All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Man is a tripartite being. The spirit, soul, and body make one whole man. In a sense, we are created in the image of God who is also a tripartite being, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. But One whole God, that can't be separated. With that in mind, when someone is born again, it is because they had a dead spirit as a result of the fall. Man's spirit, which is man's organ to commune with God died on the day that Adam ate from the wrong tree first after God had told him, "On the day that you should eat, you shall surely die." So the Holy Spirit indwells man's spirit and quickens his human spirit to life, thus he is "born from above". The Holy Spirit dwells in man's innermost being which is his spirit. If you look at the temple, God dwelled in the innermost sanctuary. Not the Outer Courts or the Holy Place but the Holy of Holies. In someone who is "born of the Spirit", an evil spirit can not go in and dwell in his spirit because that is the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit of God. God desires that man should walk according to the spirit where His Spirit operates so his spirit should be buoyant and free and he should know how to use his spirit and to distinguish the difference between his spirit and his soul, which is his mind or intellect, his will, and his emotion. If man's spirit cooperates with the Holy Spirit then the Holy Spirit will lead him and guide him and empower him for service. The enemy's objective is to prevent a Christian from working, walking, or speaking in the power of the Holy Spirit. If the enemy can keep a Christian from using his spirit where the Holy Spirit dwells he knows that Christian is not much threat against the powers of darkness. They may look real busy in Christian service or prayer or whatever, but if it is not in the power of the Holy Spirit it is useless and a dead work. Therefore no threat to the enemy. So they do all they can to press or suppress a Christian's spirit, but cannot possess his spirit. The Holy Spirit possesses that. They can however attach to the body or the soul and make us live or walk accordingly so the life and power of God is not released from our spirit. They do this by attaching themselves, whispering, teaching, hindering, frustrating, and all sorts of different ways that are too many to name here. And may even counterfeit the Holy Spirit in spiritual gifts, which are still real in our day, to make the believer think that he is spiritual while he is yet carnal and has not yet come to the place where he is walking according to the Spirit to prevent him from truly walking in the Spirit. Thus we need to test and prove the spirits. Spiritual Warfare is inevitable in the Christians life. The Christian who has allowed Jesus Christ to make real to him that he is "seated with Christ in the heavenlies" will encounter the warfare that goes on in the heavenlies where the warfare is. Ephesians shows this. If being seated with Christ in the heavenlies is not the Christians experience he will not encounter this. There is no need for attack. Because that is where the power is, with Christ in the heavenlies. Satan's target is Christ in us. That is what he is after, to destroy the tesimony of the fulness of Christ. I will make a few recommendations in a minute. It's never too late for this, but the first thing a newborn Christian should do is just what Jesus said, "Take up your cross and follow me". The cross is the instrument that the Holy Spirit uses to put to death all that is not of Him. Our own reasoning, intellect, affections, human wisdom, self-will, human strength, etc. All those things are of the flesh and ground for the enemy. The cross is where the powers of darkness are defeated. It has to be made ours in living and vibrant experience. Not just a thought. If it is just a thought and not our real experience we are in danger. God provided all the grace we need to be laid hold of by faith. To have victory over sin, the self-life, Satan, and worldly pleasures. The work has been done, but if we don't respond to it it can never be ours. It is our choice whether or not we lay hold of it by faith and allow God to make it our real experience. If we don't then we trample His grace under foot and that is what the Great Apostasy will produce. The Holy Spirit desires to be our governing force. Actively allowing the Cross of Christ to put those things to death is the only thing that can deliver the Christian from ground of the enemy. It is not anything to be scared of but rather to stand up and take courage. God wants us to take back all ground from the enemy actively. Christ said, "He who loves his life(psuche), which means the soul life, will lose it, and he who loses his life(psuche) for My sake will keep it unto life(zoe) eternal. Which means divine life. That's as thorough as I can be for now, here, but I will recommend a couple books that will help guide whoever has a desire to move into a spiritual life. The first is called, "The Spiritual Man" by Watchman Nee. The other is called "War on the Saints" by Jessie Penn-Lewis and Evan Roberts. I do not recommmend "War on the Saints" to someone without a good foundation because it can cause someone to get a little too introspective but as far as the wiles of the devil it is very good. And does show the way of deliverance. But "The Spiritual Man" does also and is more thorough in guiding towards the spiritual life. One of Satan's big deceptions is making Christians believe it can't happen to them. Those who think that are those who have already been deceived. But God makes provision and will deliver all who want delivered. It only takes a genuine desire for truth in God's light instead of man's opinion or our own reasoning. "He who does the truth comes to the light, that his works might be manifest, that they are wrought in God." Just ask God for light with a willing heart and trust in His love and faithfulness.

