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   Sometimes I find so hard to believe that in all the infinite space that God created that we are the only intellegent beings that God created in a way sometimes it hinders my faith even though I myselff have never seen anything else. Can anyone hlep me with this.

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David, I think you may well be right, but not have considered one angle when you said "They (fallen Angels & Satan) want us heavily involved in things such as aliens, ghost etc fictitious stuff like that; they are very happy people get involved in such things, when they really should be setting their minds in Christ,"


Do you not believe that it is possible that fallen angels may in fact be posing as visitors from space? Or, perhaps they are aliens who, as Jude said "who did not keep their own domain, but abandoned their proper abode"? (Jude 6, NASB)


Perhaps Satan is someone who had no authority on this planet, but usurped that authority through a clever scheme where he duped the original King of earth (Adam) and led him into the rebellion which Lucifer had already been causing against God?


Could that not explain why Father God's mercy compels him to redeem humanity? Since we were un-knowingly drawn into a rebellion?


When we speak of angels being "spirit" is that not a kindergarden word which means that they come from another dimension, a superior dimension to our own? Is it not possible that there are beings who inhabit other worlds that were restrained here since they disobeyed the Creator?




You got it bro. I tried to imply that very thing in my posts, but did not wanted to just come out and say it. I am glad you said it beloved. When I read Ezekiel 1 for the first time I thought I was for sure reading about a spaceship hahaha.


So I firmly believe that aliens and ghost as I have said before are demons posing as such. They have been extremely successful at having humanity preoccupied with everything else but God. even bling, bling ganster stuff, drugs, raves, disco and the list goes on and on and on, all the way back to Adam and Eve, hey you can be like God...



I have nothing but love for you bro. I am not into discussing such things. The pros and cons of such activities are very obvious and we don't really need to get into details, do we? We are not on the same page, as far as what my implications are when inserting Disco, rave or rock concerts into the mix.

Grazer: I was teasing earlier and I hope you are able to receive sarcasm as much as dish it out. 


In response to the dialogue you are having here with David, I will tell you that I have a lot of experience in this and have also researched it from scripture. God teaches not to do the things that pagans do. He has a reason for it. 


Raves and worldly music at concerts like this can be (and often are) forms of worship. You may or may not realize that, but your spirit is compromised when you allow yourself to be drawn into it. There are things that transcend intellect and which neither you nor I fully understand. One of them is the nature of demons and their power over the soul. 

Grazer, sorry for taking so long. I usually try to reply to direct questions quickly. As a follower of Jesus, I apply the following scripture as a rule to how I live:
"All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be mastered by anything." (1 Corinthians 6:12)

Many times, things that are considered acceptable and normal in the worldly people's eyes are not going to meet that standard. 


Like you, I have an affinity for powerful music of many kinds. But, there is a spirit that empowers the music on a spiritual level. That spirit is from the evil one. When I was saved, I took the time to look at all of the things in my world. After reading all of the books and records and tapes, I found that most of them did not meet the 1C6:12 standard of being "beneficial". In other words, they would not help me to walk in the Spirit. 


There are two roads, one leads to destruction and the other leads to life. I pray for you to choose life. 



Powerful response Scribe..  Amen!

Grazer -


Again - I have nothing but love for you and can debate till the cows come home, but since you are choosing to go down a path I don't appreciate or like. I will simply ignore your sarcasms and comments which only reveal your heart. If you chose to talk to me about any and all topics, please concentrate on the topic and not the person. Young man there is a beautiful thing about doing all we do in the light and having a good conscience before man and God. I never gave you a blessing for you to indulge in any topic, all I said is that I can care less if born again people care about the topic or not, that is what I said. I was not giving you permission or restricting you or anyone else. Your personal walk with God is just that, your personal walk, we do try to edify God’s people being led by the Spirit through all kinds of mediums and avenues, that we do try to do. :)



>>You can quote scripture but whether it actually applies to that situation is another matter entirely.


Now this statement is interesting, so Grazer show all of us how and why my opinion or interpretation of scripture may not apply to the situation. Now that is something I look forward to, instead of childish games of - I can at least show one place where you.... blah blah blah I have nothing but love for you and I tell you - don't go there, that is an unhealthy place. You do not impress anyone with such statements, but yourself.


So what are you up to? Have I upset you some way or disrespected, for you to come at me as you are, or what's cooking in your head. The rebellious, I do not care attitude does not impress me, nor move me, it’s simply a fleshly attitude that we all have to outgrow in our lives. Reroute it for God's kingdom, not to try to offend God's servants, your family. I am not your enemy and never will be, if you want healthy discussions, let’s have them, if you want to continue to go down the road you are heading, then we will continue to pray for you and act accord to God's leading.


Blessings beloved.




Love to you my friend. I will always endeavor to act according to the leading of the Spirit, hopefully without ever using such statement as an excuse for being rude. However beloved I must respond to each person individually. Grazer knows I love him and I know he loves me too, so we can take certain liberties with each other. I am committed to do as God leads me and hope my family in Christ can understand that. I respond to everyone according to the leading of God and that sometimes means not responding at all. If you can give me tips to do better sis, please do so, for after reading many of your posts I respect your impute and look forward to it, I truly mean what I just said. You have very good skills; please feel free to share with me privately through a message or here.


You are right that I never meant to imply that people are not important to me, but I did mean to say that I am not interested on some topics some of the family is into. I will discuss it, as I am doing in this thread, but without passion, for the topic is not interesting to me, in the same manner that it is to many, but is a topic I have looked into and have fabricated logical conclusions and opinions about it while doing the best I can to fabricate my counsel by keeping the full counsel of scripture in mind.  I think we should be able to state that a topic is not intresting to us, without feeling like we will hurt the ones that do. 


I appreciate you and thank you for stating your mind about the exchanges. I am always open to grow and learn, so your comments are appreciated.




Thank you Ama.


I am very aware that others are reading the responses and i am teaching something with them beloved.


My Lord continue to bless you.

Grace and peace to you Ama-


Act 17:11 became one of my favorite verses from my first reading of the New Testament. I am in 100% agreement with your post beloved. I encourage EVERYONE to question everything with the right motive and heart. To align everything a man says to the word of God and above all to seek the teacher of teachers for enlightenment.


If a teacher has issues with someone questioning his teachings with the right motives, that teacher is not apt to teach. Teachers should encourage healthy discussions of why they interpret scripture as they do.


Love to you and your home Sis. :)

Choco and family-


I love you dearly and you matter very much to me. Lately I have been running in many different directions. I refuse to use even this type of inquiry to tell about my responsibilities in Christ, for what we do, we do for the Lord. I am Christ's servant and yours as well and is obvious that I am failing at servicing you as I should, but I assure you is not because of lack of love towards you, but due to various factors. I tend to deal with the emails and messages of my family which the Lord impresses in my heart to respond to immediately. At other times I pray before responding and at other times, I wait upon the Lord to give me the words etc...


I am very flatter and blessed by your desire to get my opinion, praise God beloved and allow me to apologize to you and all others that have sent me E-mails and messages and I have not responded to lately. I been busy family, but I assure you again, is not lack of love. you are love and appreciate.


Blessings Choco and all. :)

Janet -


I appreciate that you are praying on this before responding, that is a beautiful thing. I feel led to say one thing to you and one thing only. Your significance should only be rooted in what the Lord states about you and not in what any human may or may not say beloved.


You have always been love and appreciated here by many .




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