Desire is more powerful than any ingredient in the winning formulas. Desire is the ingredient that causes people to devote their lives to dreams and keep moving towards it, no matter how tough. The intangible quality that has more impact on success than talent, education or IQ is desire.
You can't see desire but you can feel its presence and see its result in the lives of successful people.
Desire becomes endurance. The ability to hang on when everything seems to be falling apart around you is a major difference between winner and loser. It's necessary to have big dreams and big goals to succeed, but a dreamer without endurance is destined to fail.
Those who believe in the beauty of their dreams owns the future. If desire is the secret of winning, then dreams are secret of desire.
Dreams are fuel that fire desire. How great do you think your dreams are? When you accomplished them, it would be 1,000 times better, with capacity of pulling other people dreams higher.
Your tomorrow must be better, many lives are attached to you. Through you shall all nations of the earth be blessed.
Nothing stops a man who desires to achieve his dreams. Whatsoever your hands finds to do, do it with thy might (Eccl.9:10). God has promised to bless the works of your hands.
You can have everything else in the world going for you, if you don't want to go out there and change your destiny, forget about a better tomorrow.
Fifth Edition - 2012
ISSN: 2251-1040 (feel free to share)
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