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I have been wondering this for awhile, is it possible for those who were once saved to be denied eternity with God if they have strayed? At what point can we fairly make an assumption that someone is no longer saved? I have heard that once saved always saved, and also that we can lose our salvation, so I am confused.

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Hello dear bro Rob I totally agree with you thank you for posting this, and the Lord bless you more and more.
Remain blessed.
in His love your sis.
Dear Brother,

You make good points however from a context perspective the book of Hebrew is not talking about Christians losing their salvation but it is speaking to Jewish Christians who were hedging between salvation in the temple verses salvation by faith in Christ. Grace is never a license to sin and a born again Christian will be judged by God even to the point of physical death and we will lose reward at the Bema seat. I would encourage you to read the following article and pray about it. Otherwise according to you any Christian who has willfully sinned is lost forever and I John 1:9 is a lie. You know better than that. Good works can not save you and they can not keep you....your obedience to God brings blessing and glorifies the Lord but it is not salvation. Living a life pleasing to God in the image of the Christian transformation in Christ is the "goal" but it is a life long process of repentance and dying to self. If a person can sin continuously and has no desire to repent you have a right to question the validity of the new birth in their lives. I respectfully disagree with you that a particular sin will cause a Child of God to get unborn again and lose the seal of the Holy Spirit and be lost forever with no way to repent and come back.

In Christian Love,

John Saputo

the Judgment seat of Christ is two events: One is the Bema Seat, only for believers who will be judged for the motive of their works in the body but it is NOT for the salvation of their souls.
The other is the White Throne Judgment when all manking will appear before GOD to be judged and the outcome will be the second death and lake of fire for all of those who's names were not found in the Lamb's Book of Life. What I found spell binding in this video is that John who knew and loved Jesus and had an intimate relationship with Him even yet fell as a dead man when He saw the Lord in His Glory!

Know we disagree on this topic, but wanted to comment for those who may be following this thread.

It's not that someone is "born-again" and then unborn. It's the concept that a born-again believer can commit spiritual suicide by unbelieving. It's part of the second death.


I will end my input on this thread here with, it is not my intent to try and squelch your view or overtalk you. I understand your position and disagree, but by all means your view and my view must be free to be presented in an open and loving manner. Healthy debate benefits everyone. I have respect for you as stated before. We agree on so much more than we disagree on. The things we disagree on are not of a critical nature. I enjoy discussing things with you. You are able to stay to topic without attacking one's character as many who have come here to AAG before are uncapable of doing.

So, I see your view, I understand its points, but I simply disagree with you as you simply disagree with me.

Lord Bless,
Hey LT

I suspect if we could list what we believe side by side, we would agree on 99% of them.

Want to say, I'm impressed with the time you spend attempting to help people with questions on this site. God will honor you for your efforts.

Some day I want to share with you a unique way God has used me to introduce people to Jesus.



I look forward to hearing it.

Bless ya brother,
i to have heard once saved, always saved, but i dont think we ever lose our salvation, thats why we must repent of our sins daily, but as i said i dont hink we ever lose the salvation, if i am wrong someone please correct me and explain please,
Hi Sarah,

I read the entire forum so I will not repeat what has been said. I also believe that the totality of Scripture reveals that the lost condition of man required the infinite blood sacrifice of the Son of God as the provided Lamb of God to save us from the wrath of God and to make us righteous in order to restore our relationship to God. Sins needed to be forgiven, past, present and future but also we needed perfect righteousness to become part of God's family. See Romans 5:17 and Titus chapter 2 and 3.
If we sin there are consequences and they can be severe; chastisement and broken fellowship with God to the point you will not feel saved until you repent. Hebrews 13:4-8 I John 1:9-2:1-2
The key is transformation and sanctification which means that God is working to make us more like Jesus in holy character and virtue. When we fail Him He still loves us but He will chastise us, correct us and restore us. There is only one sin that God can not forgive! Denial that Jesus is the very Messiah or Christ foretold in the Old Testament that He came in the flesh as Savior. John chapter 5.
If a person after saying "I am a Christian" walks aways and says, "I no longer believe that JESUS is the Savior". It is evidence that they were not born again. But only God can judge the heart and knows for sure especially when someone is distraught over a great trial like the loss of a child as an example.
It is impossible for us to save ourselves by works but good works glorify our God and Lord and help others to see that our faith is the real thing! The motive to follow Jesus is NOT because I am afraid to going to perdition but because I am afraid of dishonoring His infinitne love and mercy.


Hello dear Sarah78 i read ur question it was my question too i think if u visit this web-site will help you not only u but any one who wants to know about it. I hope you will learn so many things there, and you will be blessed.
Remain blessed.
In His love your sis.
Dear Pilgrim,

I read a half dozen of the articles. Just more of the same (meaning nothing new and nothing significant) regarding the debate. His greatest assest is not substantiating his position (based on the few I read), but rather making accusations against us that do hold the position of eternal security. He assumes we believe some things that the majority of us do not believe. Some of his assumptions are just ridiculous. One example is he accuses us who believe in eternal security of believing that those who do not believe in eternal security do not trust in the blood of Jesus. Where you stand on this issue does not determine one's salvation, but the understanding on retention of it.

Lord Bless,
One more thing. The audacity of the man to claim that we who believe in etrnal security are SINISTER AND RAVENOUS WOLVES IN SHEEPS CLOTHING!!! He does not know my heart or relationship with Jesus and has no right or authority to judge me. He assumes he is right and is judging others that disagree with him. Common tactic.



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