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Hey LT,
I can go much deeper than this, but this should be enough to answer your question. I have found that the Bible throws much light upon the Satanic powers, which cannot fail to be discerned by all who search the Scriptures with open minds, but these will not obtain as much knowledge of the subject from the sacred record, as will those who have understanding by experience, interpreted by the Holy Spirit, and shown to be in line with the truth of the Word of God. The Lord had to actually let me get deceived so as to get me to open my eyes. But it was His mercy that let it happen and thank and praise Him for it. The believer may have a direct witness in his spirit to the truth of the Divine Word, but through experience he gets a personal witness to the inspiration of Scripture, to its testimony concerning the existence of supernatural beings, and their works, and the way they deceive, and mislead the children of men.
Keep in mind that there is much more in the spectrum of Scripture and experience than just this. But I'll give you an example of experience and I'll show you traces of the work of the deceiver that may be seen in the epistles of Paul, in his references to the 'false apostles', 'deceitful workers', and Satan's workings as an 'angel of light', and 'his ministers as ministers of righteousness' among the people of God(2 Cor. 11:13-15). In the messages to the Churches, also, given by the ascended Lord to His servant John, false apostles are spoken of, and false teachings of many kinds. A 'synagogue of Satan'(Rev. 2:9), consisting of deceived ones, is mentioned, and 'deep things of Satan' are described as existing in the Church(Rev. 2:24).
These are all things that I have personally witnessed amongst God's children and even amongst the most sincere believers. Usually, until the Holy Spirit illumines this to our spirit, we think of false apostles and teachers as would be unbelievers but I've been shown that we as born again Christians are not exempt from that dangers. That is why the "Way of the Cross" is so important to follow. For I was on the path to this myself. The enmy would have us to have "soulical" experiences that seem very spiritual but in fact are demonic. For example, I used to get these feelings of waves of electricity flowing through every nerve in my body and it was quite ecstatic. I thought I was feeling the love of God in my body but it was in fact an evil spirit deceiving me. Another example was a night when I was speaking in tongues and thought I was worshipping the Lord "in the room" which was not the presence of the Lord but an 'angel of light'. My head was pushed down into my chest and I was cast on the floor into a worship position 'against my will'. I then had a vision of the Lord on the Cross and it was very gruesome. In my ignorance I didn't realize that the Lord does not do that to us and will not cause us to have any experience against our will. But the Lord shown in light and caused me to start examining all these experiences that I had. I thought I had blasphemed the Holy Spirit and great darkness came over me beyond description of words. Then came the still small voice from within that told me that 'the only thing I don't want you to doubt is My love and faithfulness'. But I know that the enemy's tactic was to prevent me from coming into truly walking in the spirit by the true resurrection power of the Lord Jesus. And the Lord allowed it to show me how disgraceful it can turn out to serve Him according to our own wisdom and with the flesh and with the soul-life. And though the warfare escalated, it is because Satan trembles at the Christian who has been to the enemy's camp and survived because he knows the wile of the enemy and is a mighty force against the powers of darkness. I see Satan using God's children at his will all the time and it is very clearly discerned. So I always "enter in" on behalf of God's children and pray against Satan and his hosts plan to destroy the testimony.
Anyways, also 2 Cor. 3,4 also clearly show that we can receive another spirit. And he is talking to believers that have received the Holy Spirit. And there is another place that I'm having trouble finding, but I will, where the Holy Spirit actually says that He delivered one of His children over to Satan for the destruction of his flesh so that his spirit would be saved. I know it is in the epistles but I will find exactly where.
But anyhow, so as to not tax your mind again, lol, I'll stop there and go look for that verse.
God bless you my new found friend!

