This topic comes up often when discussing other topics. It deserves to be addressed all by itself as it is an important subject.
Are you assured of your salvation? If so, why are you assured?
Lord Bless,
This video may seem simple to understand to yall. I cant grasp it yet and I want to. Please pray that I do. I believe time is short and I want to be ready, I want to hav this assurance and know that when I pray to God He will know who I am. Thank you for any prayer in advance.
I am praying. May I ask what part of the video seems the hardest to understand? I am more than willing to walk you through this trusting the Holy Spirit to bring clarity.
Thank you for the prayers LT. I do need them . I am also thankful that you are willing to help me with this. its not just the video. I just cant grasp being able to be saved wthout feling the Holy Spirit draw me. The very first time I said a sinners prayer several years ago was when I believed the teaching of all you have to do is say this prayer and you are saved. I don't believe that anymore. When I said that prayer years ago I didn't feel anything. I just believed that now I wasn't going to hell. But now I know I am headed there if I don't be saved. I also get confused with the HIs elect thing. I have been listening to a lot more online sermons in hopes of finally understanding. How do you know if you are one of the chosen ones?
We may never actually "feel" a drawing, but rather experience an enlightenment regarding the truth. The Holy Spirit does not look for recognition, but rather points us to the Word of God which He brings conviction regarding its truths and points us to Jesus where He convinces us of who Jesus is and regarding what He has done for us, including revealing to us who we are and our condition (deserving hell and needing a Savior).
There are a couple of questions for you to ponder.
Do you believe that you have sinned?
Do you believe that Jesus is the Son of God?
Do you believe that He died on the cross and rose again?
Do you believe that His blood that was shed is payment for your sin and is all that God requires?
Do you believe He is coming back again?
I have great news. If you believe these things are true then the Holy Spirit has already worked in your life and has begun the repentance process (the change of mind). If you believe these things are true there are two possible responses, and only two because you already "believe" that these facts are true. One either receives Christ asking for forgiveness of their sins trusting in Him for our eternal life or they choose their sin and reject Jesus. Now when we accept Christ as Savior we then begin a wonderful and at times difficult journey. There are two basic things that happen at the time of salvation. 1) We are born again, which means we become spiritually alive. Jesus' holiness and righteousness are put into us as the Holy Spirit comes to live in us ... we are spiritually changed, but we start as babes, but still children of the living God. 2) The Holy Spirit begins to work through our old junk bringing it to light so that we can make the choice of getting rid of it. He will convince us of what is wrong and then empower us to overcome it. Sounds easy, but our old human flesh will not give in so easily, so there is a life long battle in which we engage with the desire to crucify the flesh everyday and pick up our cross everyday seeking, to walk in alignment with Jesus. Some days we will do better than others, but when we fail we are to get back up and move forward in the love and grace of God as a child of God.
Lord Bless,
I really like your response but I have a question. What Christians are "not" going to make it? The Bible makes references to people who claim to be Christians but are not really saved. I feel saved, I have faith and know Jesus is my Saviour but I am disabled and not able to do the things I feel I should be. I have no one to witness to, I would love to volunteer at the mission or shelter but have serious back problems and can't get around real well.
I know God has a plan for me, I'm just not sure what it is yet. A word of advice for the doubters on here, I know when you read your Bible everyday you are going to get closer to God. We have to do our part to get closer to our Lord, read and pray everyday. Thank you LT and Praise The Lord everyone!
Time is limited, so I will give a short reply. There will be none who are His who will be lost.
To your personal thought, we all have some type of limitations. Yours is physical from what you described. The key is to find out what God has for you in your current situation. But know He is not done with you, for you are still here.
Amen, amen, amen. Praise our glorious Savior. Let us all rejoice for we do belong to Him.
Janey, I asked those same questions. I was actually approached by an evangelist. I was too busy crying over my life and wanting to change that I didn't actually say the prayer aloud, but in my head I was saying it with her. I struggled so much I chosen? I didn't FEEL any different. Nearly 3 years before God answered it through a bit of a miracle revelation for me. I still don't FEEL different, but I now KNOW that I am.
I went straight to the Bible that day after service and have been in it since. You are seeking answers about God. Before you said that prayer, were you seeking answers? Were you concerned with whether or not you were saved then? My guess is no, and therefore, something has changed within you.
We won't always FEEL anything. I fought with that because some do feel a huge difference, an immediate change. Others of us struggle so hard wondering if we're saved or not. We have to learn to take God at his word.....Romans 10:13 for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
Rom 3:20-26 NIV84 Therefore no one will be declared righteous in his sight by observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin. (21) But now a righteousness from God, apart from law, has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. (22) This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, (23) for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, (24) and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. (25) God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood. He did this to demonstrate his justice, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished-- (26) he did it to demonstrate his justice at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus.
I am reading yalls comments. It seems my mind is blanking. I will be back. Thank you fo the comments
(Janie, I am responding to Michelle's direct question and am not implying this is you in any way.)
There are probably a lot of reasons one might question their salvation. Mischelle has given one good example. We could expand that from legalism to various forms of erroneous teachings.
Below are some things that may stem from erroneous teachings or bad life experiences:
Those are but a few that are common and I am sure that there are more reasons. In the end I think most will boil down to two categories:
1) I cannot be saved because of what I have done, yet Jesus blood can cover any sin.
2) I cannot trust because my trust has been damaged by the past, yet Jesus' promises have never failed.
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