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To Aditi, or anyone who thinks they have been experiencing what Aditi has described: I beseech you to give great consideration to what God's Rocker has just said. It is very important to your health to understand that when you are IN Christ, whatever minion Satan may have cannot touch you. The LORD fights your battles, HE conquers all, and fallen angels have NO power over you. Can you imagine fallen angels outside the magnificent walls of the New Jerusalem and having any effect on those inside? The sensations that have been described here are rather common paresthesias which can be caused by some diseases (like Diabetes and MS, for example) and are also experienced by otherwise healthy people as the result of either over-stimulation of the brain, or withdrawal from excessive stimulation of the CNS. I beseech all of my brothers and sisters her to avoid endorsing any unbiblical mental or spiritual exercises that only lead to (1) a kind of hurtful shamanism in the churches of the LORD, and (2) the susceptibility of many uneducated Christians to pseudo-christian charlatans who make merchandise of the Body of Christ by hawking their books, tapes, CDs, conferences, powers, meetings, etc.

Aditi -


You Rock my sista. I got nothing but love for you.




I look forward to reading your trusted impute. You are a blessing beloved.


Love you family :)


John 13:35

 34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Thank you, family.  I enjoy receiving loving notes from my spiritual siblings, even if they disagree with me.  Since you have treated me with love, let me share some personal info that may help you understand my perspective.  (Please do NOT read this if you don't care about me.)  About 40 years ago, I was an ordained priest of a religious denomination that greatly respects the spritual "authority" of their priests.  In those years, I performed three exorcisms in circumstances that were dramatic and with results that were spectacular.  As a missionary in another country, I have also stood on a hill-top and prayed over a town in which the spiritual darkness was nearly visible and palpable.  I am not a stranger to spiritual "warfare", but I know what is truly Biblical versus what is almost, kind of, sort of, nearly like something that may be implied in the Bible.  There have been experiences and religious exercises described in these columns which are not truly LIKE anything in the Bible.  For these, I seek answers and advice from the domains of true wisdom that the LORD has given us to help the weary and the afflicted.  One does not need to be "insane" or diseased to benefit from the kind of quietness and rest that even common sense prescribes.  When I attended seminary, I was also required to learn "another" profession, and I am glad I chose to learn to be a certified therapist.  After nearly 38 years in practice, I do not hesitate to use what I have learned in BOTH professions to help anyone who is weary or afflicted.  The brain is the only organ the spirit can use to interact with this world, and like any organ, it sometimes needs careful treatment. 



Thank you for sharing this. If no one else reads it and appreciates it, I did :-)


If I may from my perspective, and I think this is where you are coming from (correct me if I am wrong about your view), there are demons and demonic activity, but there is not a demon behind every trial or problem we face in life. Some things are simply the result of the fall.


Lord Bless,
TheNET Coordinator

LB, you are either not reading carefully, or you are simply reading what you want to see.  I never said that Aditi is insane or "strung out on drugs", and I never said that David, who reported similar experiences, is insane or strung-out on drugs.  I said that the problems Aditi reported might resolve with rest, quietness, prayer, Scripture reading, less thought about demons and more thought about the almighty power of the God who loves us.  A mental health professional never uses the word "insane", except sometimes in a forensic setting.  When you say insane, I suppose that you mean "psychotic".  Aditi and David do not sound psychotic.  Aditi sounds like a believer who has spent too much time looking into spiritual realms where the Father never intended her to go.  She probably needs to retreat for a while.  David seems to be a man of exceptionally active intellect who is one of the best exegetes and apologists that I have ever encountered.  Those are characteristics of a truly sound mind.  He may be a Michael Jordan of the Scriptures.  However, like any accomplished athlete, David, needs to make sure he does not "over-train" and that he gets plenty of spiritual rest.  LB, I believe everything the Bible actually says about the activities of evil spirits, but I do not necessarily believe everything I hear or read outside of the Bible about what people attribute to evil spirits.  In particular, I do not believe that evil spirits can poke us, or interact with us in other ways that are inconsistent with their non-corporeal nature.  

Sister in Christ Aditi, this quote

""Abide in the Lord and use the Godly authority we have in Christ. But you are not losing your mind beloved. What you experience is very common. One very important truth to keep in mind is that demons can only do and go as far as God allows. The knowledge of the word is essential.""


In my personal rededication to Christ, I had similar things happen to me. and WHEW!!! what a battle!

 But I keep praying, reading the word of God, and walking out my faith.


The positive is, I'm no longer suicidal,the heavy attacks are gone. But the smaller, and uncomfortable attack are here, almost every day.

I'm still going through this. it's been a year. But, I KNOW God is in control. I Know that none of these things can happen without God's permission (unless I give place to the devil).


Also, David Velasquez, has been a real help. Along with others. And from what I have read, sometimes these things take time. Jesus said "Some demons don't leave without prayer and fasting".

So, I am Born Again, I love God, and yes I want to be free of this, but it's God's timing, and I will continue to live for Him.



Aditi let us know how you are sleepping now.  I started praying for your freedom from these attacks shortly after you started this discussion.   I am still praying for you but would like to know something  of you welfare.

God bless you richly.

Dear Aditi...


You will be victorious....because of who you have put your faith in. Whatever he does not take you out of ....he takes you thru. Also, remember, that you are never alone... Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father, making intercession for you. He won the victory over death, hell and the grave....and all the demons.. 2000 years ago. The only reason that you are experiencing what you are right now, is because he wants you to learn how to become the overcomer that he desires for all of us. He will never allow you to be overcome.