Thanks for your response.

You are refering to 1 Cor. 5:5. I have to run, but will read your words over in depth later.

Lord Bless Brother,
Hey Rich,

I have no problem with anything that you are saying on this issue to the exception of one thing, which I will get to in a moment. I do not present myself as an expert on this topic, but have been engaged in spiritual warfare on many differnt fronts in my time, including the casting out of demons and I am not talking about some farce or imaginary situation, but actual demonic possession. Demonic forces are real and active. Thus all that I have read by you oin the subject I agree with, including the advice on taking back ground. In fact I teach "The War Within - the Battle Over the Mind."

Have you heard of Theophostic? Another subject, sort of. Mostly curious if you have heard of it.

My struggle is this: The use of the word possession. I see the things that you mention from the point of oppression. Oppression can be a pressure or influence that causes certain changes or effects in the flesh, soul and especially in the mind. To be possessed would, in my terminology, would mean that ownership would be transfered over to Satan. I struggle with this concept and have not embraced it. I am open to hearing your view and why you see it as possession and not oppression, or if maybe it is really only symantecs as my view of oppression is quite stronger than what I consider most view oppression as.

I look forward to discussing this with you.

Lord Bless,
Hi LT,
I would say that a lot of it is symantecs. But the principals are there and that's probably what is important. I guess my idea of possession is when an outside force has gained some kind of ground and then has control over a certain faculty but not necessarily the whole being. As you teach the battlefield of the mind, you know well how an evil spirit can gain ground in thought patterns and such and then control ones mind. Or at least a faculty governing that particular thought pattern.
Another aspect that I consider possession is when out of my ignorance and surrender to the Lord I was so caught up in wanting every move I made to be of the Lord, that I fell into passivity and rather than using my spirit to co-work with the Holy Spirit in me to move me, I waited for a "force" to move me and thus gave ground to evil spirits to move me. So I would have to say that they had possession of certain muscles and nerves and such. And then the chronic fatigue that I suffered after the Lord shined in light and I started refusing things in my body would be because of evil spirits in those muscles trying to keep me bound. And I do admit that it is sometimes hard to tell whether they are within or without doing it. But I do know that they can make it feel like both. And from a book that the Lord allowed me to get into my hands that He used in my fighting back, Mrs. Penn-Lewis desribes how they can be within making us think it is an external attack, or they can be on the outside making us think they are within. So she says it is sometimes both. And in the fighting through I did discover that myself.
Another thing that I would consider possession is when a believer receives a counterfeit manifestation of the Holy Spirit. As the gifts of the Spirit are so prevalent in our day I have discovered that there is also a mighty outpouring of counterfeit spirits, for where the true is Satan will come in with counterfeits, and what I have seen is that Satan can actually crystallize a movement that started out of God. Especially in the time of a revival. Thus we see false signs and wonders that the Lord warned us about.
I actually made the mistake of running to that revival in Lakeland, FL. last year. Though my intentions were good, it was a big mistake, I recognized the anointing within that was trying to teach me, "This is false". But rather than listen, I prayed, "Break down the walls of my unbelief." Nevertheless, they were false signs and wonders that were trying to deceive even the elect. I knew something was wrong and felt different. So I would say that many who are true children of God, but get deceived in believing everything to be of God without testing the spirits, can also be possessed by an evil spirit giving them supernatural power to perform false signs and wonders. Or at least giving them some kind of baptism of the soul releasing the "latent power of the soul" in which they can then control.
I have also noticed a host of evil teaching spirits, who no doubt speak through Christians, but as to their location I'm not real sure if they do it from without or from within the mind, but I do know that it has an effect upon the hearers, and can even transfer soul-force from one person to the next. And the hearer then gives ground to the evil spirit by not discerning that it is not of God.
I guess my main concern for God's children is not so much that evil spirits are in or out, but that they recognize the anointing within that will teach us what is of God and what is not. And having our senses trained by reason of constant use to be able to discern good and evil. Not right from wrong, unbelievers can know that well, but what is of God and what is not. Otherwise we cannot grow into a full-grown man. Everyone wants to grow into Christian maturity but most don't realize that is one of the things that is required of one who is pressing into a full-grown man. One of the greatest tragedy's in the Church of God today is the fact that there is so much naked truth getting preached. That cannot reach the hearts of the hearers and cause true growth. It may reach their mind, and cause some kind of mental ascent, but there is no abiding element that reaches the heart if it is not spoken and taught in the power of the Holy Spirit. Truth not soaked in the Holy Spirit is one of the greatest deceptions in our day. To build each other up in love is a ministry of Spirit and life that emanates from the innermost sanctuary where the Holy Spirit dwells and from the throne in heaven where our ascended Lord is. The enemy would go to all lengths to suppress that because that would mean his demise. He would have us use every faculty to serve God and mminister truth to our brothers and sisters and give all kinds of appearances of power and all that, let us use our intellect, cast forth our emotions so as to convince hearers, or whatever. Anything to suppress Spirit and life.
Anyways, I better stop there for now, it's good to know a brother who understands this stuff. Sometimes it's tough when we have to "keep these things in our heart".
God bless you my friend!
Hey Rich,

