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David, thank you for sharing. I have had a spriritul battle for over a year. Not as bad as it used too, but it does get me down.

"The attacks continued for some years thereafter, but eventually stopped through much prayer, fasting and faith in God."


As much as I would like to be free of this, NOW , I have to rely on God's grace (with prayer, fasting and faith)to get me through this.

Aditi, I will continue to pray for you, and I need these prayers too.



Aditi, just to let you know, we are still praying for you.


Lord,we conntinue to lift up Aditi, to you in prayer, for a peaceful sleep, in Jesus name, Amen

Thank you for your prayers John! I am doing better now, and learning to lean on the Lord through this time. My battle isn't completely over yet, but I am stronger. Praise the Lord! You are in my prayers too.





Hello Aditi,

I have alot of previous background in the "dark" side so I have great empathy for you. For many years I lived with Christian friends who delved deeper and deeper into the satanic side in order to better understand and war against them. That, I believe was a fatal mistake. In so doing, they attracted to themselves demonic (fallen angel) forces that wreaked havoc with their lives. He was avery intelligent man and his wife a charming, sweet gentle lady. They suffered greatly and I believe unnecessarily because they "opened the door". I saw things with them that bordered on the movie "The Exorcist". No kidding, no fooling. 

I experienced frequent panic attacks while living with them (15 yrs). God delivered me and I now know GRACE and mercy abundantly in Christ Jesus. The NAME of JESUS CHRIST is the best weapon we have against the darkness. Satan and his hoards hate that Name and with good reason. HE is going to "take them DOWN" Alleluia. 

So sister, use thanksgiving, praise and The Word and The Name of Jesus to defeat the devil. 

Peace in Christ,


God is pouring out His blessings! We move to a new area in the states and God proves that His is still there and in control yet again. We found a new church in the new area we moved to and they are wanting me to start a drama team there, i already sang the second service i went to there. They need a youth pastor, and guess what, they're looking to me. Everything i been praying about and God is starting to open doors. Its amazing! Oh, by the way. Make sure to stay in prayer. There has been a lot of news lately about birds dropping from the sky and fish winding up dead. Hosea 4:1-3"Hear the word of the LORD, ye children of Israel: for the LORD hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land.

2By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood toucheth blood.

3Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away."


If you're not following along in the Bible, you better start paying attention. There are obvious signs of prophecy being fulfilled however, there are no more apocalyptic prophecies waiting to be fulfilled before the Lord comes back! We are on the biggest cataclysmic event for some people. We are on the very verge of God coming back. We're just waiting on the decision from God to say enough is enough. The Word of God has been fulifilled. The rapture will soon happen and then the tribulation will be soon thereafter. Please check your hearts. I encourage you to make sure your heart is without blemish or spot, God is coming for a spotless bride.

Sorry, i got of on a tangent but, i want to share what has been on my heart lately. I have been doing some studying and the Word of God is really coming to light! Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! Aditi, hope things are going better. Looking forward to hearing the latest DEVIL STOMP praise report from you!

Praise God.  Keep stomping!



And we will keep praying for Aditi, and all in this thread,

Thank you John, Christopher and everyone else for keeping me in your prayers! I am praying for you too John, and hope things are better. I am still struggling, but praying for deliverance.




For a peaceful night's sleep, put your Bible under your pillow. I have actually seen this work. You will rest well and and get a peaceful night's sleep. Go to bed praising God for all that He has done for you and given you, especially leading you to Christ and giving you eternal life with Him.


Okay. Let me explain a little background first. My wife and I have just recently dealt with this and believe me i feel for you. we moved into an apartment a little over a year ago and had already signed the lease. We were locked into this agreement and had no idea what we were in for. My wife had a very rough childhood and was very susceptible to feeling things. She always had nightmares. At least one a week that i knew of. My thre eyear old could not sleep fully through the night, and i thought it was due to her childhood.  I grew up in the Church of God, a pentecostal movement that believes very radically. However, I knew what i believed was true because i not only was raised in it but i experienced it for myself. As a young man, I walked with God. I knew his power. I knew what he was capable of. I was raised in church. I like to say iI had the drug problem. I was drug to church and drug out. I was raised in the Greer Church of God. I had two great mentors that backed me and always encouraged me. Those two guys prayed me through more times of trouble and spent countless hours at the altar praying me through. I still continue to this to look up to and respect these guys. When time came that I must face the battle on my own, my faith was weak I faultered. I walked away from God and got into drugs and alcohol. I lost the one true love of my life and then on top of that I lost the one woman that loved me with all her heart.
I stayed that way and drug my feet for years. I never knew what true happiness was. In God's time and master plan, I saw exactly where I needed to be. I missed God. I missed the relationship with Him. I WAS MISERABLE without God!  So, i rededicated my life to God and started walking with Him again. I found a chruch of god again and started going again.

