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I have a serious demon situation! Many unwelcome energy forms in my body and my apartment. I have been praying and asking God for help. I have tried many things to get rid of these demon's. I have been searching for a deliverance minister and there are none in my area. I think these things are going to kill me. They speak. Can anyone help me? I believe my life, my daughters life, her husbands life and their cats lives as well as there souls are all in serious danger! Please help us!

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I seriously doubt you need a "deliverance minister". If you are a follower of Jesus, you already have a deliverance minister -- the Holy Spirit -- indwelling you.

As far as the demonic operating in your life, this is the assurance we have in God's Word: "So humble yourselves before God. Resist the Devil, and he will flee from you" (James 4:7).

So, on the basis of God's word I can confidently guarantee you that if you are trusting in Jesus Christ alone to save you and give you a place in Heaven and you are daily submitting your life to do God's will, his plans and to live your life according to his commands in the Bible, the Devil cannot have a place in your life. He has to flee because he cannot stand the Holy Spirit of God indwelling you. A sincere and true believer in Jesus Christ cannot be demon possessed. According to the Bible, it is impossible.

This is not to say that demonic powers cannot try to harrass us, bother us, or try to put thoughts in your mind, but if you are trusting in Jesus, you now have authority over them because the Spirit of Jesus now lives in you. You simply command them to go in Jesus' name.

I recommend the book, The Bondage Breaker by Neil Anderson. It will tell you how to get the truth in your life so the Devil has to flee.

I also recommend this prayer and pray it every time I sense I or a loved one is under attack:

So, two questions...

1. Have you personally received Jesus Christ as your Savior and have renounced all attempts to win a place in Heaven by your good works?

2. Are you consciously giving your life over to God every day and striving to live in accordance with his commands?

Grace be with you!

TheNET Coordinator

Very good words.

Lord Bless,
Wow Greg,

Thank you for posting that prayer!!

God Bless,

Thank you Greg...A powerful prayer indeed. I have printed a copy!

Thank you Heavenly Father that you always meet our needs, even before we know we need them. In Jesus name, Amen!
TY GREG Hope you have a BRIGHT CHRISTmas...Jesus is the reason for the season..Angels go with you
Thanks Greg for blessing me too with your response here and the prayer is so powerful. You are a blessing.
Hi Jody,
Grace and peace to you. I posted a forum on this subject that you should read. I know what you are going through. Take heart and ask God for light and He will give it. Do not, I repeat, do not listen to the ones who tell you that you are not experiencing what you already know you are experiencing. They are already deceived and that is the enemy working in them from the principle that "if it's true in you then it could be true in them". So they will deny that it has happened to you. You just simply need to deny all fear that comes to you. There is nothing to fear because God wants to make your deliverance real. Take the way of the Cross. That is where victory is. Put to death by the Spirit all ground that has been given to the enemy. You will start emerging into liberty almost immediately that you start taking back ground. But you will have a "fighting through" period. The Holy Spirit will guide you. You have the Holy Spirit dwelling in your spirit and the enemy is trying to prevent you from moving in the power of the Holy Spirit so they try to attack your soul or body to suppress your spirit where God dwells. Get a book called "The Spiritual Man" by Watchman Nee which explains the way of the Cross and the functions of the spirit, soul and body very well. You will need a good understanding of that. God will lead you in the way of victory if you just take heart and let Him give it to you. The work is finished and done and you need only to respond and allow the Holy Spirit to make it real in your life. The whole of faith is letting the Holy Spirit make real to you in living experience the finished work of Christ on the Cross. Though you're going through a lot now, you are actually in a good place, Satan fears the Christian who has been crucified with Christ because he is a mighty force against the powers of darkness. Most Christians never face this and are not feared by the enemy. Anyways, I prayed that God would bind the enemy from hindering you or frustrating your deliverance. The forum I wrote on "Demon Possession-Oppression in Christians" explains more. But get those books and let God lead you through. He has used them both to deliver many saints from the wiles of Satan. That is how the body of Christ works. May the grace of our dear Lord Jesus be with your spirit and may He grant unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation. And may He strengthen you by the power of His might in the inner man and the God of peace Himself sanctify you wholly, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus. He who calls you is faithful, He will surely do it!
I just want to follow up on that discussion about demon possession which was started in December last year. I wish many who are troubled by this problem would review the wise answers the Holy Spirit gave through those who commented on the subject.

