What would you consider to be the most important and effective witness of the Christian? What, in the witness of the Christian could be the most damaging to others?
All comments welcome
Humans have the uncanny ability to point out and notice faults in others which they are guilty of themselves. It's called projection and sometimes someone will project all of their stuff onto the other person. For instance, when someone points out that they think I am argumentative, it is highly likely that the person accusing me is far more guilty of it than what I am. I try to discuss but I am emotional and I get caught up in it when it becomes personal and then I think it is a fight and I must defend myself. Truth offends, too. The difficult part is weeding away all the personal beliefs and opinions around the truth so that you can really get to the Truth. I think this Christianity stuff is...unloving. I guess because I am unloving.
Maybe I have a problem with comprehension...but I am not the only one who does. Can anyone really "see" without God's illumination? Why is it that if I believe something that doesn't align with someone else's belief that I am the one not comprehending what the Bible really teaches? Could I be right some of the time?
Thanks, Choco. This is off topic, (sorry Bev)but I have too much unbelief. Christ is not in me. He did many wonderful works and He said believers would do greater works than He did. If I could have done greater works than Christ, when I went to the funeral of my friend's two baby girls, I could have believed enough to raise them the way Jesus raised Lazarus after he had been dead four days and the way He raised the young man at Nain after telling his mother "Don't cry." I could only cry with my friend for her little girls.
I hate this life.
David, I saw the reply but it's gone now.
I really hate this life but how do I let go so that God will give it back to me? I suppose you are saying I must die to self. How do I do that? I want to enjoy my life again. I used to enjoy life. I used to walk with God everyday and He was with me every step of the way.
Now I am so confused that I don't even know if I was ever saved.
Though we may not be able to articulate things as well as they might ought to be to satisfy and assure someone, I am convinced that the secret to the Christian life through Jesus is "Surrender." This goes deeper than just stating I give up or simply wanting to give up. It is a work of God that brings us to a point that nothing else is important but God (Jesus). This state of being replaces our greatest desires and focus with Him and brings us to a point that anything less than Jesus will not do. Life is no longer about me, but living for Him. It is no longer my life, but His to do as He wills ... perceived good and bad. I cannot hold anything back, nor accuse Him of this or that because I don't like the outcome. We must come to a point where we realize that God has this, even the bad stuff in the palm of His hand. Joseph was not a happy camper while sitting in the cistern being sold into slavery or while he was in jail as an innocent man, yet these things were part of the life process that God used to prepare Joseph and to fulfill God's plan through his life. The Bible tells us that this life will be tough ... hard.
The question I have to ask myself regularly is "Do I trust God for the outcome?" If I do not, I will not surrender, but try to fix it myself. We also cannot ever tell God we wil do this if He does that. Surrender smply means I will walk with you no matter what all the time in all things.
Thus, what is our goal for walking in His path in this life? We are to desire to do His will, which is a present tense word, moment by moment. His will for our lives is really quite simple ... live for Him and in Him this very moment, and the the next and then the next. When we do that we will then fulfill His plan for our lives.
I would like to add that my main point is not about salvation, but experiencing the Deeper-Life in Christ that is available to all Christians.
Very well said my brother.
I have seen your questions and I have been seeking our Lord for guidance on how to construct my answer for you. Scripture is clear on how we let go of this life, but speaking that into your life requires God guiding my answer.
I will use my discussion - what does it mean to die to self and this life to answer your question.
Love and blessings to you.
I think sympathy to another's plight is a strong witness...regardless of what is causing the plight. One can usually talk with another person, explaining the right and wrong of a situation...if one is sympathetic towards another's problems. Love for the person allows one to be sympathetic towards another. Loving a person when they are combative and wrong is a strong witness. Love allows a person to be effective. Allowing a person to be in one's heart allows one to accomplish this.
Anger doesn't impress anyone. being argumentative doesn't impress either. Self righteousness isn't a friend maker.
these are two questions that needed to asked here at AAG. We tend to forget the two questions and what the answer is to them.
Dear Bev-
>>What would you consider to be the most important and effective witness of the Christian?
Our walk is the most important and effective witness. When we walk in the Way, which its inclusive of walking in love and speaking the truth, we are effective witness.
Acts 9:2 and asked him for letters to the synagogues in Damascus, so that if he found any there who belonged to the Way, whether men or women, he might take them as prisoners to Jerusalem.
When we walk the walk, in the way of Jesus, we have a God given discernment and authority that leads us to be effective witnesses of Christ. We react and act to different people according to God's leading. Peoples maturity in Christ is revealed by their own actions, as they exposed themselves through what comes out of the abundance of their heart. We can have discernment which others don't, if they are not abiding in the vine, discernment which is there for all believers to have. Discernment to act, again our walk, according to God's will in any given situation. We do not act according to this world's philosophies, code of conduct or the worldly tolerance which is being preach and brain washing the minds of the multitudes, that tolerance damages and hurts people under the disguise of enlightened minds.
Christ was harsh with his disciples and the Pharisees, but not with the regular Joe or new Christians. He was harsh with hypocrites and He was harsh with the men He was raising up to be killed for the gospel, men that had walked with him for a while and did not get it. He would tell them to grow up, to mature, to get it.
Matthew 8:
12Then the disciples came to him and asked, “Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this?”
13He replied, “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. 14Leave them; they are blind guides.e If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.”
15Peter said, “Explain the parable to us.”
16“Are you still so dull?” Jesus asked them.
In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God's word all over again. You need milk, not solid food! Hebrews 5:12
I wonder how today's Christian would take Jesus words, "Leave them" or “Are you still so dull?”
Men who speak truth according to God's will in season and out of season, not according to what is politically correct or acceptable behavior in the eyes of the wicked world we live in, but according to God's leading and will are effective witnesses.
David, I completely agree with all that you have said here. Gracias, hermano.
I never have considered any of Jesus' words harsh to his disciples. He spoke truth to them...a truth that they needed to learn. They needed the knowledge for the day that they would be martyred for Him. The Pharisees needed the truth as well...they just wouldn't accept it.
Jesus told the disciples where they were erring. It was for their benefit.
What He tells us now is for our benefit. Christ was truly a Teacher and had unique ways of teaching those who would listen to Him. He was completely honest....explaining things to His students (disciples) as they had need to learn. Many times I have been in the position to not understand completely what a person was trying to tell me. I had to answer honestly...*I ain't got it*! Say it again.
My point is...if Christ asked me if I were *still so dull* my honest answer would be *yes, tell me again.*
Amen Rita,
Thank you for expanding my thoughts. Jesus is blessing us when He confronts us about our shortcomings, when He corrects us. His truths, words of corrections are blessings.
I think I would also have to say "tell me again - Jesus" in some aspects of my walk. Jesus wants us to grow and mature.
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