Sometimes I feel like a failure because I'm taking medications for depression. I feel if I had enough faith in the Lord I wouldn't have had the depression. Is anyone else experiencing this?
The question is not can God heal, but will He heal in every situation? The answer is He does not heal every illness or ailment in this life. From Scripture we have two examples, one clearer than the other of this truth. We all know that Paul battled a thorn in His flesh that was a messenger of Satan sent to buffet Him. We have no idea as to what Paul's issue really was, but it pleased the Lord for His grace to be sufficient for Paul and that Paul carry this burden in this life. Then there is one even more clear and that is Timothy. Paul, the apostle, speaking to his son in the faith told him to take a little wine for his stomach. He did not say believe more or speak positive words or even get anointed with oil to be healed. He told him to simply take some wine. This is an amazing account when we consider that these two men are men of faith and yet they were left with their struggles in the flesh.
People who profess God heals everyone or that you only have to speak positive words to get positive results do more damage than they can realize. What do you say to the mother in the jungles who watches her child starve to death? Do we tell them that if you only had more faith or spoke positive words all would be well. What do you say to the person who lost a son to an auto accident? This was a spiritual battle that caused this accident in the physical realm? Or, what do we say to a person who has a chemical imbalance in the brain ... it is your fault because you do not have enough faith? How dare any of us accuse another of weak faith until we take a hard look in the mirror. The reality is we are all of weak faith. Our level of maturity is not to be compared human to human, but against Christ as the example of perfection.
PTL for you healing. A friend of mine has been used to bring healing to many in his lifetime and yet he still deals with CP and its affects in his lfe.
Lastly, it is not a defense of depression, but rather a defense against laying at the feet of the depressed more than they can already bear. The last thing they need to hear is that they are in this depressed state because they are too weak of faith and if they only had the faith .....
Hi Nancy,
I just want to understand more of what you are saying. I don't know if you're saying that God will heal all of our ailments.. or if you're saying that when we speak words of life, it will help in our healing... maybe you're saying something completely different than either one of those, or something in between...
Please forgive me for not fully understanding.. I'd just like some clarity.
Blessings, Carla
Hi Striving, You aren't a failure because you have to take medication. I was wondering if you should have the dosage checked because you sound as if you're feeling a little down? Or did you stop taking the medication for a few days? Did you call your doctor? I'm not a doctor, but maybe the medication isn't taking care of the depression as it should. Take the medication as directed by your doctor. Okay? My personal opinion, but don't feel down on yourself because you need medication to feel better.
Remember many herbs have medicinal qualities. God made the herbs. Medicines are God's idea in the first place. Medicines can be good and beneficial when used properly.
It's true that depression can have spiritual causes, but it could be a chemical imbalance. Or maybe a person just has many difficult events to deal with and feels overwhelmed. I know a lot of Christians experiencing difficult and sad events right now. We all recover differently, and we all need help now and then.
Love and God bless,
Hi Striving,
I'm so sorry to hear you're struggling with depression. This is such a huge issue for Christians today, and so many struggle with guilt for having to use medication. Though maybe medication is overused in some instances, it can be VERY necessary in many cases. Depression is an illness, and should be treated as such.
Through my job (at Focus on the Family), we hear of many very strong believers who struggle with depression. In fact, we did a broadcast recently featuring Sheila Walsh...I think it would be very encouraging to you. If you want to listen to that, you can find it here.
There's also an Article online, that speaks to the steps a believer can take to keep close with God and also balance their views on medical treatment....and also ways to deal with the guilt we can often put on ourselves. Maybe this will be helpful as you think through this? (I'm kinda new to this board, so not sure I formatted the links case they don't work...just send me a message and I'll get them to you)
Hang in there! I'll be praying that God will give you wisdom and direction as you think through this issue. May His perfect peace and strength encourage you each day!! Blessings!
Christians can get depression too.
To get away from medication it is important to have the source of your depression dealt with. This may require some counselling and, of course, prayer. You will only get better by addressing the source and this may be covered by other issues.
Physical exercise helps as well.
Youcan be very spiritual and still get depression. It is important to realise that God is with you at this time. Listen and be aware and God's presence will reveal itself.