The reason I am writing is to refer to a similar problem called generational curses. If anyone is wondering about being under generational curses, like Christians thinking they are demon possessed, it is a delusion. The Bible does not support this idea. The Bible does assert that all in Christ are blessed with all spiritual blessings and who God blesses no one can curse. In addition to the books recommended by Evan-Gombach on demon possession, I would like to recommend the Book, The Myth of the Generational Curse (Xulon Press, 2007) by G.A.N. James. The book thoroughly examines the Scripture passages used to propagate the idea of generational curses and show how those who propagate the idea of generational curses misrepresent these Scripture passages and demonstrate a lack of knowledge of the Scriptures and the power of God.
You made this posting in December. How are you and your family? I'm an intercessor, and I have experience in discerning of spirits.

My first impressions are...
Remember perfect love casts out fear. God loves you so much.
We have not received a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

God bless!
Mary O.
I think if you check out you can also find other great devotionals.
I find the devotionals helpful. They kind of get the cobwebs out of my head in the morning.
Neil Anderson has nice devotionals on this website.
He's written some books that you might find helpful.

God bless!
Mary O.
Dear jody
Meditate On:
Psalms 91 read aloud daily.
James 4 v 7
Psalm 23
Find other related scripture in the Bible for protection such as no weapon formed aggainst me shall prosper.
Speak the word out aloud when you are attacked.
Pray before you go to bed.
Anoint your walls and doors, furniture and yourself with oil.
Try to find a specific time to pray together every evening and combine it with song and worship.
Invite the church to come in and anoint and pray in your house.
Read the word daily, meditate on it. Demons hate it when u read the bible.
Try and play gospel DVDS in the morning and thru the day.
Play Gospel CDs in your car.
Join a cell group for support and encouragement.
Set a routine for fasting. Fasting and prayer helps a lot.
AS you start to fill your home and your heart with things of God these demons will have to flee beacuse you are invoking the presence of God in your home and life.
Anyone can cast out a demon as long as he has the faith to do so. You can ask a decon or elder in the church to pray for you. The word says the prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
Dont let the enemy in close - all open doors and God will fight this battle for you.
Well, there is no doubt that we are in spiritual warfare, we are aware of it much more as we walk in our christian life.
The important thing to realize is that you have the power and authority given you by Jesus Christ over these things.
Focus on getting to know him and loving him, for perfect love casts out all fear!.

You know fear does not come from the Father, and you know that Jesus conquered sin through is death and raising again.
this is to say that you are an heir to the throne of Christ, a CHILD OF YOUR FATHER MOST HIGH, do you not know the security and power that you have as a prince of royalty of the highest kind?

I know you do not, because if you did, your demons would tremble in fear and flee because you would claim your power.
You would understand that fear IS FROM THE ENEMY, that feeling of fear is not yours it is forced apon you.

Be patient with yourself and build your security in the knowledge of Christ, and the nature of your Father most high,
put on the full armour of God and stand on his word and his promises to you.

Allowing yourself to let go of the fear and submit to Gods control on your life and the belief that as your Father God cares for you and protects you.

When you can realize that your Father is your protection and he sees everywhere that you are and everything that is happening in perfect love you will be free of all of this.

Satan would love to have you beleive he has the power to destroy you and those you love, but under the protection of Jesus, you made a choice and have been adopted as the son of your Father most high.
A HIGHER AUTHORITY. satan and all of his workers have allready been conquered.


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