    I prayed my wife would start doing the same. She did and eventually rededicated her life to God. We still tried to live a regular life though. Watchign horror movies and listening to the same ol' music. It DOESN'T WORK! God said in Corinthians to "Come out from among them and be ye seperate." It wasn't until later that we discovered this. We decided to rent a horror movie one night. it was Paranormal Activity. I highly do NOT recommend this movie for anyoone, let alone a Christian. It is a very rough movie about demon possesion and i firmly believe it was a tool of Satan to get his minions into people's homes and lives. We watched this movie like we were drawn to it. Could not pull away. It has Ouji boards and symbols galore in it. We felt so oppressed that night, it was literally hard to breathe in that house. We immeadiately stuck in the movie Fireproof. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS TO ANYONE and EVERYONE! It relieved a bit of the oppression. However, for about two weeks things started happening in that house. Things were being moved. My daughter was literally petrified to go in her room. She started wanting ANGELS everywhere in the house and always took one with her. We started hearing noises and sounds and my wife eeven told me one night she felt like something was holding on to her. I saw shawdows moving in places that there shouldn't have been and i had chills everytime i went into other rooms and we had HEAT on oup high. There was only one room in the entire house that was safe. My parents stilla ttend that same Church of God and had come to visit several times. Everytime they came, they satyed inthe same room, EVERYTIME they stayewd inthat room, they prayed in it. Later i came to find out that they had put about four seperate prayer clothes hid around the room. Nothing ever bothered that room. One night my wife and I got fed up. It was then i decided to go back to my roots fully!

I called mom and dad up, put them on speaker phone, laid my daughter down to sleep in the room wher my parents had prayed and shut the door, told mom and dad to stop whatever they were doing, it was time to pray. I grabbed  a bottle of cooking oil and grabbed my wife's hand. She shot the weirdest look at me, seeing as how she had grown up in a baptist church this was a extremist acting now in her eyes. But remember this, desperate times call for desperate measures. We sat down in that room, ii grabbe dmy Bible laid my hands on it and my mom and i started praying. We prayed the way i had grown up knowing POWER! my dad had her by the hand wispering prayers six and a half hours away over the phone, and i had my wife by the hand and the other on my Bible. She started praying quietly and mom and I were cursing the name of every demon in hell and demanding THROUGH THE NAME OF JESUS that they left that house. My wife reported later  when we were alll talking about it that during this time she felt something literally beating on her back. I felt llike someone told me to go open the front door but i did not want to leave my wife. Ironically enough, it was GOD telling me to do that and since i didn't do it, HE told my little baptist wife to do it. So, as my mother and i were praying, my wife got up slowly and went to the door, opened it and about that time i felt somethign wail up iin me that i haven't felt in years. I screamed at the top of my lungs in an apartement about 1030 at night. "Satan, in the name of Jesus, GET OUT!  my wife said she felt wind blow by...

So, i explained all of this to say this. according to the Bible in James 4:7 

 7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.  (New International Version, ©2010). You have the power in the name of Jesus to tell every devil in hell to move at your commmand. So, let me explain what i have found to be a devil repelling method.  First, pray and give everythign to god. commit your life, heart, mind, soul, spirit, everythign to him. Second,this was the hardest thing for my wife and I. DESTROY, do not sell or give away to others, you're giving the devil to otehrs if you do, DESTROY anything that has demon possesion or anything that you would not want Jesus watching with you. If it curses his name, if its blasphemous, or if its pornogrpahic, DESTROY IT! Pray that God will lead you to what needs to be destoryed. This is a method called sanctification. you are sanctifying you life and consecrating it to God. Third, grab a bottle of oil. Cooking or literal anointing oil. IT serves the same purpose. Its a a faith thing. It is just a symbol to remind you that on GOd's promises the things you pray for, if you believe, they will be done. Pray ferevently. You cannot pray for something to leave you alone. you demand it to in the name of Jesus. For instance, when I prayed that night i said, not questioned, or asked, but i demanded with authority, "Satan,  in the name of Jesus, GET OUT!" If you question anything it, you don't believe it. The bible says the faith as a grain of mustard seed. Its hard to get that kind of faith but when you do, it becomes a mountain mover! Ask God to literally show you what is going on in your house. Read Ephesians 6. Its a mighty tool telling you that when you put on the whole armor of God, you can withstand whatever the devil throws against you.

Aditi Sinha, you can sit here and pray that it wil leave you alone, but, when you get serious with God and you show Him that you are serious about it and sanctify your life, you are His CHILD. Matthew 7:11~If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him? He will take care of you!  DESTROY anything the devil may use to stay in your house. Destory satan's castle and he has to leave.  You are in our prayers. But, you have to be the one that tells the devil you want your stuff back.

"Christopher King....

If it curses his name, if its blasphemous, or if its pornogrpahic, DESTROY IT!"


Amen, I threw out one of my FAVORITE movies becasue it used the Lord's name in vain.

In my house, no Harry Potter, no nudity, and truthfully, for me personally, this is the CLEANEST I have felt, in years, inside me.

I had Harry Potter series and Rush Hour series. I loved them both. But, buddy I have felt ten times cleaner. I think we threw out about 50 DVD and VHS. That's a lot of money to tear apart or break! But, man has our spiritual life not grown a lot!

Praise God - die to self and this life. You Rock my brother.

"Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together and burned them before all men and they counted the price of them and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver. So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed."   Acts 19:19-20


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