I believe we are on the same page. If there are any differences, other than the terms "oppression" and "possession" I think they would not be worth addressing in light of the bigger picture which is the deeper message of freedom in and through Christ.

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

I look forward to getting to know you better. Also, I have read several articles by Austin-Sparks. What I read is good stuff.

Lord Bless,

I think I am demonized, I don't believe in possession because that would mean they would have full control, which they don't!
Janet why do you think this?

Why do you want to know?
Actually on second thought I don't. ( I was only curious of how you are demonized, like what happens but I feel that the Lord is not wanting me to delve deeper into this subject)

God Bless.
Hi Sarah,
Does the Scripture bear witness that the Lord would not want you to delve deeper into this subject? Or are we not commanded to stand against the wiles of the enemy? I don't think there is a need to get far into demonology but it is wise to know on what grounds we are safe and that the Lord works in to protect us so you can stay in those bounds. And what the wiles of the enemy are so as to not get deceived. The Lord provides all the grace we need to be protected but if we don't lay hold of it by faith and use it then it does us no good. He gave it to us for a purpose and commands us to use it.

The Lord bless you,
Hi Rich,

To elaborate, I feel that at this time I do not need to learn symptoms of being demonized, as I am in a delicate place and not able to withstand more fear. I feel the the Lord wants me to keep my focus on Him at this time. I am aware of spiritual warfare and do indeed know for certainty that I am going through quite a battle as we speak, but at this time, I feel I can only apply his armor and stay focused on his word and not place myself into a topic that will only spark more fear. I'm working on it :-)

Thanks and God Bless.

Well it sounds like you are already using some of the tools that the Lord gave you! Anyways, cast out that fear! God gave you a free gift that He will never take back. Once He commits and gives you the free gift of His Son it is a permanent thing to His glory. Otherwise it would not be a gift! So there is absolutely no reason for you to have to have any fear. Just keep looking off unto Jesus who is the author and finisher of your faith, and beholding Him, be changed from glory to glory.
Grace and peace to you,


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