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this morning i was reading a verse in the bible....1 cor 11:14 to be exact and it says if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him.......what about the nazerites? god specifically told them not to cut their hair....i dont get it

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Hi Kaysha,

When reading this verse in context, it is regarding the specific culture of the Corinthians.
This is what the study notes say regarding this verse in my bible:
In talking about head coverings and length of hair, Paul was saying that believers should look and behave in ways that are honorable within their own culture. In many cultures, long hair on men is considered appropropriate and masculine. In Corinth, it was thought to be a sign of the male prostitution in the pagan temples. And women with short hair were labelled prostitutes. Paul was saying that in the Corinthian culture, Christian women should keep their long hair. If short hair on women was a sign of prostitution, then a Christian women with short hair would find it even more difficult to be a believable witness for Jesus Christ. Paul isn't saying that we should all adopt the practices of our culture, but that we should avoid appearances and behaviour that detract from our ultimate goal of being believable witnesses for Jesus Christ, and demonstrating our Christian faith.

Great questions....keep them coming!
Blessings, Carla
The title of your question is very appropriate: "Confusion".

There are many things that, as a general rule apply to us and (like English) there are exceptions.

The point of the issue about hair length and head coverings in the Corinthian church was a cultural issue that had to do with gender distinctions and sexual perversions. Corinth was a pagan city of terrible vice and sexual perversion. Children were sold into slavery for Pederasty and Prostitution as a typical matter of fact - as part of their pagan religious traditions. A woman that was a prostitute would have her head shaven and boys who were used for pederasty would have long hair like a woman. It was part of the "confusion" of paganism in their day.

The matter of the Nazarites was a COMPLETELY different situation in a very different culture. Israel was a nation under strict laws of morality and there was not the same kind of gender confusion under that system. So, the signs of a Nazarite were that they did not spend any thought on the things that most people do for ordinary vanity: no fancy clothes (sack cloth only), no fancy hair cuts (wear it long and braided), no wine (mind is clear and focused on the things of God).

So, do these apply to us today? Yes, as precepts. Precepts are the points for Godly living that we are meant to learn from these examples.

In situation #1: Sex is a gift to be confined to the blessed union of marriage. (where two become one). Gender distinctions are important, to prevent confusion. Sexual and gender perversion leads to disease and vice and the suffering of children.

In situation #2: Devotion to God leads us to forsake the vanity of externals and dissapation to focus on the life of the Spirit. As Jesus said "do not worry about what you will wear... your Heavenly Father knows that you need these things..."

Blessings as you seek to walk in the Spirit by following Christ,

What about King David (beloved of God) son Absolom and Samson? They both had long hair. Absolom was considered to be "very handsome" (for lack of a better word) and Samson strength was determined by the length of His hair.

I agree with Carla when she stated "Paul was saying that believers should look and behave in ways that are honorable within their own culture. In many cultures, long hair on men is considered appropropriate and masculine."

It kind of goes against what we see in the world today, but today is a weird and wicked time.

Keep you head up and looking toward Jesus for your answers.

God bless!!!
Absolom was a vain and prideful rebel who betrayed the annointed King - his own father.
- and -
Samson was a Nazarite.

Point being: a man with long hair isn't considered sinning because of it. You have to look at the context and time. It doesnt apply to our time.


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