All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

okay this might sound crazy but i think that god talks to me....not in a voice but in my thoughts ive tried to think that maybe i was just making it up but now im convinced its god becuase everytime i try to think around it the voice or thought or whatever gets more intense and i get woozy.....could it be god?

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It does not sound crazy at all sis.

What is crazy is that it might sounds crazy to Christians who preach and teach about a personal relationship with God, and when we say God spoke to my Spirit, mind or heart, we are looked at as loonies, now that is crazy.
Hebrews 1:1-2
In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe.

God does speak to us mainly through the bible, his word but the word is not the end, the word is the vehicle that guides us to the place where we may go beyond the veil and experience a very and real relationship with our Lord. There no longer is a veil to keep us from going in to the holy of holies.

Paula gave you some great insight about not going into extremes and thinking all good thoughts is God speaking to us, but then again James states that all good things come from above haha but we understand and appreciate the word of warning the sister gives.
Consider what Tozer states “Our creed requires us to believe in the personality of God and we have been taught to pray, “Our Father which art in heaven” Luke 11:2. Now personality and fatherhood carry with them the idea of the possibility of personal acquaintance. This is admitted, I say, in theory, but for millions of Christians, nevertheless, God is no more real than He is to the non-Christian. They go through life trying to love an ideal and be loyal to a mere principal.
Over against all this cloudy vagueness stands the clear scriptural doctrine that God can be known in personal experience. A loving personality dominates the Bible, waling among the trees of the garden and breathing fragrance over every scene. Always a living Person is present, speaking, pleading, loving, working and manifesting Himself whenever and wherever His people have the receptivity necessary to receive the manifestation.
The bible assumes as a self evident fact that men can know God with at least the same degree of immediacy as they know any other person or thing that comes within the field of their experience.
“O taste and see that the Lord is good…” but why do the vey ransomed children of God themselves know so little of that habitual, conscious communion with God which Scripture offers? The answer is because of our chronic unbelief. Faith enables our spiritual senses to function.”

Well I will stop for now. But holler back.
Paula your point is well made and well taken but sis thought we know and understand that God is not a God of confusion as the word teaches us in Corinthians there are plenty of biblical examples when the servants of our Lord have asked Him for confirmation, even though they heard his voice.

God does not leave us in a state of confusion when we are use to how he works. But do you remember Paula the first time he caressed you with the Holy Spirit and you thought, can this really be God, the all powerful God, caressing me. Or the first time He spoke to your Spirit and you wondered if that was truly Him.

You sound from your writing like a mature Christian and that beloved is beautiful but we can forget those early experiences with the Lord or maybe you never felt that uncertainty, but we cannot make dogmas of our own experiences. That is a no no.

I have asked God in my life to repeat something He told me just to make sure it was really him and not just my imagination running away from me haha.

Hope you are smiling sis.
Psalm 18:31
Is there any god like God? Are we not at bedrock? Is not this the God who armed me, then aimed me in the right direction? Now I run like a deer; I'm king of the mountain. He shows me how to fight; I can bend a bronze bow! You protect me with salvation-armor; you hold me up with a firm hand, caress me with your gentle ways. You cleared the ground under me so my footing was firm. When I chased my enemies I caught them; I didn't let go till they were dead men. I nailed them; they were down for good; then I walked all over them. You armed me well for this fight, you smashed the upstarts. You made my enemies turn tail, and I wiped out the haters. They cried "uncle" but Uncle didn't come; They yelled for God and got no for an answer. I ground them to dust; they gusted in the wind. I threw them out, like garbage in the gutter.

I was heading to bed but you just won't stop responding Paula,

So i am obligated to continue hahaha just kidding again. A little late night or early morning humor. hehe

You bring up another humongous topic - CAN GOD SPEAK TO US OUTSIDE HIS WRITTEN WORD?

Hu? sis... can He?
Yeah I know,

I own 8 different versions of study bibles and through software have an extensive collection of versions.

At times the newer versions like the message, which paraphrase more than translate, are not highly recommended.

My favorite remains the New King James version and the NIV.
i realized you never answered my previous question:

You bring up another humongous topic - CAN GOD SPEAK TO US OUTSIDE HIS WRITTEN WORD?

