Is trying to be a christian and believing in the bible good enough?
Is questioning the bible and Christianity not good enough?
If not understanding the contradictions of Christianity and the bible not good enough?
Then will I be ever in hell and not good enough for heaven, christs and Gods blessing?
How will I know this?
How with all these questions about Christianity will I understand that I am either of the chosen few or not?
If I am blind to the fact Iam not of the chosen few, how do I know?
What should I do if I am not of the chosen, I am not of the christian calling, beacuse I am never, will never be in league with some thing that is willing to hurt and tourmnet others and if I am not of the chosen few, if I am noit of christianity and I am not in with any other what do I do?
I am blind to this faith in relation to others, though I am not niave to the evils that go on.
I am blind to the contradiction of this faith, though have no other faith or to have faith in.
I would really like to hear you comments.
Hamm, in many ways my faith is very weak. Faith helps us in our Christian walk. You have made it this far. It does seem to me that some people have more faith than others. I think you have more than you know.
Hi Everyone thanks for the replys and dicussions.
The comments above are so very true for each of us. The difference between doubt and faith and believe, as how I see it is up to the individual and their interpritation of the "word", "bible".
I haven't read all the bible, though I would say I have read 85%. I can honestly say that as I read it some makes sense to me as an individual and I am sure the parts that don't make sense to me will make sense to others. This is I suppose when we need to share our understanding, which doesn't mean we have to agree, everyone lives individual lifes and experiences, God allows this.
As I think about this more, this is why I have come to a site like this.
My faith is no where near as your is Amanda or most peoples onAAG. I agree totally with Joe that maybe I,we need to learn what the "word" is and how to pray properly how to be appropriate with the Lord. Because my faith seems not enough for the Lord. This is because maybe how I experience the world, how I experience religion, christianty, the Lord, Jesus, the bible.
Amanda the comments you have given me about faith in the past would indicate your faith is very strong, though if you arte just like me & we have doubt then (as Joe says) then we need to develop our faith more, to remove the doubt. When you have described your faith and your understanding to me and others, especially with what you have experienced would indicate you have moved mountains spiritually with your faith.
I think or I know that my doubt in the bible is not so much doubt in the Lord or Jesus, which I know sounds like a contradiction, its more from experience. My level of faith so far doesn't move mountains, doesn't feed the thousands, though I wish it could, and if any christian has that faith then why is the world in this state. My faith is a mustard seed or maybe the size of a football, but my doubt is more of a beach ball. This is all from experience and if I am experiecing the "word" or God in a negative context how can I change this so negative, doubting thoughts change to positive 100% faith, believe that those mountains have gone those thousands are fed, the devil is off my ours back and God shines through everyday in everyway.
I kind of understand what Joe is saying about faith in senses and faith in spirit.(is that right Joe?).
I am living more with my senses rather than spirit, which makes sence to me, how do I move from sense(body) to spirit (soul) and freedom, freedom from doubt????
God bless.
Hello Hamm,
I try to explain it like this, using the Spirit, Soul and Body.
When you first “heard” about Jesus “emphasis on heard” because a lot of people hear the gospel preached, but they never “heard” exactly what was being said. Hearing they hear not, and seeing they see not. Mat.13:13. Bible says in Eph.2:8, for by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God. To keep this shorter, please read Eph.2:1-13. On your own.
When you first heard about: what God had done for the world, through Jesus Christ, there was something in you that made you understand that you were a sinner and that you needed a savior, That drawing, inside of you was, the “Grace of God in action” (Charis) “meaning a Divine influence upon your heart” and all you need to do is to repent of your sins and accept Christ as your savior and make Jesus Christ your Lord. Your obedience to that; or by you doing that was an act of “Faith” on your part. Now this Grace, or Him drawing you was not by anything you did to deserve it. That was the “ Gift of God“, God opening your ears to hear, so it was not of yourself or your own desires or efforts.
So it was “by Grace that you were saved, through faith.”
