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Can Ariel Castro be convicted of murder by acts that led to the termination of pregnancy?

The kidnapping of the three girls in Cleveland, OH has many people's attention. I know many are praying that the now young ladies can recover from the horrendous experiences they shared over the last nine years. Now, additional information is surfacing about the pregnancies of at least one of the young ladies, Michelle, who is saying that she was impregnated five times and then starved and beaten to end the lives of those babies. Can Castro be convicted of murder for the termination of these lives? Apparently he can be - in Ohio anyway. That, of course, will lead to the question of pr0-lifers (of which I am one) that believe it is murder every time a baby's life is ended by what many just term an abortion. The word "abortion" for this procedure is an extremely lacking description. What do you think? Is Castro guilty of murder? 

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Yes, we did stray a bit :-)

It is odd that abortion is not murder in the eyes of some while the killing of the fetus (child) is murder when it meets certain worldly criteria in their eyes. Just shows that people, including governments, can pervert just about anything to fit thier view if desired IMO.


Lord Bless,

I believe that when we started killing our unborn babies, we became as barbaric as those nations that we read of in the past. I think we are better than this - but maybe not. I hope I am seeing things wrongly and that we aren't yet worthy of judgment. I do see some trends that are putting us right there with the rest of all the really evil ones. We also see some good signs. I am very thankful we found the doctor guilty of murder that killed the babies after a botched abortion. Dr. Gosnell purposely slayed three (four) babies after they were delivered alive after abortion attempts failed. There are obviously some people left with morals who choose to say killing little babies is evil and even worthy of the death penalty. I get very angry. I have a son and daughter-in-law who desperately want to have a child and these people just kill theirs. We live in a messed up world. We need Jesus and more of His people to stand against this ungodly barbaric act. God help us. We have become evil. 

Hi Group,

A lot has been said in this thread.

Way back when, I came forward........ joined, and was baptized into the undenominational New Testament Church.

And I believed in the New Testament Church.......rarely turned to the Old Testament.

Over the years, I realized my mistake (Grazier). The Old testament is the foundation for the N.T..


So, When Jesus says in Matthew 5:18, " For verily I say unto you. Till heaven and earth pass, not one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the Law, till all be fulfilled." (I love the KJV on this).

So, my conviction is with Genesis 9:6, " Whoever sheds man's blood, By man his blood shall be shed. For in the image of God He made man." (NASB). Therefore, they have capitol punishment in (?) in hell, Mr. Castro....unless you repent and come to Christ. One criminal on the cross did.....and the other didn't.

Anyone involved in abortion will  have to stand before the Judge and His Law, which is eternal. Like  homosexuality, same-sex marriage, and the like..........The world might say O.K.......But God doesn't. Two words - Sodom and Gomorrah.....

Christians, except for some churches, won't get involved in those evil secular laws and won't play that game see Acts 5:29).


One thing I find interesting here, my I post this, 383 hits on this thread have been registered, in about a day and a half. Interesting.


Grace and Peace to all.

In the eyes of the law of many states he is by simple fact that he terminated without the mother's consent.  They view the mother's consent differently than having that consent removed forcibly.  In the eyes of God, sin is sin.  And He deals with all sin the same.  What can be even harder to deal with….


Woman is raped and decides she cannot bare to have the baby of her rapist and so she aborts.  Right after the abortion, she is killed in an auto accident without having ever accepted Christ.  Her rapist is sent to prison and repents.  The Bible is saying she will spend eternity in hell.  That is difficult for me even to accept but we don’t know the entire story or how either will be ultimately dealt with.  That is all up to God and we only see in part now, but will see fully then.




We do know, if the statements you made were true of the persons and situation you described, then the outcome is just how you described it.


The criminal that repents will be in heaven and the new earth. The woman will be in hell. when it comes to this topic, we see clearly in scripture the outcome of dying in our sins and the outcome of having the Lord's righteousness appropriated to us.

We do, yet there is so much we do NOT know.  It's why some believe in ES and others don't, some thinks our rewards are affected while others believe we backslide and go to hell.  So we can all out say she'd go to hell if at one point in life she believed in Christ but as she got older, didn't follow Him.  I'd rather leave judgments to God and not even speculate.  That's why I said it's mind boggling, and perhaps not something we should even dwell on.

What is ES?

Eternal salvation or eternal security.

Oh ,okay thanks.....



Those that do not believe in eternal security have been taught wrong and/or do not interpret scripture correctly for both are not right. The word is not full of confussion, but clearly teaches truth. If she believed in Christ in a legitimate born again manner than she will go to heaven regardless of her struggles.



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