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I know we all want to see justice done but what would the world think if a Christian would say,"We should be praying for the suspect that he would come to  Jesus and repent so he could spend eternity with the Father".

I know I feel that way but how about other brothers and sisters in Christ?

When someone who claims to be a Christian says something like," I hope he burns in hell", should we say something?

What do you think?

I wont take full credit for this post. A good friend in Christ started this conversation.



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My prayers were answered. I was praying that the 19 year old suspect in Boston would be captured alive. I know he is the suspect in some horrible crimes. I didn't want him to die in that condition though. I prayed for God to intervene and let there be hope that he would seek forgiveness and repent and even become a Christian. I'd like for the families of those injured or killed to be able to hear him asking them for forgiveness. I think he's probably already very, very sorry, but I'm only speculating. He's just a kid and I'm very certain that he has been under evil influences and my heart goes out to the victims and, yet, I could never say of anyone that I would want to see them spending eternity in Hell. We all deserve Hell. No one deserves heaven. Some are deeper into the darkness than others but Jesus is the light of the world. He is able to reach him and able to save him.


I also am reminded of King Manasseh in the Old Testament. He was the son of Hezekiah. There's something interesting about his story. If you remember it, you know that Hezekiah was sick and dying and he prayed for healing and God heard him and granted him 15 more years of life. Manasseh was 12 when he became king. So he was born during the last 15 years of Hezekiah's life and he reigned for 55 years and was very evil. It is even said in other writings (not the Bible) that Manasseh killed the prophet Isaiah and others (had them tortured to death). But Manasseh repented. And God accepted him. It says God was moved by his prayer and listened and brought him back from all of that. God is merciful. But, yes, many people are saying this 19 year old boy should burn in Hell. But I'm asking God to bring him back from it. and, of course, he hasn't been found guilty, yet. He's a suspect and his behavior is incriminating, and, yet, in our justice system guilt must be proven. Most likely it will be and he may even confess. I don't know. He must be held accountable for any crimes he has committed. But his soul can be saved.  


2 Chronicles 33

New International Version (NIV)

Manasseh King of Judah

33 Manasseh was twelve years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem fifty-five years. He did evil in the eyes of the Lord, following the detestable practices of the nations the Lord had driven out before the Israelites. He rebuilt the high places his father Hezekiah had demolished; he also erected altars to the Baals and made Asherah poles. He bowed down to all the starry hosts and worshiped them. He built altars in the temple of the Lord, of which the Lord had said, “My Name will remain in Jerusalem forever.” In both courts of the temple of the Lord, he built altars to all the starry hosts. He sacrificed his children in the fire in the Valley of Ben Hinnom, practiced divination and witchcraft, sought omens, and consulted mediums and spiritists. He did much evil in the eyes of the Lord, arousing his anger.

He took the image he had made and put it in God’s temple, of which God had said to David and to his son Solomon, “In this temple and in Jerusalem, which I have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, I will put my Name forever. I will not again make the feet of the Israelites leave the land I assigned to your ancestors, if only they will be careful to do everything I commanded them concerning all the laws, decrees and regulations given through Moses.” But Manasseh led Judah and the people of Jerusalem astray, so that they did more evil than the nations the Lord had destroyed before the Israelites.

10 The Lord spoke to Manasseh and his people, but they paid no attention. 11 So the Lord brought against them the army commanders of the king of Assyria, who took Manasseh prisoner, put a hook in his nose, bound him with bronze shackles and took him to Babylon. 12 In his distress he sought the favor of the Lord his God and humbled himself greatly before the God of his ancestors. 13 And when he prayed to him, the Lord was moved by his entreaty and listened to his plea; so he brought him back to Jerusalem and to his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the Lord is God.


I love this story. Amen sis.

Hi Gary,

Yes we should be praying for his salvation.

If a Christian says 'I hope he burns in hell.' ...Then they are directly going against God's will, because God desires for all to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth.

We are to 'bless' and not 'curse' people.

Correct the person who says this....and pray for the one who is lost.


Blessings, Carla

I agree

One of the things that sets "true" Christianity apart from other religions is our love for our enemies. Someone hating their enemies is easy to understand, loving them is more difficult.