Stand firm in the faith... read the bible continually... praying beforehand, asking God to teach you what you need to know. Do not be afraid, as fear is not of God... but, comes from the enemy... confess it as sin, because it is, but, do not fall into condemnation over it.... because it is being imposed upon you....




F alse

E vidence

A ppearing

R eal


Rebuke the spirit of fear, and ask God to replace it with faith, which is the exact opposite.


You are on the front lines, getting expert training..... for your benefit and the benefit of all those to whom you will be equipped to help, as you learn what and how the Lord would have you to deal with this.


Consider yourself as being in Gods school, because you are, and he is right there with you..... he will never suffer you to be overcome.


Here is a site that has much info. on Spiritual warfare, that I think you will find very helpful :


Jesus spent about 1/3 of his ministry dealing with demons.... people today want to believe that they do not exist.... if so, please tell me why Jesus taught so much on the subject, if we were not going to have to deal with them?


And why is there soooooo much evil in our world, if..........................there are no demons?


Is mankind evil enough by themselves to perputrate all the stuff that we see on the nightly news, I don't think so.


Behind every evil deed, is an evil enity....and when we fully believe that, we will be equipped to fight .....and win.


You are blessed... to have on job training...... and you will be a you learn and share what you have learned.


Many blessings..... in Christ. Gayla s.

Thanks you John, Michael and Gayla. I am sleeping much better than before. The attacks still continue sometimes, but they are not as intense, and I am dealing with them better too. Not cowering so much in fear as before! You are so right, John, when you say God is is control and nothing can happen without his permission. I'm being molded in the potter's house and know it will all work out in God's timing. Thank you all for your prayers!





And I will continue to pray for you.

 In my life, the oppressive 'feeling' is much much much much much  less. For a long time,I gave place to the devil, and now I'm on the straight and narrow, it takes a while.


I KNOW for sure, that my God is in control. so, I keep praying, and after the holidays, I'll do a fast. Jesus said "some don't leave without prayer and fasting".


And here is a favorite verse..Psalms 112:7 "He shall not be afraid of evil tidings, his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord"

and Isaiah 41:10 "Fear thou not, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am thy God, I will strengthen thee, yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.


Put in your name where underlined, these verses are for all Christians.



Gayla, you probably won't believe me, so I'll say this for some other tender lamb in Christ who may be looking at this: be very careful of what you read at the above-referenced internet site about what is called "spiritual warfare".  Even when these people quote what are supposedly scriptual "proof-texts" for their experiences and teachings, read their proof texts in full scriptual context to see what they actually meant to the first-century saints who recorded them.  When they quote Old Testament passages about curses, please remember that we live in a better Dispensation, subsequent to Christ having become a Curse for us so that we might live free from all curses and plagues.

Hi Aditi. I stumbled across this site today and read your post. I felt led to respond, as I have also experienced attacks during the night for many years from 1993. The attacks started after I had a major incident with a man very closely related to me, i.e. a physical fight with him as I defended someone else that he was attacking. It turns out that he was the source of the spiritual attacks against me. We had reconciled after the incident, but he still harboured hatred, unforgiveness and revenge in his heart against me, but hid it. I did not make the connection for many years, until God opened my eyes to see where the attacks were coming from. The attacks were a few times a year at first, then in 2005, increased to a few times a month, after I physically broke all contact with this man. I had ongoing chest pains that year, and it culminated with three successive attacks one night, and on the third attack, it felt as if my breath and my heartbeat were slowing down. I felt like this spirit wanted to kill me, to stop my heart. As I rebuked this spirit in the name of Jesus in my mind (as my body was paralysed during the attack), it eventually lifted, but I could still feel its presence. At that point I contacted my Pastor and some others, and we began praying against this attack. The very next morning, we received a call that this man had had multiple heart attacks during the night and was admitted to hospital. It was then I made the connection. The attacks continued for some years thereafter, but eventually stopped through much prayer, fasting and faith in God.

My wife and I are Indians, and we have experienced many spiritual challenges and attacks over the years, especially when we started taking our Christianity very seriously (from 2005). The main sources of the attacks were because of two things mainly - our Indian foundation of idolatry and witchcraft (Hinduism), and individual sins which we committed but also linked to evil foundation. There were many powers not happy to give us up to Jesus Christ, and were fighting for us tooth and nail. And if they were not going to get us back, they wanted to kill us.

The main encouragement God gave us was Psalm 18:34, “He teaches my hands to make war, so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze.” God started teaching us how to fight, especially the powers linked to our backgrounds/foundations. This is very important. Read the whole of Psalm 18 for great encouragement in these battles.

God also led me to Psalm 7:11-16, especially verses 14-16, that the wickedness of the wicked will fall back on their own heads. That wicked man who was attacking me spiritually all the years, as we prayed that night in 2005, his attack backfired to his own life. The reality is that we as Christians, and especially us that have come out of wicked and evil backgrounds spiritually, have much of those wicked powers still pursuing us after we have given our lives to Jesus Christ. Our prayer has to be aggressive and forceful, even to the point of wickedness backfiring to the senders. This might sound strange, but scripture confirms that the pit that the ungodly dig, he will fall in it himself, and many other such scriptures. Paul himself knew how to fight spiritually as can be seen in much of his writings.

I would encourage you to start a strong fasting and prayer program, and pray at midnight for the full duration of the program to deal with these wicked powers harassing you. Stubborn and deep-rooted problems and attacks need aggressive and forceful prayer. The environment you are in is a wicked environment spiritually and you must increase in the power of the Holy Spirit in your life, and use the weapons that God has made available to you, i.e. the Blood of Jesus, the Fire of God, the Word of God, the name of Jesus. God is a Man of war (Ex 15:3) and will lead you into the battle and give you the victory.

God Bless, David.



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