All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I completely believe that even as Born again followers of Christ we can continually fall into "pits" and God is there carrying us through it when it strikes but can anything really HOLD us in the pit ?
This question is not being raised to hurt. It is being raised to HELP as I am seeing many being held in these pits within the Christian family on-line AND off-line.

Father God,
Help us all to share freely as your children and in love in this sharing. Let it be a testimonial of Your love and light for Your Glory. In Jesus most precious Name,Amen

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Oh nd the way mobile is set up it is also very hard to even follow the order of the comments. Sis. I just believe god heals all of us when we have faith that he will.
I remember very many years I just wished I was dead each and every day. Now here I am,someone who once could not even stand up for herself , being able to not only do that but to also be able to stand up for jesus. Sis, HE DId THAt for me and we worked at it together and right now ,just to be here and say this brings tears of joy to my eyes :')

Dear Sister Nancy,

I want to say that this was a powerful thread. You started it with the love of God and you demonstrated God's love all the way through. What is God's love? It is many things and what you brought out is that God is a God of love who sent his Son to The Cross that we might be set free from oppression from the enemy in all it's forms.


You proved that God can take a person who can not even stand up for himself and make him into a living testimony of faith. You showed that God and His Word is more powerful than any form of oppression the enemy can lie to us with- that all we need to do is put our faith in God's Word above any other voice whether it is the medical establishment, the religious establishment, or any other human voice, no matter how highly regarded, and we will be more than conquerors. And you so beautifully did not back down off your faith and demonstrated what it is to speak the truth in love.


When God called me to be His witness, He told me the task would not be as complex as I thought. He wisely told me that some ppl would receive the Word (truth) with gladness, but most would not, so that I would not be crushed when so many reject God's Word. Because I want everyone to know and love this wonderful Jesus who set me free as I do, but the reality is, not very many will as compared with those who will.


He also said that it was not my responsibilty to save anyone as only He could do that. He said my job was to simply lift up Jesus and the rest was between Him and that person. When the truth is put forth and it is rejected, we must simply do what you have done in this thread which is to continue to walk in love and pray for those who reject truth or who are not ready to listen.


I have observed that ppl have all kinds of defense mechanisms. Without even trying to understand what the messenger is saying, they cut him off before he even begins.This is not loving- it is rude and prideful and such a person will always act this way until he surrenders to Christ and takes on His nature which is love, patience, and fairness with others.


It is perfectly ok to have a difference of opinion with someone and lovingly work it out. But it is not ok to act like a spoiled child who says, essentially, I don't like what you say so I am going to cut you off and take my ball and go home! It is even easier to do that on the net than it is in person. That is just not a godly attitude and those who act like this need to learn that if they want respect they must treat others with respect. So, we encounter many that we must simply put in God's hands and go on to the next until we encounter the one who is ready to receive the truth of God


So thank you for this thread sister, because in my eyes you are full of the Holy Spirit whose heart is always to set the captive free and to bring us up higher. The HS wants to replace the lies we have believed with God's Truth so we can live in victory in this life and in the life to come. That is why those who know Him and love Him are continually excited about Him. He has set us free and His heart has become our heart to seek and save the lost and to always hold up a holy standard.

you can beat it and you will amanda. God's word says you will because HE IS GOD! :)
Dear Jane,
I just prayed about this and have changed the title of this discussion.
I had not consideredf that a much loved friend would attack all over the site as a result. I underestimated and I take full responsibilitu as I had discerned volitility there. It was my only prayer to attempt to find a way for us to truly understand and believe in God's awesome Power. Remember that we are all still growing and at one time I myself was in a place where I was in need of more growth while God molded me and honed the fruit of the Spirit. Sis it takes time and it is all in God's timing. This is a lesson learned for me not to get invoved too closely emotionally and to choose my friends wisely. I weill still reach out to others regardless. The eney has attempted to discourage me in that area for three years but he cannot hold a good heart down. God has not allowed that. I imagine he will look for other ways now since that approach has ceased to be successful. ALL GLORY TO GOD! :D

Amanda  may I add that if depression can be healed for everyone that readily  then what about other problems. Maybe we should let Joni Erickson know this  or the brother born without limbs .  You are right Amanda healing is not always instant  although the microwave society would have us think so. As well healing and deliverence is not necessarily what we people think it to be. You keep going sister  The Lord wants to continue to use you.

