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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Just wondering, Is this place dead, or is there still hope? 

are any of the moderators still active?  or ( A LIVE )





Or used to be pretty active members? 

JB is still vertical LOL

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I've still above ground but you already know this. I did create Hope in a Dying World on FB trying to get a little atmosphere going there but it hasn't taken off at all. Carla has had some serious health issues so that's probably consuming a lot of her time. I have JM on Facebook but haven't spoken to him in a bit. He did post earlier today so he's still alive. Haven't heard from LT in probably years. Amanda is still alive and kicking. So as far as everyone being above ground, we're doing great.

Thanks Tammy, I knew I can always depend on you. As far as being above ground, bad for the undertakers, but with this so-called "PLANNED-DEMIC " I'm sure they are doing pretty well. 

I thought I read sometime ago about Carla's situation. I think it was with her heart, but I have certainly had her in my prayers. 

Do you know of any other Christian blogs or discussion groups on the net? There used to be a good one on Word Search but some one got offended and started telling everyone to "using the 4 letter Word " what to do. Of course they shut down the site immediately.

Thanks for responding. JB   

anyone still on this AAG


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