Hu? sis... can He?
He can.
God is the Lover of my Soul and He does caress me. oh my, i long for his touch!!! hallelujah...

yeah i belong to a pentecostal church. hahaha
its not a bad woozy its a giddy feeling....and it doesnt tell me where i misplaced things it tells me things to do like the other day it told me to go buy a bible for a women so i did and then i was supposed to write to kathy alden may you find what your looking for and then i was suppose to take it to starbucks and then as i was leaving a lady walked in sat at that table and started reading it! it was amazing!
Kaysha, we are commanded by Jesus to have "ears to hear". Then he makes it clear that he means something deeper than listening to sound - but rather to be listeners who hear God's word and obey it.

The way to know if you are hearing from God is to study God's word (the Bible) and then test whether this voice is in conformity with God's word. The Apostle John warned us not to listen to every spirit - but to test the Spirits to see whether they are from God.
Yes, I have the same thing happen to me all the time. It's the Holy Spirit, and boy, can it knock you to your knees when you're not used to it! lol Just keep listening, He obviously wants you to know something...

I truly believe you are hearing from God. If you were instructed to do a good thing, which produced good fruits or displayed God's Glory why question it?

A similar event happened to me many years ago. I was on my way home from school, and I was tired and looking forward to getting me and my daughter home. Up ahead I noticed a young mother walking with one child by the hand and carrying a baby.

I did not think much of it, except how unfortunate it was for her to have no car to get where she was going. I turned the corner and proceeded towards the same path I always took, everyday. As I headed down the the street, I felt an increasing presence of God and "heard" Him taking over my thoughts. He said, "Go back and help her" Now I should point out I am very shy person and approaching a stranger on the street was very unsettling for me. I COULD NOT tune out this thought out,as much as I tried. I did not want to approach this woman, but I also did not want to disobey our Lord. I knew it was our Lord instructing me to go and help this woman because I had never experienced anything like it. I had no idea what to do, but I turned around and i remember laughing out loud and anxiously caught up to her. I said hi and struck up a conversation. I couldn't believe my ears when this woman told me she had just come from the welfare office and had no money to get home. Her home being in a town 10 mins away by car!!!

She had planned on walking the baby and child of no more then two for hours just to get back home. She had no money and no one to help her.

I was floored!

I myself did not have much money and at the time was alone and broke. I had only ten dollars left to my name.
I brought her to my home and packed some food for her and placed a Salvation card in her bag. I called her a cab and used my last ten dollars to send her and the children home.

I tell you this in a most humble position and I do not share this story with many people, in fact about two people know(and I guess now alot more lol) It is a moment in my life, where I had been greatly seeking God and asking him to place me wherever I could serve Him,in whatever way, big or small- for HIS glory.I had just been uttering this very prayer while in class at school. (adult upgrading) God heard my prayer and I will always be so thankful that I decided to listen to Him, because you just never know.

It may seem odd what He is asking of you, but again you will know it is Him, because you CANNOT tune Him out and I also think it grows us up spiritually too.

The best way to serve our Lord, is to serve others.

God Bless you.

It does not sound crazy at all sis.

What is crazy is that it might sounds crazy to Christians who preach and teach about a personal relationship with God, and when we say God spoke to my Spirit, mind or heart, we are looked at as loonies, now that is crazy.
Hebrews 1:1-2
In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe.

God does speak to us mainly through the bible, his word but the word is not the end, the word is the vehicle that guides us to the place where we may go beyond the veil and experience a very and real relationship with our Lord. There no longer is a veil to keep us from going in to the holy of holies.

Paula gave you some great insight about not going into extremes and thinking all good thoughts is God speaking to us, but then again James states that all good things come from above haha but we understand and appreciate the word of warning the sister gives.

Consider what Tozer states “Our creed requires us to believe in the personality of God and we have been taught to pray, “Our Father which art in heaven” Luke 11:2. Now personality and fatherhood carry with them the idea of the possibility of personal acquaintance. This is admitted, I say, in theory, but for millions of Christians, nevertheless, God is no more real than He is to the non-Christian. They go through life trying to love an ideal and be loyal to a mere principal.

Over against all this cloudy vagueness stands the clear scriptural doctrine that God can be known in personal experience. A loving personality dominates the Bible, waling among the trees of the garden and breathing fragrance over every scene. Always a living Person is present, speaking, pleading, loving, working and manifesting Himself whenever and wherever His people have the receptivity necessary to receive the manifestation.
The bible assumes as a self evident fact that men can know God with at least the same degree of immediacy as they know any other person or thing that comes within the field of their experience.

“O taste and see that the Lord is good…” but why do the vey ransomed children of God themselves know so little of that habitual, conscious communion with God which Scripture offers? The answer is because of our chronic unbelief. Faith enables our spiritual senses to function.”

Well I will stop for now. But holler back.


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