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I believe since we can't save ourselves it is only through the blood of Christ which we can be saved then I say we can be saved without a preacher. We only have to ask Jesus to come in our hearts and forgive us and He will. Where ever we are whether in a room alone or anywheres.
Now in my thinking our faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God and that does take a preacher. Though God gives to each of us a measure of faith but we can expand our faith by listening to preaching of God's word.
Does anyone have any comments on this.
Your Sister in Christ

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Hi Carolyn,

Nice Question, Yes we can expand our faith by listening to the preaching of God's Word.
But it is through the preaching of the word that we come to a knowledge of Salvation. "For since, in the wisdom of God, the world by wisdom did not know God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save those who believe." 1Cor 1:21
Therefore right up front there has to be a preacher in order to bring people to a knowledge of Salvation. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? Rom 10:14

The next step and this is important. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Luke5:32 It is important in that repentance is necessary, for without repentance there can be no forgiveness of sins.
Having said all that let me add..... I am not sure that simply asking God to forgive us is what God really wants. God is always ready to forgive, but He wants one to repent first. Forgiveness can only come after repentance.

Further to this repentance is taken far too lightly by many folk. Read David' anguish over his sins in Psalm 51. God's Word tells us to: "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. and also, "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." James 5:16

True repentance can be quite an ordeal with the end result meaning to turn away from your past sins and life. Here one may need counselling, because we will be constantly attacked by the enemy and reminded of who we were and questioned as to whether we are really saved. This is where your Pastor comes in with proper counsel.

One of the main problems is un-confessed sin. (I speak for myself now). I confessed to my fellow Christians my run of the mill sins . This was easy because they were just as guilty. But the deep dark sins, I hid in my heart. Too ashamed to breathe one word of them. I took them to the throne, but I had no relief. I felt I had to go to the folk I had sinned against and ask them to forgive me. Then there were those whom I could not contact, I went to a Pastor I knew I could trust and openly exposed those sins and hurt I had caused others. I then had one final call on my Christian experience. I had to contact those people whom I had held grudges against because they had treated me badly. I called them, (Those that I could) and there was no need to explain because they knew as well as I did what had transpired between us and I told them that the grudge I had, was gone and I had forgiven them. Some where very gracious in their acceptance and apologised while some appeared willing to add to the hurt. But I had complete freedom over this and placed it in God's hands with verse from 2Ti 4:14 Alexander the Coppersmith did me much evil: the Lord reward him according to his works. Should the Alexanders in my life change in his attitudes "The Lord reward him" but should Alexander continue in life as he wanted to, well the Lord reward him according to his works. All of this left me free of all guilt and an easy conscience before the Lord. Joy has taken it's place and with Paul I am also able to say: "Nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day." 2Tim 1:12.

I have told you of all that transpired in my early Christian life, to show that there can be more than simply saying forgive me
The Lord Bless you as you seek His face and in your daily walk close to Him
Your friend in Christ
thank you for that comment.
God bless you,
Your sister in Christ,
Thank you, Carolyn, and yes, I do have a comment.

I was raised in a Christian home where it was the pratice of attending church every Sunday and Wednesday evenings when services were held. I was involved in all of the limited activities for youth and I vividly recall going to the altar one night during "revival" services where I vaguely remember, giving my life to Christ.

Then, I joined the services, spent seven years and afterwards, obtained a BBA degree, was married (twice) and atttended church services most of the time. Then, as I was about to celebrate my 45th birthday, I encountered a crisis in my life that threatened my very existance. Church didn't help, there was no one available to listen and after I had tried to relate my problems to several others, I gave up - even considered killing myself at one point.

But, I heard a fascinating sermon - that had nothing to do with salvation, but it prompted me to inquire of a respected Christian evangelist who lived half way across the country. I decided to visit with him.

Along the way, I started to read my Bible, fearful that I would be embarrassed to explain to my "counselor" that I had never really understood what it said. I thought if I memorized a couple of verses, he might be impressed. I opened my Bible, looking for the place where Jesus had begun His ministry. I came to the 4th chapter of Matthew, chapter four and specifically, the 17th verse where He said, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."

"Repent", I wondered, "what does that mean?" And so I turned to prayer. To my utter amazement, I had no sooner offered that question and my mind went racing back, several years, to recall the several disputes my grandfather had with my widowed Mother and suuddenly realized why it was, I had left his home, believing I was not loved. I had in fact, in my mind, decided that my Mother didn't love me and that "seed" of discontent had grown into a huge tree, bearing much fruit, and caused me to believe no one could love me and - although, many thought I was nice guy, in my heart I was arrogant and determined to rule anyone who ever even attempted a relationship with me.

I suddenly realized, I was the problem; I had need to repent and so it was, I confessed my "sin" to the God who I knew - by now, was listening and caring for me. The Bible said He loved me and that meant to me, I was to love others.

From that moment to this, I have clung to that premise. I had been forgiven, I must now forgive others.

It has been over thirty four years since that encounter. I vowed as I stepped of that bus the next morning, I would never turn back and I have not. The Bible I thought I could never understand, now "reads" me like a book. That has been the most fascinating aspect of the life I know live - the scriptures were not writtten for the others guys, they were specifically written for me. My reward has been to realize, my life is now - as Peter suggested, .."joy inexpressible and full of glory" the way it was meant to be from the beginning.

Sherwood MacRae, Cookeville, TN
God bless you,
thank you for your comment and sharing your walk with Him.
Your Sister in Christ,
Yes, I came into the Kingdom, thru the power of the Holy Spirit, alone. He brought me to the end of my self, so that I could accept him, and he gave me a hunger for his word, and he has been with me ever since, and that was June of 1985, he is my Lord, and My Savior and my soon coming King. I delight in serving him, and long to be where he is. I am very greatful to be counted as one of his, and it is my will to do his bidding. I am not bound to a building, a group, a denomination, or anything else that is manmade, only to him. Thanks for asking and giving me a chance to share. God bless....
Thank you for that comment. It was a preacher who said this and I had never thought about it so I thought I would ask the question. I have gotten some good comments on it.
I love church and my church family and my Pastor but my relationship with Jesus is mine.
I get to love those who He loves which is everyone, they just haven't discovered forever love yet.

God bless you,
Your Sister in Christ


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