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  What does scriptures say about religions intermixing?  I have been seeing more and more people who are church goers who are saying that the people who say that you cant mix things that are against God with the things that are for god are  being hateful.  They dont word it like that but that's basically what they are against IMO. They do call them hateful though.   They are for the coexisting of religions.

I did engine searches but I only found opinions and not very much scripture. Thank you for any scriptures explaining .

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Solomon's wives turned his heart. I think most religions are exclusive in the sense that one wouldn't be permitted to enter a Jewish temple and worship Allah, and I know a JW won't attend a different church, nor does a Catholic think that he can attend a different church, and so forth. Once, a very devout Catholic told me that he would not be able to attend any other type of church. I think we should allow people to attend our church but we should not allow them to come in and change the statement of faith, the order of worship, etc... We should preach the gospel of Christ to them while they are sitting within the congregation and we should let them come as often as they want and we should pray for them and counsel them, but we should hold to the essential doctrines of the Christian faith and contend for the Christian faith and not become influenced by their wrong beliefs or tell them what they believe is OK. We must proclaim the truth.

Personally, I don't know of any church that wouldn't allow them to come in. They would continue to teach as they always have. I believe it's the choice of them not to attend. I wouldn't have an issue in attending a Catholic church or Jewish Temple. I don't think I'd go to a JW service but who knows, I might would. Not like they will sway my beliefs in any way nor would I attempt to try to sway theirs. I guess it would be interesting.

The ones who are against intermixing the beliefs ... also think its ok for them to come to church but as Amanda said ... them sitting in the congregation.

I don't know of any like that as far as Christian churches.

I have heard that there is a big church that either already did or are going to take down the cross.

Then their foundation isn't based on Christ but political correctness.

There are two extremes: legalism and liberalism. This is getting into liberalism.

I will have to look up the word liberalism.. ty

I don't think so. I think it's those who are true & those who want to live a life of not offending anyone.

There's a distinction between political liberalism and religious liberalism. I'm referring to religious liberalism.

I read that some christian leaders are now agreeing that the cross should be taking down because its repesentation is gruesome.

Yea it is & needs to be remembered at what cost we're redeemed. 


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