In love the Lord teaches.

haha! There we go again Dean! I sooo love it when the Spirit of the Lord speaks in duplicate. :D
Its ok , I am usually invisible anyway. Or should this thought go into the Percepption discussion. :)
I agree Amanda.God's healing does not alw take place overnight. There are many cases of miraculous deliverences as HE wills. Deep wounds most often take time. God blessed me with this deliverence yet at the same time I have had times ,as previously mentioned,where I will and can go into depression. I am fortunate and blessed as well that God has given me a family in Christ that supports and helps to carry my burden and uplift me out of it,both here and at church.
It is like the way God works with each and every one of us on an individual basis as we are clay in His hands. His timing is always perfect and in the meantime we just try our best with who we are in Him and concentrate on what we can. Do and give with what we have to give. Does that make sense?

Hi again Amanda,

First I want to say that it is a miracle that I saw your 2 newest posts here, because I thought this thread was over and done with for the most part and wasn't planning on coming back to it. But an interesting thing happened yesterday. Satan attacked me left and right yesterday through 2 of my closest family members. I knew the attack was coming before it ever occurred, because being a believer who listens to the Holy Spirit, He revealed to me that an attack was on the way. If I told you what happened to me you would truly understand what the spiritual attack was and how satan can use even those closest to us who should have our back, to hurt us if he could.


So, I spent most of the day yesterday being very prayerful so I could be attuned to the Spirit. I did  not know when the attack would occur or what it would entail- I just knew it was coming! So, when it got here, I wasn't surprised at all, and though it might of really hurt me as we don't expect our close family members who are believers to fall for satan's tricks and take it out on us, yet I know anything is possible with him as far as doing something like this from ppl we do not expect it from. As I've said before, he has to try new tricks with me because the usual ones don't work anymore. I am not always so prepared for his attacks, but I was at my best this time. So, when it took place, I was so full of the Spirit that I laughed more than I got upset. I didn't learn this overnight. This is from walking with the Lord for a long time now.


So, what made me come back to this thread? Well, I also know from experience that when I witness to someone and they don't receive it, that satan is going to attack me to discourage me from reaching out to that person again or to others. I'm telling you, Amanda, his underhanded attacks get so old. I knew this was him, so I tried to think who I had shared with that he might be attacking me for, because I witness to ppl all the time, so I had to think back. Well, you were one person I thought of and that is what brought me back to this thread. I have been confused about who you are as at first you got mad at some things I said, then you posts vanished from the thread, then I came across posts in another thread with your name, but the pic was different. So, wondered if that was a different Amanda and wasn't sure where you went to and why the different pics.


Anyway, I do know I am speaking with the same Amanda again and this is what I want to say to you. Thank you for your apology, but if you only knew me, I am so forgiving. I forgave you for what you said that was unloving sounding as soon as you said it. I walk in forgiveness. Someone could call me in the middle of the night who needed my help despite having previously offended me and I would come running to help without a second thought if he was repentent. Not a single thing I said that offended you was meant in the wrong spirit you took it as. In these two more recent posts of yours, you are communicating and I understand you perfectly and I do have just as much I would like to reply to you.


For one thing, I studied to go into counseling at one point. I had to take various secular counseling courses to get liscenced in my state. My actual intention was to go through the secular courses so I could work and minister in christian counseling. So, I well know the message of secular counseling and know that many Chritian counsleors compromise with that message. It is a faithless message and had I gone into Christian counseling I would of totally tailored my counseling style to be Word based, not secular, carnal based. Just like you, I care deeply for ppl  with depression and other issues to be understood, but I also care for them to be set free. However,  I know that only the truth of God's Word can set them free. So that is my approach.


