting your loved ones know not to disturb your prayer time.
This site is by far one of the best things that have ever happened to my salvation life. A gathering/fellowship between of such vast and different callings and anointings, a display of the different members of the body of Christ at work For the Kingdom of God.

Wonderful Father thank You for having led me to this site, Amen.

I am learning so much from all of you and I thank God for all of you.
JB I hear you, but there's something I don't understand. Do you mean that my thoughts about events that took place during the day, or even thoughts about the prophecy I received at church the previous day. So such thoughts during prayer = lack of sincerity?
Then how do I become sincere?
Understood servant of God, Thank you.

Where are you praying? Is it a quiet place? Does the place encourage prayer or distract? Sometimes our surroundings can distract. For example music next door, artwork on the walls. Do you have Bibles around? A prayer list can help you focus. I'm offering ideas. Also I recently came across a different definition of prayer "paying attention to God". The definition suggests more than a conversation. It suggests listening to God. Do we talk at God or do we pause and give Him time to talk too? I believe He has a lot to say to all of us. Do we practice being still inside and let that peace of God rule in our hearts?



Enjoyed this Mary. Lots of great advice.

Yes I agree Tammy... I will take everything you mentioned into account, most especially about the prayer list, I think that will really help me. Thank you and God bless you.

The enemy as well as just life in general is always battling for our time. 2 Co 10:5 says  Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.. To me this is saying whatever thoughts come to mind, capture it. Anything mental which isn't of Him, snatch it & bring it into obedience to Him. 

Amen. I will do exactly that. I only vaguely remembered that there is a verse you just quoted. It will be of great help. God bless you Tammy.

I think listening is all of our problems John or I know it is for me.

That it is, and we dare wonder of even ask why God isn't answering. Only to find that He already has, we just weren't listening.

So True Nicki


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