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When someone struggles with the sins of the flesh, does it mean that on the day of judgement, Jesus will say to them, "Depart from me, for I never knew you?

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i shall work on my theory of just putting it in a box and handing it over, lot of hard work to do, God will think its christmas
Thank you carla
God bless you
God will Bless all your efforts Clair.
2Ch 16:9 The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. What a fool you have been! From now on, you will be at war."

The context here is one king put his trust in another king's suggestions..and because of that he had terrible consequences. This doesn't really have anything to do with forgiveness.. But we can learn that when we trust in God and He sees that we are fully committed to Him, He will strengthen us.

Blessings, Carla
hi carla
so kinda like i take all my hate lust for revenge, anger etc and hand it over to him and walk away clean and free in the know that itll be taken care of?
Hi Clair,

My dear.. one step at a time. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you where the best place to begin is.

HE will bring a remembrance to your mind of things that you need to repent of to be free. When He does this, repent. Tell the Lord that you don't want to hold those feelings any longer. Tell God that you want to hate these things as He does so that you will not return to them. Thank Jesus that HE died and rose again to defeat all the things that we cannot. HE is Savior! HE is also Lord. Since Jesus is Lord, He is the Only One who gets to say how you live. Read your bible and ask the Holy Spirit to open your heart and mind to teach you the things you do not know. You will see that your heart will slowly be transformed, and you will begin to live a new life with new desires. This includes faith, which is so important.. Pray that God will increase your faith in Him. If you need to, repent from any unbelief. Let us know how you are doing.
God's Grace has saved Faith..This is a gift from God! The part you play is surrender and obedience. This includes admitting your need for Him. I hope this helps you sweet sis..
Love in Christ, Carla
Yes there was a song with the lyrics 'God's gonna get you for that' some folks call this karma Know in your heart of hearts that God will ultimately judge us all. Let the man without sin cast the first stone.

As to how to rid yourself of these hurtful thoughts pray, stop yourself and say a prayer. Satan is cunning and powerful we need our Fathers help and He will. Turn that thought into something positive and never be afraid to pray.
I found out how: when I learned that if I don’t forgive, I am only hurting myself. Why would they care whether or not you forgave them? So see it only hurts you in the long run, not them.
Amen to that Joe,

Carrying grudges only hurts you, not them.

Amen, again,
I agree with you 100% that our righteousness is solely in Him, “Christ”.
We can do nothing to deserve it, and as you say: we are as righteous as we will ever be the day we received Him as Lord and savior.

You know it is funny to me in away, yet not funny HAHA, but we can believe that we are saved by believing in Him, without physical evidence; yet we can’t believe that we have been healed by those same stripes He suffered on the cross without physical evidence! 2Pet.1:2-3 says that He has given to us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him........ Certainly health and prosperity pertains to life, does it not? Deliverance and forgiveness of sin pertains unto godliness.
He says that if our hearts condemn us, God is greater than our hearts, Praise God!! He also says that if we say we have no sin; we deceive ourselves, and if we say we have never sinned, we call God a liar.
So yes! we sin every day, not necessarily willingly, but by disobeying the conviction of the Holy Spirit that is in us to guide us in the way righteousness.
So in reference to this:
If you are not careful you are going to become so self-righteous that you will begin to say that people's sickness is a result of their sin.
Well; God does not cause sickness to come on us because of our sinning, Because He is not imputing our sins and trespasses against us.
However though , I can say because of our sins ‘not all’ there are certain consequences for certain sins, Like: what ever is not off faith is sin. Rom.14.
So how many times have we said after we have suffered a certain failure in business deals, or done things that afterwards: have said “I knew I shouldn‘t have done that” or have gone against that still small voice that says “this is the way, walk ye in it", and have ignored it and experienced a failure of some sort?

This is the sins that can bring on sickness, ie I knew I should not have eaten that,…… what ever it is.
Remember in, John 5:14
Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee. ?
So it is the devil that comes to kill steal……….., Tempting us with various things that will harm us. As he tempted EVE in the garden, that brought, not sickness but death.
I am hoping we can make the connection, some sins can cause sickness! Disobedience to that still small voice, is a sin.
Pro.26:2  As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come.

I think faith is a gift. I am praying that He will give me more faith. I see so much suffering. I would like to have more power to heal those who are sick. Sickness is a result of the fall. Suffering is a result of the fall. I wold like to undo all of that but I can't. I can only do what that He gives for me to do. If I could I would heal everyone who asked for healing. Who knows, maybe someday He will allow me to do more.

I know you have faith in this area as I know you and have seen you live your life in faith. I admire you and am grateful to have you as a friend.

I am not getting the Pro 26:2 reference. What are you saying?

Blessings back,
Roy, I'm sorry, but I didn't see this response earlier.
Pro.26:2 As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so “the curse” causeless shall not come.
. what makes something happen: something that or somebody who makes something happen or exist or is responsible for a certain result,
the cause of all the uproar

I am not getting the Pro. 26:2 reference. What are you saying?

I guess what I am trying to say is: If you look at the curses in Deut.28:15.….
You will see. This is the same as disobedience to the Spirit! ie Deut.28:1, it shall come to pass if thou shalt “hearken” diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God: to observe and to do all His commandments [the blessings follow]……..,15.…. But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken to that voice…[the curses follow]!
Though we have been redeemed from the “curse of the law“. But some of the sicknesses and even deaths we suffer are “caused” by things that we have done, like running stop signs, or overeating causing various ailments, So these ailments were caused by something; in other-words they, [were not causeless] even though we did it to ourselves. That is the results of not "hearkening" to that still small voice that said you shouldn’t over-eat, run stop signs, etc.

That disobedience is a sin. Rom.14. Not walking in faith. = conviction and or persuasion of the heart. I know we all know that a transgression of the law is a sin, Now disobedience to that prompting of the Spirit is a transgression of that law. That’s the Grace of God in action! The only law we have today is the laws of God written in our hearts and when we go against that quickening of our spirit, is the same as a transgression of that law. Remember He said
Romans 3:31
“Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law. ” No one can have enough faith to disobey that law without suffering consequences. Not death dealing blows necessarily; but a failure of some sort: in business deals, making wrong turns, running stop signs. etc.
I think there are too many Christians today are trying to categorize sin!
Like don’t smoke, drink, curse or chew or go with those that do!

When all it “sin” is, is not walking in or by faith. Rom.14:23,Also we could call it “not walking according to Grace” That divine influence upon the heart.

There may be some here that sees this Grace and Faith differently than I do. But it is By that Grace, through Faith we have been Saved, Healed, Delivered, and guided in the way of righteousness, prosperity etc.

I know this could have been explained in fewer words, but this is the way a person that is not a teacher, preacher, or a writer sees
God bless,
Hey Mischelle,

If that were true than none of us would be saved.
We all still struggle with sin of one sort or another.
We are saved by faith. This is not a license to sin...but we are saved by faith.

Blessings, Carla
Roy, have I ever once evn slightly implied that I was better than anyone or more righteous? Where do you come up with that stuff? I am constantly amazed at the Lord's abundant grace, without which I would have nothing. I also believve that 'my works' do not save me. My ransom has been paid in full. But should we continue in sin? Cerrtainly not. (Paul the Apostle) Yes, I am a sinner, my works will not save me, but John the Baptist, Jesus, Paul etc....all have told us to 'repent from sin'...'turn away from sinful ways'.......and they were 'speaking to those who were saved/christians'. Why would 'they' warn christians to turn away from sin which leads to death...and to live in righteousness which brings life? Why would they warn people in this way ....if it were of no consequence once they were 'saved'?


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