I am praying for you, in Jesus name
I am suffering from depression and was really looking forward to getting some support through Christ in this group. All I see though is accusations and judgements instead of support and love. That makes me sad.
In answer to StrivingforGod's question......For me, I do not feel like a failure because I take med's for my depression. I feel God gives us challenges in life and this is one of mine. This is a test of my faith and strength in Him. It is up to me whether or not I use it to become closer with God and learn what His plan is for me. Maybe it's to help someone else someday who will be going through this? I have faith that there is a reason and it is His will. All I can do is my best. When I start to feel like a failure, I pray for strength and to feel His love for me. Who can feel like a failure when God is behind you? He has a plan and it is up to us, when we do not understand and start to become down on ourselves, to give it to Him in faith and trust. I will be praying for you. :)
With regard to the med's.....God put things on this earth for us to use so we can be proactive and help ourselves with His guiding hand. I believe, and thank Him for, the science of the med's to give me some relief from this illness. I do not believe God wants us to suffer for the sake of suffering. We are to actively strive for better and to try. One of the ways I try is by taking my antidepressants. It helps me get up each day with a clearer mind and spirit so I can focus more on the lesson I am to be learning from all this. He has given us a gift of healing by giving us a tool like an antidepressant.
To judge, or accuse me of witchcraft, is absurd and NOT what Jesus would do. My path, and how God speaks to me, are my own. They are not up for judgement except by Him. Log/Splinter. I would have hoped to have found support with kindness and help to find scripture that could help me on my journey. Instead, I found this. I will pray God touches your spirits so you can get back to His plan.
Hi SFG, Please continue to take your medications. If you need your medication adjusted or if you have questions about your medication, see your doctor.
Lots of medicines are made from plants. Many herbs have medicinal qualities. Consider Revelation 22...
Revelation 22:1-2
Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.
This verse suggests to me that plants have healing qualities.
And consider Rachel who asked Leah for some of her son's mandrakes. For a long time it was believed that mandrakes enhance fertility. I don't know if people remember how to use the mandrakes.
Genesis 30:14
During wheat harvest, Reuben went out into the fields and found some mandrake plants, which he brought to his mother Leah. Rachel said to Leah, "Please give me some of your son's mandrakes."
Shepherds used to carry in a purse small pieces of a plant that can stop bleeding. It's called shepherd's purse. Some of it's leaves are shaped like hearts.
So SFG, people do need to use medication now and then.
Love and God bless,
I’m sure most of us have something that we would like to get rid of, but I never blamed God for giving it to me.
I have nothing against a person using meds prescribed by their doctors; I do however have a problem when people say that God gave them this temptation in their flesh to teach them something.
Especially in light of James.1:13, let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God can not be tempted with evil, neither tempteth He any man…… When we consider sickness as evil. It is not from God! Christ came that we might have life and have it more abundantly.
The first part of Isa.1:18 says, Come now and let us reason together saith the Lord ……..; So now I say: come let us reason together, if you feel that God put something on you, a sickness, depression etc. to teach you something, IMO. Wouldn’t we be in direct rebellion to God’s will for our lives if we tried to get rid of it? I’m just curious where do we get that God does things like this?
Mary O,
During wheat harvest, Reuben went out into the fields and found some mandrake plants, which he brought to his mother Leah. Rachel said to Leah, "Please give me some of your son's mandrakes."
Strong’s Concordance, for “mandrakes” used in Gen.30:14 from (duwd); a boiler or basket; also the mandrake (as aphrodisiac) :- basket, mandrake.
I think I will stop before I get myself in trouble.
I’m sorry for your infirmity Wendy, I will keep you in prayer though.
I never blamed God for giving me depression. Re-read my post. I was saying that I had been inflicted with depression and that I was choosing to learn from God what He had to teach me from it.
It just goes to show in my first sentence that this room is nothing but judgmental people who are NOT supportive in God's word but intent on just 'being right and more knowledgeable' than another. I will never revisit this group. This is NOT what it is portrayed as being......loving, Christ-centered, supportive of each other, etc. Nothing but the 'one up' game is played in this place and it is not conducive to my growth in Christ. This kind of behavior from 'Christians' is exactly why it took me sooooooooo long to come back to Christ. Be well.
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