I take it that the Light is Jesus and God?
I hope you're not saying that all atheists are evil. That just isn't so, unless you are strictly defining a nonbelief as evil, by definition. But, I think you may have problems with that definition because that use of the word isn't quite popular, in a dictionary sense of the term.
We are all sinful, but not evil in the sense that our deeds may not be destructive in any measurable sense. Some of those who aren't evil, deeds wise, may be atheists.
Do you agree with this line of thought?
By who's standards.
From the human standpoint..we may call many people 'good'..even athiests..
What is good? What is evil?
The idea that morality determines a 'good' person or an 'evil' person is a weak argument. I would agree that many athiests would be 'good' people from the human standpoint. However, we are not comparing ourselves to other humans.... we hold ourselves up to the Lord. What are His standards?
Lazurm, i know what you are saying, i am married to an athiest..and he is not evil. So i truly understand the distinction you are trying to make. However, let me emphasize once again, the issue is not morality here. The issue is righteousness. On the day of judgement, who's righteousness will you be wearing? Why do we need a Saviour?
Isa 64:6 | For all of us have become like one who is unclean, And all our righteous deeds are like a filthy garment; And all of us wither like a leaf, And our iniquities, like the wind, take us away.
Righteousness cannot come from ourselves. It can only come from God through Jesus.
Phl 1:11 | having been filled with the fruit of righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God. |
The athiest has not yet come to God.. they may be moral people... fine! But they do not have God's Righteousness, because none of us can attain that without the Lord. It's His cloak of Righteousness that we wear... God sees Jesus when He looks at us (as believers).
Blessings, Carla
Hi Carla,
Your answers are incredibly clarifying to me and, again, I thank you. I also appreciate that you buttress your replies with Scripture. (I finally got my Bible TODAY!!)
As a new Believer I am looking forward to the type of clarifications I find here, on this website (for the most part! :) )
So, let me understand:
If I truly believe in Jesus, as the Son of God, who came to earth to die for our sins, believe this in my heart, and can find the way to bring Jesus into my life and my person completely, then does that mean I will be filled with the fruit of righteousness?
What if I doubt the literal interpretation of the Bible (as in my current discussions I've had with the meaning of "Day" in Genesis)?
What if I believe in evolution as my accepted knowledge base, but with the understanding that our ability to interpret DNA is a gift from God as a method He uses to enable life to continue to exist on a changing earth?
What if I have faith in the scientific method as a relatively successful means to understand the natural world and that there may be occasions where Scripture is interpreted, by me, through that lens?
What if I, in worst case scenario, believe in a scientific interpretation of the natual world, though feel that God is behind all its workings in some mysterious way, not completely or necessarily understood by me but for faith, and this belief runs counter to current Scripture? How do I handle that case?
Your questions are really good questions.
Regarding righteousness here is a great article:
Regarding salvation scripture tells us this:
Rom 10:9 | For if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. |
Regarding your doubt of a literal Genesis... Lazurm, I truly believe in a literal Genesis. When I first began studying, I didn't know what to believe. Now I am confident that God did literally create all things in 6 days..and rested on the 7th day.
My concern with rejecting a literal Genesis, is if the book of Genesis is in question of literal accuracy and truth, then how about the rest of scripture? Wouldn't it be easier for someone to discredit the whole of scripture if they could tear apart the account of Creation?
Scripture is painfully honest. Nothing is withheld. When i say this I am referring to the wars, and the killings..all the voilence.. I am referring to God's annointed ones...with all their flaws.. being chosen by a Holy God.. The Only True God.. and God uses them for His purposes. Their flaws, errors....sins...everything is recorded. I am encouraged with i read this, because of how often I fall short.
