What does a person do when there's demonic attack?
And, is it getting serious if sleep paraysis (some think that's demonic) occurs? A guy came over to the bed (in my dream) and wouldn't let me scream as I was laying in bed. I wanted to wake up but couldn't. This was atleast a couple of months ago though.
What does a person do under the circumstance;that demonic attack has been going on pretty much for like atleast the last 5 in a half years?
If you're asleep, not a whole lot you can do. I would just chalk it up as having a bad dream & not make it out of anything more. That's just my opinion tho. I may be totally wrong.
It seemed so real. It was like there was someone actually there. I wanted to wake up but couldn't.
i have experienced major demonic dreams and so has my husband. we have also both experienced that if you say, "in the name of Jesus Christ, leave!" that it works. i'm not saying these are necessarily real demons, but we have both had masses of demons flee from the name of Jesus in our dreams.
i have also experienced sleep paralysis as well as seeing someone standing right next to my bed (i was awake), and have heard a demonic growl right by my ear when i was awake in bed etc... i believe demons love to mess with us, and any past involvement in the occult, or paranormal things can give demons a foothold. but i also know that the One who is in us is much greater than the one who is in the world.
don't let these demon bullies scare you. you are a child of God, and saying scripture out loud to declare this and using the Holy name of Jesus Christ will send them scurrying.
remember that Jesus has overcome the world. the demons may be frantically trying to scare people because they know their time is short, but you are a Child of God, covered in the blood of Jesus Christ, sealed unto the last day
Jesus said, some don't come out except by fasting and prayer.
Reading some of the replies, many have been attacked, including me.
Also, get with some brothers/sisters in the church who will pray for you. Just like in the bible, when demons were active, they were cast out. Also, cleanse your house, ask God, if there are any open doors, like harry Potter books, ask God to show you,.
And no matter how you feel, stand on what you KNOW, the word of God. ...Prayer, Fasting, Praise, the Word of God, .the blood of Jesus Christ has taken away all our sins.
I'll pray for you right now,
Friend,John. P. I want to get with brothers and sisters in Christ. I don't have face to face fellowship...thta's why AAG is so importent to me. I'd love it if they were cast out! I've had demons in my life ever since I was little...
Cleanse my house? I can't cleanse it of everything...which is alot of stuff. Why you ask can't I claense it of everything? It's a long story...
Thanks for your prayers,
Feetbreeze, I was attacked last night, and that's rare for me. Voice, weird dreams, and it does get me down.
But I KNOW I am in God's hands. Even though I don't like it or understand it now, there is a reason. So I posted prayers on a few prayer boards. I talked to my former wife (we are best of friends today, and she has a gift).
She said, ""Johnny, you left the sinful things, and have been living for God. Satan does not like that and will use every attack to get you to turn from God.""""
So, I trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. Here is a favorite bible vese.
Isaiah 41:10 KJV Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed ; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
and this one.
Jeremiah 3:22 KJV Return , ye backsliding children, and I will heal your backslidings
God PROMISES to heal me. I will have a season of prayer, and metion your request. there is power in prayer agreement.
John I can pray for you as well.
Satan knows his time is short, like I've heard before. Remember Job was tempted to turn from God as well. God got him through it, He will certainly get you through it as well.
I really hope this is ok to ask. You said your former wife has a gift? Could you ask her about what's going on in my life? I thought maybe God could tell her something...
In Christ,
I will ask her. But it's not a prophetic gift, it's more like "knowing the right words to say, to encourage someone"". I call it a gift. She is a great altar counselor.
She is always full of encouragement, so that is her gift. but I will ask her to read this, and say a prayer, and it might be a few days.
Tonight, I was prayed over, and two people said "Pray at least 30 min a day", so I have slacked in that area. so tomorrow at 6am or so,I hope to spend about 30 min in prayer.
I would ecourage you to do that too.
John P. thank you.
I'm not good with a time set for prayer. I'm not good at praying for certain reasons. It's hard to think of the right things to say. And, it's hard to kneel in prayer for it kneeling hurts the circulation in my legs. That makes it easier to be in a rush...
It's easier to just talk to Him. Especially, when it's just Him to talk to in a quiet room. I don't seem rushed when I'm talking to Him regulrly and can think easier.
It's only a dream? You mean like the dream I had earlier this morning? I was getting a few things for brothers and sisters overseas (I think one was a baby bib) to send over to them. The AntiChrist attacked me but the the AntiChrist was a maniquen witch. I think it went after my throat or some kind of weird attack with the hands/fingers. I dreamt I woke up (yet I was still sleeping). That's what I remember.
i wonder if demons like to attack more at night/in dreams because we usually are off our guard, and less "with it" in general. don't let that dream scare you. if you were just you up against the demons it would be really scary, but remember Who is on your side, Who has already defeated evil
Sister, how does a person know if he/she is up against a demon?
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