Now, what do I mean by this? Well I would love to discuss it with you Amanda, because this post is not a response to the points you made. It is just to tell you how I arrived back at your posts. Let me ask you this, when you say that you know that you take some things others say to you wrong because you see through the eyes of depression, then would it even do any good for us to have a discussion with my responses to your points? How can a person such as myself communicate with you in a way so that you will not get offended and think I am saying something I'm not?


Because I can assure you, Amanda, I am not the judgemental person you may think I am. I do not say these things about the love of God that wants the suffering to be set free to be judgmental. You might not think that message is for you, but I know it is. I know that most will not receive my message and it is not my job to impose my beliefs on them. I simply say all one is receptive to hear and go on to the next if the communication drys up.Yes, it makes me sad when so many will not receive the truth, but know I may be at least planting a seed until they are ready for truth, if ever. It is always a joy when one is receptive, but that does not happen everyday so I expect that.


With God, I am no one special and neither are you, or put another way, we are both very special to God - everyone is special to Him if they only knew it. And I have a response to every point you made if you will only give me the courtesy and the benefit of a doubt to believe that I am not against you- I am for you and know you can be free of your depression.


But I can only dialog with you, Amanda, if I know you are not going to turn things around and will calmly make your points and allow me to make mine. I am willing to speak with you in private emails if what I might say would offend you on the site. Or I can speak wioth you right here on the site, because that would be very instructive to others who are suffereing from depression, too. Either way, I am fine with it.


And somewhere in your posts you said you hurt me. Well, like you said, no one wants to be rejected or made to look judgemental or other negative things, but I have learned in life not to take things said to me personally. If I feel momentarily hurt, it is not me whom I care about, but how God must feel when ppl reject or misinterpret His Word. So, the offer is always open to you  to share and discuss this issue. I am not a person to argue, debate and get hot tempered. I say my piece and appreciate respect, and I respect the right of others to believe what they want as does God.


Also, you thanked me for being honest to say that depressing things happen to me all the time. But I want to make it clear that just because depressing things happen to me through ppl all around me who are depressed, or otherwise hateful acting, that does mean that it is my depression- no it's theirs! I am free in Christ and I believe everyone who chooses to can be free in Christ, too. That is my message from someone who could of been just another statistic and I stand by it as living proof that anyone can have what I have - the peace of God that passes understanding.


Depression is not a sin sis amanda. Whoever told you such a thing?
Maybe that someone was trult trying to help but may have said the wrong thing at the wrong time amanda. I know that I myself have fallen into that trap myself. I get in trouble that way sometimes but it is not in me to purposely hurt anyone. Love you my sister

From Depression Help:

I suffered from depression for ten years. And even though things seemed almost hopeless at times, now it's over, I wouldn't trade what I learnt from having it. Not to say manic depression is good - it's not - but God used it to the good. 'Almost hopeless' is important as God promises in the Bible never to leaves us utterly hopless in our trials, no matter what the situation - something I have found to be true. So what is the best treatment for depression?

a quick fix . . .

There are 2 ways to deal with depression - you can buy your way out of it, filling your life with a constant stream of activties and pleasures which relieve the pain but never realy get to the root of the problem. Or you can accept that you have weaknesses, take hold of God's promise that he can overcome anything, and slowly begin to work through them with him, facing and overcoming each, one at a time. There is no quick fix with depression but it can be overcome.

life's not easy!