I think that as you continue to study the account of Creation, you will find it hard to continue on the path of believing in evolution as truth. Don't ever shy away from science. embrace it! But embrace it for the science of it, not for the parts that are lacking evidence.. based purely on assumption. I have some great resources for you to check out:
http://biblicaldiscipleship.org/content/evolution-creationist-book-... (i have this book)
Just because you are a Christian,it does not mean you shut your mind off to learning, in fact you will learn more. i know i have. I was so uninformed before.. I'm still learning lots.. i feel like I've gone back to school, but this time I am on the right train track.
Creation is not the popular way of thinking--sadly, this is true even amongst Christians. Let's be honest.. Evolution is a rather new teaching, it changes constantly, it has no evidence for the claims.. it is all assumption.
I think it would be difficult to be a believer and believe in evolution. I don't know if the two are compatible.. my personal opinion is that they are not.
Blessings, Carla
Hi Carla,
To state that Evolution has no evidence is totally incorrect. In fact, Evolution has the largest body of evidence of all the sciences and has actually been seen to occur while taking place (!) in experiments with fruit flies and in observations of virus's and bacteria.
It shouldn't be too difficult to believe Evolutionary Theory and still be a believer if one feels that witnessing evolution take place is like witnessing the mind of God and how He works. As to Genesis, that's a hard pill to swallow if one takes it literally, to the point of believing that the Earth is, say, 8,000 years old, as some do. There's just too much overwhelming proof indicating otherwise.
Hi Lazurm,
Would you mind outlining and elaborating on the proof for me?
Blessings, Carla
Hi Carla,
Well, that's a rather TALL order indeed.
But, to go over it briefly, sort of an outline as you suggested: There's partical physics involving our knowledge of radiation and partical decay, how it averages out to known amounts and how that information pertains to determining the sequence of life (and other things) on Earth. There's geology with its knowledge of sedimentation, plate tectonics and the like and how that helps determine where certain species originated and why they trace their lineage to species found on other parts of our planet. There's hundreds of thousands of fossils which help determine the types of biological changes that were successful in adapting to a change condition, whether climactic or otherwise (food type, etc.). There's biology and genetics where observations are both made, live, and upon older material and these help detail the explanations for how living things work, stay alive, etc. There are ongoing observations and experiments involving bacterial evolution, viral evolution, DNA evolution and mapping, and lots more in this regard all having to do with the fight against diseases, fights that employ evolution as but one of the methods.
Did you know that scientists/doctors have discovered people that are totally immune, now, to AIDS due to a genetic adaptation found in their DNA, as but one in thousands (and I mean thousands) of examples?
It's really not a good venue, here, to discuss in detail such a wide question. But, continuing my "outline", there's examples of intermediate life forms, say between a fish and an amphibian for example, in the fossil records, all recorded and cataloged by the hundreds (at least, hundreds that I've seen anyway).
For a really good and easy to swallow course on the subject, I suggest purchasing one of the many DVD's available from The Teaching Company, an organization that selects the best professors in the United States to give the very well organized and explained lectures on a host of subjects, Evolution included. Evolution subjects can be found at this link: http://www.thegreatcourses.com/tgc/search/search.aspx?searchphrase=...
and, while you're there, check out their courses on religion, if you're interested. Mostly history and philosophical in nature.
Suffice it to say that Evolution has explained things rather well, with no other explanation offering the kind of complete logic and proof that can both explain much of the past, as observed by the data collected, as well as predict outcomes seen in experiments where the predictions can be observed. For instance, it had been observed that fruit flies, a species that takes two weeks for one complete generation (allowing for observations in record time), follow the predictions of Evolutionary Theory by creating environments that result in observable adaptations over time, adaptations that allow for increased population of fruit flies that have adapted successfully. Note too that species differentiation takes so much time that even a fruit flies life cycle doesn't permit that kind of living observation.
I'm scattering a bit here, but really, it's much too broad a topic to go over in a few words.
Hi Lazurm,
I'm away travelling right now with limited computer access so I can't discuss this in detail as i would like to until i return home next week.
It is likely that we will have to agree to disagree.
Blessings, Carla
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