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   Sometimes I find so hard to believe that in all the infinite space that God created that we are the only intellegent beings that God created in a way sometimes it hinders my faith even though I myselff have never seen anything else. Can anyone hlep me with this.

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i sorry im trying to understand your question: so your wondering if there is any other "being" God created?



Well the answer is that we are not alone. There are maybe billions of holy angels, may be many more, in the heavens. We are not alone. The universe is created by God and inhabited by him and his creation. We have no idea exactly where God and the angels reside but they are out there. There are different kinds of angels as well. So again, we are not alone. Here on earth we have God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, plus holy angels and fallen angels.



God the Father and God the Holy Spirit are Spirit, so the heavens are their dwelling place, as well as Jesus' who has a glorified body.



I feel like there may be life on other planets in different solar systems......

Oh anything is conceivable. Is conceivable I come from a monkey since I love bananas hahahaha, but no cigar. Is not about what is conceivable or not, is about what God's word says or doesn't say and what the purposes of our enemies are, not about what's conceivable. God created the Universe as big as it is to declare his glory, that is what scripture states.

Agree with Grazer!



ok - Why do you think there must be life out there other than holly or angels in rebellion?


I actually think it might be possible that God has created other things/entities which He has chosen not to tell us about, that is possible, but highly unlikely, because it appears to me that God wants us to know how special we are to him. We are so special that fallen angels hate us for it.


You are a bright young lady Kayla, think about it, do demons have anything to gain by entertaining us wiht such notions as aliens? Yes they do, they have much to gain. Do they have the capacity to deceive by creating experiences or visuals, if you will, to make us believe such things exist, yes they do. I could go on and on. I know biological life in the cellular level its extremely possible even in a planet as Mars, which can have underground rivers where the temperature allows for liquid water. Beyond our solar system, still remaining in the Milky Way there are huge possibilities of intelligent life, simply because of its size and that is not even considering the billions of other Galaxies, but I highly doubt it. I have study the topic for about 30 years and I am very convince we are very Special in God's eyes and the size of the universe is nothing to him, but huge to us and its meant to be awe inspiring, so we can entertain His glory.


But God is huge. Can't He love thousands of other planets with beings on? What's the point of creating other galaxies and planets with just one planet that sustains life?

Grazer, you make me laugh with this one:

"even if you accept that the word alien would have been foreign to the people"

... since the words are essentially interchangeable.

Roger, I would ask you a question: Where did you get the idea that God created no other intelligent beings?


The Bible clearly states there are many intelligent beings other than the children of Adam and Eve. They are named in certain categories, but are not detailed in specific. Clearly, it says there are two general categories: Angels, who are loyal to God and demons, which are former angels who rebelled.


Scripture mentions different types of Angels and different types of demons. But, the fact is that extensive speculation of that is not really pertinent to you and I. God makes us concerned for one thing: our relationship to Him. He will take care of the rest of the universe without needing our help. ;-)

The Bible doesn't mention oranges, as far as I have ever read. That doesn't mean that Jesus denied their existence.
>>Unlikely is not the same as impossible and just because you doubt it doesn't mean it's impossible. I see nothing un-Godly in believing in the existence of aliens or entertaining the possibility that there is other intelligent life in this universe - no matter how un-likely it may be - the bible doesn't say anything about it, even if you accept that the word alien would have been foreign to the people of that time.

I notice you use the word un-godly a lot to describe views that differ from your own David.

Grazer - I doubt you can find one place where I used the words un-godly. I don't use those words much and if I do, which I don't recall using it, is because whatever I was talking about is probably un-godly :) hahaaha I do not throw out statements just to throw them out there. I do not have time to give proper responses lately since life in Christ is beautiful and very busy, but if I make a statement saying something is ungodly, I assure you I can back it up with the word of God and is not just because someone’s view differs from mine. If I ignore some posts where a person may think they have made a case for their stance, is not because I cannot make a case for mine and a biblical case at that, it’s simply that the matter is not that important to me and lately I don’t have much time to do so. I don’t debate issues such as this one. I can care less whether a born again child of God wants to believe aliens exist or not, I really don’t care about such things anymore. I spend years studying the topic and understand the folks that are into it now, though I was never into it as some are. I was simply researching the validity of the so call evidence and its very shady stuff, but again, I personally don’t care if they do or not. It means absolutely nothing to me, to my walk with Christ if there are other intelligent lives out there or not, absolutely nothing.

A kid knows that unlikely is not the same as impossible, so no argument there and in this here topic I am simply exchanging ideas, not stating what the bible says, but I know enough about the system of the world, principalities and darkness to see why they are interested on people believing in aliens. We do not fight flesh and blood but the kingdom of Satan. They want us heavily involved in things such as aliens, ghost etc fictitious stuff like that; they are very happy people get involved in such things, when they really should be setting their minds in Christ, but if they can keep a healthy balance and not become heavily involve in things that really have no bearing at all in how we live our lives then is all good, I suppose.
Blessings to you bro.


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