It is troubling when a someone who claims to be a Christian says something that goes against Biblical teaching. Those comments tend to destroy the credibility of our faith to those who are not following Jesus. Sadly, I find more often than not, Christians will not rebuke such comments. When we don't, we basically are agreeing with them. This is especially true when the person knows we are Christians ourselves. 

It can be difficult to stand for Christ, but Jesus would expect nothing less.



The Wall Street Journal had this story yesterday:

I am wondering that, since martyr is defined as somebody who suffers persecution and death for refusing to renounce, or accept, a belief or cause, usually religious, then would the eight year old child killed in Boston, who was being raised as a Christian who advocated for peace and no more hurting of people, be a Christian martyr?

Also, Gary, in your profession are there current talks of how first responders can better prepare for this type of attack? Do you see that the possibility for such attacks to increase is very possible? I don't see how we can categorize such attacks as anything less than religious persecution. In that case to call these attacks as God's judgments on unbelievers is very mistaken since the attacks are coming from those who reject Christ.

I'm not sure about the martyr question. I wonder just  how much an eight year old really understands. I would think if he truly has an understanding then yes.

Talks as to being better prepared are always in the works. The problem is funding. As we continue to cut back on Gov't spending so it goes on preparedness. Money doesn't cure everything, but in an age where people are less likely to lend a hand or step up, you need to rely on paid responders more and more. 

Attacks to increase. Yes. The muslim brotherhood in the United States in alive and well. I would suspect attacks to increase over the coming years.

Religious persecution? I don't know. Maybe. I guess I see these attacks as just pure evil. What I do see though, is every time we see an act of terrorism or evil we do lose some of our freedoms. The freedoms we have are God given, but men are always wanting to remove them and will use security as the excuse. As we lose our freedom to security concerns we also lose are freedom to worship. How? By people lumping all religions together and therefor looking at Christianity the same as islam.

There are many who think that Christians are as radical as muslims.

So now that I look at it......persecution...yes.

Some children mature faster than others and even younger than 8 year old children have reached an age of accountability. But I guess we can only speculate. He was a believer. That's as much of his life's testimony that I'm aware of based on news stories.


>>" I hope he burns in hell"


What that statement reveals is that the person saying it has not realized how horrendous their sin is before our God. We look at the obvious sins, such as, drunkenness, adultery, rape, murder, as sins deserving of hell, and of course they are, but since many measure their "goodness" / "righteousness" by comparing themselves to others, we find reason to think and state such things. Selfishness, arrogance, vanity, self- righteousness, pride, are just as horrendous.


Our standard is God. He is perfect and compare to his holiness and perfection, even our “good works” are like filthy rags. He knows the intent and motive of the heart. In a fallen or redeemed state, even our “good works” which are not of a pure heart seeking to honor and bring God glory are like filthy rags.


So much grace has been given to us, so we can have plenty to give. May our Lord change the heart of that young man.





Excellent word my friend.  You have spoken from the very thoughts of my heart. Well perhaps you were a lot more elequent than I but none the less.


I would only like to add that the Lord mightily convicted me of what you are speaking of when He answered Peter's question of 'how many times must we forgive, seven times'( obviously not an exact quote but you know what I am refering to.) When Jesus answered him "not seven but seventy times seven) He brought much conviction on me and my 'right' to bear a grudge. 


The Lord was showing me that in light of His grace I have no 'right ' to EVER not forgive someone. It was like the Lord saying to me "How dare you ever even think of not forgiving after what I have forgiven you for!!"

That was a time when the Lord showed me no quarter (as well He should not have). I was having a struggle in not forgiving and He brought a very abrupt end to my self righteous pity party and I will praise His name forever for His mercy and grace for this revelation.


Again, excellent word and God bless.


I was just reading the new posts and of course I had to re read yours after Charles post. I have a great memory, it's just short and getting shorter.

I thought popped into my head. Can you imagine the response we would get if we told someone who was obviously lying," You are no better that the Boston Bomber". We would never say that, but your right, sin is sin. I would imagine the response would be just short of fisticuffs.

I wish Pastors would preach more on sin. Our's does at times, but usually not in your face kind of sermon. I would think a sermon on sin and that all of us are as guilty as the bombers would be a humbling experience.

Blessings my friends. It's gunna be 70 degrees today and sunny in Wisconsin so off to church and then a day in the sun.

God is Soooooo cooool



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