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With different modern kind of music styles and accompaniment, is this makes Christian music better or worse?

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Amen John....  "better to put our trust in those things we can’t feel. ----- God’s Word endures even when everything that ‘feels’ good emotionally has faded away."

Hi Darth, I definitely believe that music leads us into the presence of God, it does me anyway. Also I do believe of course that only God can save souls.

There were musical instruments in the Bible, so the musicians must have led the people into God's presence then in preperation for Salvation..


I believe that music is a vehicle that God uses....sing to the Lord a new song...

God bless


From Judith


Hi Amanda,

I agree with you, a song from a Christian Radio station can and does touch people. Even if it is only one person, by one song played, it is one more person won for Christ, Hallelujah.!!!

God bless


From Judith

Yes amen Amanda, I just love working for the Lord, although I don't see it as work, but a pleasure and an honour to be used by God in this way.


God bless you dear Sister.(smile)                                                                             

I need to remember that! Thank-you....


Many blessings to you and yours.

Christian music set the mode but it cannot change anything. I am not suggesting to tame any tongue so even the stones can praise Him. I don't believe that Christian music will touch any heart and that person is called saved, only by hearing the word of God, repenting of sins, believing and accepting Jesus Christ as personal savior and Lord, thats the way to salvation not by hearing a played music and not by hearing a testimony. Testimony challenges us. what makes us empty after any any servise is the condition of our heart. I believe any preaching of Gods word, no matter how lousy is the preacher, there is a Gods blessing because it is His words that being teach and His name being glorified and proclaim. Even there is no electirc supply and not instrument can be played, but if there is preaching of His word. any true christian will not feel empty... Just my thought my brethren... God bless AAG... let us grow together brethren...

No one has ever claimed music saves people Larry, all we are saying (or I am at least) is that music can help people open their hearts and minds to God. Music is a very powerful thing, it's ability to impact people should never be under-estimated. It's not going to lead people to the Lord but it may be the trigger.
Music has no power. It is who is moving and working while the music is being played is the powerful one. It is always the Lord that made the impact not the music. What are the chances that music will trigger anyone be lead to Christ? Emotional needs?
What is the possibility that our emotions and feelings will not deceived us? We are naturally emotional being with sinful nature. Can we relay in our emotions and feelings? Do we need to take those chances?
Has anyone ever been saved through the ministry of a song? Of course they have. The message in music can have the same effect of a sermon. The message of the Gospel can come through many channels and the message in song is certainly one of those. I used to sing in a Gospel quartet. I have seen many come to Christ through the message in song. Responses to Christ are going to be emotional responses. I have seen people weep, shout, praise and repent. I have also preached the Gospel and seen people respond to the message and be saved. Both are saved even though different methods were used. I wonder just how many methods God can use to reach the soul of man. That might be another great discussion.

Hi  Roy, Yes I totally agree. I have experienced people being saved just by music being played on a keyboard at a house group meeting as a backing for prayer. Even words aren't always necessary.

Our God can use anything and anybody He wants to despite us.


God Bless you dear brother


From Judith

Well put Roy - especially about responses to Christ being emotional. We're not robots


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