One of the first things I had to learn before I was able to overcome depression was that life isn't easy and sometimes it can be especially so for Christians. It was however years before I took this to heart and so I had no relief - always expecting things to change for the better - not realising it was me that was going to have to change if I was going to survive in a tough world. Everyone else always looked so sorted. We're often told that God meets every need and this taken at face value leaves us disapointed and bewildered when we face trials. We are left wanting and feeling neglected. Often I wanted to die, seeing no hope - just a life of rules and regulations that I couldn't stick to and that were taking what little joy I had away. But in my concience I saw something spineless about throwing in the towel, and knew there must be more to suffering than met the eye. It was then I asked the question, if I were God, how would I make real men and women out of the fallible often frail people humans are. Therein lay the challenge. God had set before me a chance to become a fighter. Not just that, an honest fighter with a solid foundation that wouldn't be washed away when things got rough. I realised that people wern't quite as 'sorted' as they appeared. Real men and women survive in a world constantly bombarded by temptations too numerous to mention, and are still standing at the end, with more faith and more patients than could ever be attained by having an easy ride. What could be more desirable than to be such a strong person!! But I had to be prepared to fight and not roll over and die - easier said than done. It meant facing myself and challenges head-on, bit at a time as I could handle it. I sought councelling (everyone needs different help). And there were many steps forward and many steps back. My battle with depression would last nearly 10 years. But I overcame it with God's help and the great news is, anyone can overcome depression! But my starting point was accepting that life isn't easy. It sounds obvious but many people never face this reality and hop from one thing to another never facing the deeper issues from which real maturity can begin to grow. Come to terms with this, and you're ready for anything. You can get on with the business of going higher and father than you ever imagined!

the person as a whole - overall well-being

The general well being of a person depends on a balance of heart mind and body. When one part of the being is not working well, it will eventually have an effect on another part. For instance it is known that continual mental stress can negatively effect cholesterol levels. Even not eating properly can effect the way you feel. But the most important part of your person is your heart (not your physical one!).
who gets it.

Anyone can suffer from it but but some people more predisposed to depression than others since basic personality type is determined partly by genetic make up. However it is also obviously linked to personal circumstances, health, finances etc and of course a persons beliefs are going to have an effect.
Why do some get depression and others not?

Depression can take on many forms and there are lots of terms used to describe its type and severity which can make things confusing! Looking at the different personality types, you could predict that people would react differently to different situations. We all know people that respond well to problems like a rubber band, springing back and overcoming them. Often resulting in the person being better off than they were at the start. Others dont respond well to life's problems. They may analyse the roblem, see no way out and get themselves in a downward spiral.

People will react differently to the same situation.

Person A has lost his job. He dwells on his past experience and focuses on the long struggle ahead. Not only does this make him depressed and affect his performance in an interviews, it takes away the little motivation he had to start - the result is negative.

Person B on the other hand becomes angry at loosing his job and rather than take out his frustration on his boss who has long since forgotten him, he channels it into finding a new job. Within 3 weeks he has succeeded in getting a better job than he had before. For him the result of being sacked has ended putting him in a better place than before!

A person needs to have confidence in God, themselves and their abilities - whatever the circumstances - not easy! (see self-esteem)

confide in the right people!

If you reall feel down it's often tempting to confide in someone of the opposite sex. Sometimes the very people who we wish to attract. Not only are you displaying your lack of stability but in danger of becoming attached to the wrong person at a vulnerable time.

other things to avoid

This magazine claims to answer all your problems. In fact, its claims are empty. The only people left really smiling are the magazine companies. There have been recent studies that claim a link between depression, rising male suicide rates (brought on by rising insecurities) and the massive increase in soft porn magazines. Even magazines like GQ don't contain much useful. Young men especially, - do not read this stuff. It is not designed to seduce the stable but the unstable - people who arn't aware of soft porn's addictiveness. It will leave you feeling insecure. Exactly what we don't want as christians! Insecure is not attractive.

what the Bible says

The Bible says many times to guard your heart and to be careful of what you allow to enter it. It needs to be looked after and norished with good spiritual food and company. This food is the Word of God!! Feed your spirit bad spiritual food or keep bad company and it will soon affect the way you're thinking. The way your thinking will affect the way your feeling and might lead to depression or actions that you may regret. So as the bible says, keep every thought captive and don't allow bad thoughts to take root.

Easier said than done!

Depression can be relieved by patiently meditating on God's Word and expecting Him to act, Psalm 42:6, TLB. "Yet I am standing here depressed and gloomy, but I will meditate upon Your kindness to this lovely land where the Jordan River flows and where Mount Hermon and Mount Mizar stand."
Prayer is a key to healing depression I Samuel 1:10, NIV.

