We have recently celebrated Easter but I would like to keep the memory alive each day...
" The resurrection is not a return to the past, but a movement to the future. Neither Mary nor we nor our congregations can hold on to the past after resurrection. We look to the even greater future that God has in store for us through the power of the Holy Spirit."
Pilate therefore said to Him, "So You are a king?" Jesus answered, "You say correctly that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice." John 18:37
The Last Supper, the crown of thorns, the cross, the empty tomb, the resurrection: these are all words that we associate with Easter. For the past few weeks our churches have been sure to prepare us for the weekend ahead. I am so unworthy of a love as great as this. These Easter words humble me. As I meditate on each one I put myself into the scene.
1. During the Last Supper, I hear cleansing water being poured over the disciples' feet. I hear teaching from the Master on how to be a servant. I also hear words of love and devotion. (John 13)
2. When thinking about the crown of thorns, I hear the mockery, the blows to my Lord's face. I hear the crack of a whip-like object. I hear the disturbing sounds of pain roaring from Jesus' mouth. (John 19:1-3)
3. At the foot of the cross I hear the sobs, the cries of a mother whose heart was breaking for her Son. I hear repentance as some realize that He truly is the Son of God. I hear the groans of a Savior who willingly hung there for me. I hear the words "It is finished!" roll off His lips as He accomplished what the Father sent Him to do. (Matthew 27:33-56, John 19:30)
4. And finally I want you to meet me at the empty tomb. He is risen!!! Take a minute to rejoice over the resurrection. The weeping that you hear will soon turn to joy. Hear the voice of our Savior; this means that the prophecy has been fulfilled. Can you hear life conquering death? Listen to the sounds of worship given to a worthy King! Praise Him, Praise Him!!! (John 20:1-18, Luke 24:5, Matthew 28)
What do you hear? Soak up His Word and let it change your worship. I pray that this year we will not allow the familiar words of Easter to come and go. I pray that we hear them and live them just as Paul did. He said in Philippians 3:10 that I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death. Because of that death we have life, abundant life. The Father has so much to say - are you listening?
I'll close with a comment from Fred Craddock, in one of his Easter sermons"
"...even for disciples like Mary, Easter does not return her and Jesus to the past; Easter opens up a new future. The earthly ministry is over; now the ministry of the exalted, glorified, ever-abiding Christ begins. "Nevertheless I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Advocate will not come to you" (16:7). In fact, the one who believes will do even greater works than Jesus did, "because I am going to the Father" (14:12). Therefore, Jesus says to Mary Magdalene, "Do not hold on to me" (v. 17). Rather, she is to go and announce his resurrection and his ascension to the presence of God, from whose presence the Holy Spirit will come to lead, comfort, and empower the church." [p. 246]"
Prayer: Father, thank You for Your spoken word, for Your Son, for Your love. Give me a heart that listens more intently to You everyday. Never let the Easter story be far from my heart and mind, no matter what time of year it is. The darkness of FRIDAY has passed and now we may walk in the Light....
Your Friend
Ramona P.