Now the Word says that “if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, old things are passed away, behold all things are become new” usually when a person reads this, he will immediately start searching his body and notices that nothing has changed, I still look the same. I like what I heard one preacher say, “if you were dumb and ugly in the physical before you were saved, you are still dumb and ugly after you were saved” Now this is in the physical. The only thing that became born again, or new, was your spirit. So to prove that we will look in a regular mirror, and low and behold, it was true.
So to see who or what you are in that new spirit, or the Spirit realm, we must look in God’s mirror. “the bible” This will reflect who you are in the spirit, not in the flesh. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit.Jo.3:6. Now you can be transformed into what you see yourself to be in the bible, “which is Spirit and life“, by the renewing of your mind. 2Cor.3 says, “But all we with open faces, beholding as in a glass “mirror” the glory of the Lord, are changed into that same image, from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.” Believing more of what God says about you in the Word, than what your senses are telling you in your body, “flesh” Until our minds are renewed to the Word of God, we will constantly be in conflict, the Spirit warring against the flesh and the flesh against the Spirit. The Word say that you have the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwelling in you. If we don’t understand that spiritual reality can’t be felt by our senses, then we will really be confused when we read that: by His stripes we were healed, We will again begin to search our souls and body to see if it is true. And if we can’t perceive it with our senses in our physical body, then we will conclude that it must not be true.
So unless the Word of God gains the ascendancy over our carnal thinking, we will begin to doubt if we were even born again, .Because, because, because we just can’t see, feel, taste, smell, or hear it, therefore it must not be true. Faith is the substance, not the thing itself.
This is the confidence, that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us, and if we know He hears us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him.(1Jo.5:14,15.)
Grace and peace be multiplied unto you, through the knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord, according as His Divine power has given to us, all things that pertains unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him that has called us unto glory and virtue. Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises, that by these we might be partakers of the Divine nature, having escaped the corruption of this world, that was through lust. 2Pet.1:2-4.
I can explain more about the Spirit, Soul and Body, but I hope this helps.
Blessings to you.
Hamm, as far as believing in the existence of God the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit--I do have faith. Like you, it is in my experience of God that I have doubt. I was reading this about doubting Thomas this morning. Thomas gets a bad wrap but as the article says when the other disciples tried to keep Jesus from going to Bethany to raise Lazarus from the dead because of the danger from those in the area who had just earlier tried to stone Him (John 11:8), Thomas said to them, "Let us also go, that we may die with Him" (John 11:16). Thomas also asked Him one of the most famous questions. John 14:5-6 says, "Thomas said to him, 'Lord, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know the way?' Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'"
Doubting Thomas - What can I learn from him?
Not all doubt is bad. It is found in the Bible being expressed by real people and we can learn from doubt and from those who also honestly expressed it.
A thing I have just recently been 'beginning' to understand is the 'Blood of Jesus'. Before I understood the meaning of the gift He gave...I was already 'covered by'.... 'His Blood'. A few years back, I simply said "Yes" to Jesus and accepted Him as my Saviour. There was much that I did not yet understand, I still do not understand everything. But I am covered by His Blood. I am redeemed by His Blood. It is not because of anything I have done, it is not a reward for my works, it is not 'bait' for me to 'do' works or earn anything. He gave His blood a very long time before I ever knew of Him. I am trying to find the right words to say this....and I just do not have the right words. It is so way beyond my words to say.
On the cross Jesus said, "It is done".....or "It is finished" depending on which bible you are reading. I can only assume that there were not any last finishing touches that He required for me to add.....except for me to 'accept' the gift, and say Thank You Jesus. - sums up my views on this
Yes, Grazer. I was agreeing with you that experience is one form of evidence ... I know it does not happen every day, but this is what me agreeing with you looks like ... LOL (A little humor please :-)
I was wondering why it looked so strange haha It was such a long time ago since we last agreed I was beginning to think I'd imagined it ;)
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