"In bitterness of soul Hannah wept much and prayed to the Lord." It
is useful to count your blessings, Psalm 107:8-9, TLB. "Oh, that
these men would praise the Lord for His loving kindness, and for all
of His wonderful deeds! For He satisfies the thirsty soul and fills
the hungry soul with good."

Praise conquers depression, Psalm 34:1-3, TLB.
"I will praise the Lord no matter what happens, I will constantly
speak of His glories and grace. I will boast of all His kindness to
me. Let all who are discouraged take heart. Let us praise the Lord
together, and exalt His name."

Christian music can help dispel depression, Psalm 33:1-3, TLB.
"Let all the joys of the godly well up in praise to the Lord, for it
is right to praise Him. Play joyous melodies of praise upon the lyre
and on the harp. Compose new songs of praise to Him, accompanied
skillfully on the harp; sing joyfully."

Depression and discouragement don't last forever, Psalm 30:5, TLB.
"Weeping may go on all night, but in the morning there is joy."
Keeping God's law can help bring peace to one who is depressed,
Psalms 119:165, NIV.
"Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing can make them

do you feel suicidal?

You are not alone in thinking about wanting to die. Several men in the Bible felt the same way, Numbers 11:14-15, RSV. Moses said, "I am not able to carry all this people alone, the burden is too heavy for me. If thou wilt deal thus with me, kill me at once, if I find favor in thy sight, that I may not see my wretchedness."
An event in the story of Elijah... Kings 19:3-4, NRSV.

"Then he was afraid; he got up and fled for his life, but he himself went a day's journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a solitary broom tree. He asked that he might die: "It is
enough; now, O Lord, take away my life, for I am no better than my ancestors."

However dark the future may appear, God will never abandon you, II Corinthians 4:8-9 TLB,
"We are pressed on every side by troubles, but not crushed and broken. We are perplexed because we don't know why things happen as they do, but we don't give up and quit. We are hunted down, but God never abandons us. We get knocked down, but we get up again and keep going."

You are of great value to God, Luke 12:6-7, TLB.
"What is the price of five sparrows? A couple of pennies? Yet God does not forget a single one of them. He knows the number of hairs on your head! Never fear, you are far more valuable to Him than a whole flock of sparrows."

God cares about you and is thinking of you constantly, Psalm 139:17-18, TLB.
"How precious it is, Lord, to realize that you are thinking about me constantly! I can't even count how many times a day your thoughts turn towards me. And when I waken in the morning, you are still thinking of me!"

You are promised a marvelous future, Jeremiah 29:11, TLB.
"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope."

Cast your burden on the Lord, He shall sustain you;" Matthew 11:28-30, KJV says,
"Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your soul. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light."

overcome with fear? God will help you,

Isaiah 41:10, NKJV "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am Your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." Joshua 1:9, TLB says, "Yes, be bold and strong! Banish fear and doubt! For remember, the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
God will never forsake you even if everyone else has, Psalm 9:10, NIV.

"Those who know your name will trust in You, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek You.." Psalms 46:1-3, TLB says, "God is our refuge and strength, a tested help in times of trouble. And so we need not fear even if the world blows up, and the mountains crumble into the sea. Let the oceans roar and foam; let he mountains tremble!"

God offers you peace of heart and mind,

John 14:27, NKJV "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." Isaiah 26:3, NKJV says, "You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You." John 16:33 says, "I have told you all this so that you will have peace of heart and mind. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows; but cheer up, for I have overcome the world."

With God's help, keep your heart and mind focused on positive thoughts, Philippians 4:8,
"And now, brothers [and sisters], as I close this letter let me say one more thing: Fix your thoughts on what is true and good and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely, and dwell on the fine, good things in others. Think about all you can praise God for and be glad about."

If you are feeling totally alone, remember at this very moment, you are of great value to God, and you have friends who are willing to listen and want to help.


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